Eradication of Earths population loves... Polaris
CRank: 5Score: 15860

Lookin' good! I hope it plays great!

5473d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In the end... it will be a cream dream supreme.

5474d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why would a GOW game have co-op? It doesn't fit in.

5474d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does anyone else feel that this is the case... The Last Guardian=Last remaining Colossus? The colossi were guardians... Is this a loosely related sequel?

5474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5474d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think that even though the PSN is free, the use of the FFXIV servers and whatever else comes to that gae, would be on a subscribers fee, separate from SONY. All the money would likely go to S-E, so this technically won't break SONYs ethos... That is, if they do it right... OR if S-E feels generous (which I HIGHLY doubt...)

5474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great! At least, for an older game, this company is STILL showing support. YOU GO MIDWAY/WHOEVER IS KEEPING THIS UP!

5474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just want to say this with no ill will to ANY 360/PS3 owners... When something is announced as "console" exclusive, even if it can/is going on a PC, that means that it IS exclusive to that console no matter if it goes to PC. A PC is used for anything and everything from using the internet, to typing up papers for school/work. Consoles, on the other hand, are ONLY for playing games (even though they have exrtas like the 360 with its Netflix deal, or PS3 with its internet browser ap...

5474d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry this is off topic but this guy pissed me off for coming to a PS3 related game forum and talk trash...
Just because PS3 owners don't want 90% of their library to be money grubbing franchises that keep spitting out more of the same, or "exclusive" content/games that eventually become multiplatform after every single 360 fan tries rubbing it into PS3 owners faces that they have it first, doesn't mean that people can't get a little hyped for various titles that ...

5474d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The FFXIV announcement is WAAAY too early, and worse yet, they CLAIM it will be out in 2010. That just means they spread their company WAY TOO THIN to make anything really groundbreaking. While XIII LOOKS good, it's probably going to feel terrible, all because SE is in the hole financially with 3 games in the same universe in production, while now pushing the much needed manpower to start creating another MMO that I don't think belongs in a series such as FF. Why did they even make 3 games at...

5474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The demo that came with AAC wasn't really that great, although they claim that was from an OLD build of the game. But everything felt really restricted (more than any other FF in the past) and terribly rushed, even with 3+ years of dev time behind it. Now with SE contradicting what they said about 360 development not beginning til AFTER the PS3 version (showing off a demo on the 360) leads me to believe they are scrambling all their resources to get things finished quickly and cash in on the ...

5474d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It IS a Castlevania game.

5475d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

People should stop leaving comments on every GOW3 article since every other one says '90,'10,'09,'10,'09,'10. It's pissing me off because every other news mag/company/crap blogger thinks they have information that HASN'T BEEN RELEASED! Until the E3 Sony conference is over, STOP POSTING SPECULATION GOW3 CRAP!

5475d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

<----Moved to other zone

5475d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the best song from SotN was at the Clock Tower part (can't remember if that was the name of the secton.) Jumping across the broken bridge platforms before they fell all the while avoiding/killing the small/giant floating skulls. The guitar work in that was killer!

5475d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really? I hope this is it. And if it was shown last year, all this extra time better be for the best. From the graphics to the gameplay, SotN owns all previous iteration... especially the soundtrack! Holy crap was that music GREAT! All instrumental music, and it still KILLS actual signed bands that ooze out crap all the time like Nickleback or Linkin Park.

5475d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like my Castlevania assumption from when this name was announced a week or two ago was correct. That's great! I'm all for a new battle with Dracula! I wish this or a future iteration would bring back Alucard and all the people involved(dev wise) in SotN, since that was the best of the Castlevanias, in my personal opinion.

5475d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Alright, after reading donnie080208's comments about the 360, I have to squash this (no hard feelings donnie)... THE 360 IS A WESTERN MARKET PRODUCT DEVELOPED BY THE WEST AND AIMED AT... THE WEST! THE PS3 IS AN EASTERN MARKET PRODUCT WITH MANY PEOPLE IN THE WEST BEHIND IT. STOP WITH THE ELITIST 360 CRAP. MOST OF AMERICA/AMERICANS OWN A 360 BECAUSE MOST OF ITS SUPPORT AND GAMES COME FROM/DEVELOP OVER HERE! I'm sick of always hearing that god damn argument and the mods should do their jobs bett...

5475d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do welcome any and all new games, bt a little diversity would be good, especially 2 RTS games from the same dev. Savage Moon and PJ Monsters are already RTS, and at least one other game as well. I just hope they're good so my complaint of them being another RTS is put to rest.

5476d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I think even though IW has the better dev team for a game such as this, I HIGHLY doubt there will be masses of DLC for this. Last time they promised us more maps after the first map pack, along with MANY bug fixes and problematic players always killing team members, yet... where is all that was promised?

5476d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment