
CRank: 6Score: 12980


I've said this a couple of times before and ill say it again.

The shift in attitude that your talking about NEEDED to happen. Why? Cause the supposed hardcore gamers abondoned Nintendo during the N64 and Gamecube years while they proceeded to get destroyed in Sales to the likes of Sony.

What was Nintendo supposed to do? Continue to compete for the same market as Sony ( and later Microsoft ) and get destroyed in sales again?...

4370d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo should really understand why their E3 2010 conference got such praise amongst a lot of people.

They had the games. Cut out the BS. And had the surprises also that we the fans were interested in

This? What was this. Third party games, almost all of them already released which we know about, surprises that dont matter. And first party titles that outside of Pikmin, dont look that great.

This felt like they mixed elements of the 2008 ...

4381d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can see that at next years E3 for sure.

Now? Too early. Maybe a teaser but..... nah. lol.

4381d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well Dont blame Nintendo for that. Blame the people who abandoned them during the N64 and Gamecube years when they got destroyed in Sales. Where were all the "hardcore gamers" then? ( Especially during the N64 years considering the quality games the system had compared to the gamecube ). So they did what was best for the company, stopped directly competing with Sony and Microsoft and do their own thing and Focus on another segment of the market.

Wii and DS come alon...

4393d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've played ALTTP, OOT, WW, TP ( the game many didnt like lol), Minish Cap, FSA and now SS.

Skyward Sword was the first time I hated a Zelda game and stopped playing after a couple of dungeons ( in particular, the 4th dungeon, Ancient Cistern). I believe what they need to is 2 things beyond what the article said.
1. Cut the filler and unnecessary tasks. I have absolutely no problem in doing tasks in between dungeons but this game was absolutely ridiculous. Especia...

4394d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Not after skyward sword.

4407d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

After how average skyward sword was.... Yes please. This series has stagnated and needs a refresh badly. Retro did a great job with DKCR and did a fantastic job with the Prime games so this might be exactly what the series needs.

4409d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

At this point it isn't about whether or not it can sell or not. I'm sure they can localize at the very least one of the three titles and not hurt their bottom line that much considering their already getting localized for europe ( in terms of zenoblade and last story ) and the fact that they've a ton of money this gen. Nintendo says it wants to get core gamers back with the wii u. If want to show that, they should start by filling an currently abysmal lineup with the only games to...

4722d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

its most likely a harp.


Move to the 6 minute mark.

If this is the instrument. Its not much of a secret anymore.

4724d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. This is from a customer service rep
2. Read this from the same website released 3 hours later.
Its not true.

4726d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

title's very misleading, it really should really say " nearly dropped motion plus" as part of the title, but aw well, thats what it was.

4736d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sort of agree, but its more in the terms of their hardware rather then software that people continue to call them innovative i think.

4737d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

boy.... your kinda full of it.

3d- people are still saying the 3d on the 3ds is just a gimmick. Why do you think there are some who just say that the 3d is just a regular ds with 3d?
AR- ok. you got that point. thats fine. not gonna argue that.
Motion control - first off, Nintendo has been experimenting with motion control for a while ( power glove ), but yes when looking at the wii vs move Sony did show it off first. However, this is more of who took the r...

4738d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Maybe their not targeting Nintendo? Who knows.
If what their saying is actually true, then its nothing really.

They wouldn't also show what they did either ( have no idea what this is honestly.... apparently...

4747d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


Maybe their not targeting Nintendo? Who knows.
If what their saying is actually true, then its nothing really.
They wouldn't also show what they did either ( have no idea what this is honestly.... apparently its wh...

4747d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

@Silent Negotiator
Sure thats what you think and its your opinion, but in the end, at that time, they had announced a ton of games that had pleased their fanbase. And thats all tnat matters.

Ya, Sony did announce a ton of games as well, but going into the press conference last year for Nintendo, people weren't expecting much. Announcing all the games they did plus the reveal of the 3ds definately helped them have a great conference which surprised everyone.

4749d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well to be fair, everyone counted Nintendo out last year after two average showings ( 08 was crap, 09 was okay), and look what happened then. They suprised everyone and had an awesome showing for their fanbase. Microsoft could very well do the same thing and surprise everyone. But they could also screw up again badly.

But ya right now, it is between Sony and Nintendo. With the exclusives along with the NGP to show off, and with the new console for Nintendo, they're both l...

4749d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


Hate to be the one to point this out, but if this article is infact true ( which i doubt )..... then those numbers for the 3ds could potentially be shipped not sold.

4766d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Better graphics: I dont think there are many who dispute that.
Controls: We'll see.
Games: Shouldn't make judgement on that yet.
Memory Format: ..ok...
Touchscreens: ........ ok........ im not sure if it really matters .....
Cameras: Does that really matter?
To go back on topic, Nintendo doesn't need to release another console this year. Simply put they dont need to at this point in time. Even though their software lineup right now i...

4867d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


maybe..... but i dont really see that ....

Oh wait ... maybe here when other typical fanboys are trashing other consoles... like Nintendo... and there are some Nintendo fanboys feel to respond back in the same way.

4870d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment