to travel the best open world RPG's is the true test of the true gamer


CRank: 75Score: 1703505

EA are a corporate giant whose mandate is to churn out mass produced quantity as quickly as possible.

Can't blame Bioware for wanting a quicker slice of this particular cake - it's a fact that their games are becoming more & more streamlined & seriously simplified to enable faster production & mass appeal.

4790d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Biggest culprit - FABLE.

From all the hype we were led to believe we were getting an RPG to best Balders & Gate & Elder scrolls by a counrty mile. What we got was essentially a cartoony & goofy casual game that would have been perfectly at home on the Wii.

4800d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why so late ? most gamers have played this to death and moved on.

4801d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

churning out quick turn-around dumbed down 'rpgs' for the masses for fast profit is what Bioware are about now.

Nothing wrong in that mind, but it's the equivalent of Elvis Presley deciding to record one minute Country & Western records instead of Rock n' Roll.

Sad to say that the masses would have bought into that too and believed it a superior product as well.

4808d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

it basically depends if you're are a high-end RPG player (Elder Scrolls/Fallout/Divinity 2/Witcher etc) or just enjoy games in general.

I would definitely get it if you just enjoy games in general.

If you're an RPG player then you'll be extremely disappointed as you'll find Bioware have casualised the game and stripped out most of the fundemental rpg elements.

4814d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

the review says it's a massive disappointment. And it is. If you're a high-end RPG gamer that is.

4815d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

David Farr takes himself and games far too seriously and blogs in a pseudo political style - what on earth he's doing 'reviewing' games when he should be commenting on the White House and events in the middle east, is beyond me.

4825d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good and factual comment - this is exactly what Bioware are doing and EA is definitely a factor.

The issue is Bioware are doing good business quickly with what are fast becoming run of the mill games whereas CD Project, Bethesda etc are doing great business slowly but with ever more innovative & excellent games.

Biowares business model makes complete sense of course and they won't give a monkeys arse but it's a huge shame for the majority of the v...

4841d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

get it right - these games are seriously dumbed down casualised fantasy beat em up hack & slashers. Not rpgs.

4841d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this isn't the only review to take this view - several other sites are voicing strong critisism too.

the truth hurts.

'Bout time some gamers wake up to the fact that Bioware are giving RPGs a bad name.

4842d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

'never judge a book by it's cover' = 'never judge a game by it's demo'.

Whilst some folks clearly like the game there is a growing split in opinion as more and more gamers wake up to what Bioware are doing - there is clearly an issue with Bioware dumbing down & casualising their games.

4842d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is what happens when you dumb down, casualise & commercialise an established genre (RPG). A below par game that good have been great.

Two worlds Two is getting some better reviews than DA !

Wake up Bioware.

4842d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that's because the first game WAS crap. As an RPG.

As a dumbed down casual fantasy wotsit for the masses it was rather good however, just not as an rpg.

4842d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

ever heard the expression 'never judge a book by its cover ' ? Well, there's a similar expression in gaming: 'never judge a game by its demo'. DA:O (and ME:2) were good games in their own right but were seriously dumbed down RPG's - technically still RPGs but barely. DA:II has stripped back the rpg elements even further way beyond the line so it is no longer an RPG at all.

It's a fact that Bioware has been attracting a lot of negative publicity in ...

4844d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

masterpiece ? I don't think so !

There's an old saying: 'Never judge a book by it's cover' and in gaming there's a similar saying: 'Never judge a game by it's trailer/Demo/Gameplay snippet'.

DA:O (and ME:2) were good games in their own right but were seriously dumbed down RPG's - technically still RPGs but barely. DA:II has stripped back the rpg elements even further way beyond the line so it is no longer an RPG at all....

4845d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

ever heard the expression 'never judge a book by its cover ' ? Well, there's a similar expression in gaming: 'never judge a game by its demo'.

I've played all Biowares games, and many, many more others. Don't get me wrong - they're good games but just not RPG's and it's wrong of Bioware to market them as such.

DA:O (and ME:2) were good games in their own right but were seriously dumbed down RPG's - technically still...

4845d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

epic rpg ? I don't think so - it's not really an rpg & the game has been significantly shortened from the original...

funny how Bioware are still able to fool some folks.

4846d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think you misunderstand my friend - look at the facts.

DA:O was a seriously dumbed down RPG - technically still an RPG (just) but barely. DA:II has stripped back the rpg elements even further & beyond the line so it is no longer an RPG.

Just because a game utilises some basic rpg elements or in Biowares case retains a few doesn't mean it's an rpg.

It's a fact that DA is getting a lot of negative publicity in the press both o...

4847d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

yes indeed, and in DA you cannot customise your character to any depth, the decisions you make are pretty linear and actually don't change outcomes to any great degree, there's no open world or exploration and there's more cinematics than most feature films.

You can choose your class but you can do that in most war & shooter games these days and the xp & levelling is now so basic that they are at the level of games such as Devil May Cry, Bioshock & Ge...

4847d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

RPG fans are not that interested in DA because it's not an RPG.

the rpg-ness has been stripped right back & the little that remains has been casualised. Instead you'll find Bioware have replaced the rpg elements with cinematic cut scenes - over 30% of the game is cinematics !

so, it's a fine action fantasy game but it sure aint an RPG.

4848d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment