CRank: 5Score: 2120

@shmeedy. Everyone has there own opinion but how can you have an opinion on a game you never played! Saying that halo 5 sucks, is like saying the whole current gen sucks from start to finish without knowing whats coming out! Not to mention the growth in game development that comes with years of experience on said consoles! Yes opinions are like but h :-( les everybody has one, please keep it closed shut ! Moving on, man i cant wait for halo5 it has me pumped like no other fps game thi...

3178d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Without a doubt the best racer on current gen in my opinion! The sense of speed is like no other even surpassing PCars. The graphics the sound, the feel of rush makes Forza6 the epic drive play! I give F6 a whopping 9.5 out of ten only to be out done by F7 with DX12 tiled resources! Game on!

3188d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow i cant believe its going on 10 long years since i first read an article on the first mass effect! I said long but the truth is short because since i started gaming on the xbox360 & ps3 time has past me by like no tomarrow, its like father time had a vise grip on me lol part of me wishes commander shepard was in this mass effect. Thinking back on one of the endings from ME3 when shepard was on the floor dead and then suddenly he took that fast breath had me going nuts like holey shizzl...

3188d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I dont know man? This seems like a rental! This game play footage is nothing like the reveal game play where at the end luke sw. Charges Darth Vader! That had me pumped, but this only gives me the impression that what we saw was pc footage and this is the console port. The reveal was much more explosive and those sound effects were epic to say the least! I need to check this game out more before anything! Big ? PS: and dont get me started on the lack of an single player campaign damn it man!...

3188d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I always felt like, man gears 2 & especially 3 would have been so much better had it still had the dark tone of the fisrt gears! Remember that really tense sound effect when ever a bad @ss boomer showed up! Some how it only appeared in gears 1. Every time i heard that sound i got nervous knowing that a checkpoint reload was only a boomshot away! Good times... Iam glad that rod f. Is stearing the coalition towards current gen supreamness, with dx12 & unreal engin 4 gears 4 will define ...

3189d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The best intro i ever seen! Go xboxone, game on!

3199d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Progress as usual for team xbox! Off topic: crazy how people compared phill spencer to that other former head of xbox with that fake gta4 tatoo on his arm, forgot his name, on how much better he was at the job that is xbox! He did good but lets not forget how he abandoned ms and went with ea! Phill has dedicated himself to the ecosystem of xbox and more for well over a decade! Also if mattrick was still in charge, xboxone as a whole would be down in the ground! Him with all that tv tv tv. Gla...

3204d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Although i only played ms4 and not the 1st three, im very excited to play ms5pp and get my covert opps game play on once again! To bad their's much less story driven cut scenes in the game. Hope it does't affect the overall enjoyment! Man those cut scenes in mgs4 were explosive to say the least even to this day many years later! Kajima should write his very own, how to make kick ass games book! Cause other devs can most def take a page or two from it! Game on!

3207d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lets not forget the xboxone was built with dx12 in mind! Remember when p.spencer said there's no way were giving up 30 to 40 percent performance differance over the ps4! The xboxone held its own without the dx12 api, so its safe to say that with it, xb1 should be on par if not a little bit better than the ps4! B4 any ps4 fans get upset at me let me be clear as to say that was only my opinion and nothing more! I like both consoles! Im a game fan not a brand fan, to end i will be geting the...

3214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it will help alot in the sales cause many kids want to play halo5, to continue the saga from h4 or being new to the franchise! Me being in game stop i saw teens try and buy m rated games to only be told where are your parents! I was like wow they really do go by the ratings! T rating is good in my book, never really saw the m in the halo games, but thats just me. Game on!

3218d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man i really hope this pans out like they say cause then only the sky's the limit! Would it really count as the worlds most powerful console, or most powerful feature? Anyhow this is fantastic news for all xbox owners & gamers alike! If ps4 owners really end up liking cd3 and the power of the cloud, they to can buy it cause a real gamer should not be held back by games on a platform that they dont support! Games are for everybody! Game on......

3224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sot looks fantastic, from what was shown at e3. Still, little is known about the game! Im guessing that rare wanted to do this game before but was unable to do to the limitted ram in the 360 andwhat not. I heard rare has another game being developed, here's hoping its an explosive new ip that clearly says rare is back new and improved! Cause besides kinect games they have been dormant in the AAA scene!

3232d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xboxone selling more units than 360 in the same amount of time is very good, considering that 360 had no other next gen console to go up against! For a hole year! Growth in the xbox community will deffinitly help out the mp games player count. 2nd place this gen is not the first loser! Xboxone is doing fantastic all the way around, with w10 new sdk, bc, and a great line up of games for this holliday! Xbox doing good is also good for ps4 cause compitition is healthy for both sides of the fenc...

3233d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Looking back at 2013 its clear that the xboxone was launched before time! The amount of content and os improvements tells the story. More over its truley exciting to see all these enhancements implemented in the new games to come, that way we can all sit back and compare the games old and new, great way to see the growth in the xbox ecosystem! Game on!

3245d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its always good to here devs comments on the extra flexability that the 7th core gives to devs! Moving forward, the new games coming out at res. 1080p, will they have the same fps as the ps4 or will they have an advantage say 60 fps to 30-45 on ps4! Before anyone on ps4 camp gets mad, i like both sides of the fence even though i prefer xbox! Does this mean the gap is over with? Or surpassed? In any event, this is good news for gamers as a whole cause progress on the x team means motervation o...

3248d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It would have been great to have g.raam in the hole gow trilogy! Killing him in the 1st game was a bad call imo. Since then, there has not been a boss that felt like a boss in gears 2,3 and judgement! 3's boss was ok but the fact that without the bug she was utterly useless, not a single shot fired! And why the hell did she look human? They never clarrified that in the trilogy. 2's boss was a joke, just point & fire the dawn no skills needed! Judgements, the same problem as in gea...

3250d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

If there was a game i wish didt get down graded from the reveal trailer its got to be darksiders2, looking at that stone giant from afar as death fights his way towards it was truely epic! I thought nextgen's graphics were going to look like that trailer and better. Well time will tell if xboxone will indeed get to that graphic fidelity!

3254d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sometimes games get downgraded for obvious reasons, that doest take away from the enjoyment to be had with said game! Gameon!

3254d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think they should go for it, but at least let another studio do the game. Same story n game play but let the current gen utilize its hardware features n power!

3291d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

youPlease advise... What are you a robot? Xboxone has the better games now and later! The only gap you should mentioned is the gap in your games not having the xbox with the best games! Keep your 1080p and your lack of good games! Xboxone gameon!

3296d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment