CRank: 5Score: 4950

While I'm sure the xbox event was heaven for plenty of people, there was almost nothing there that caught my interest. The one game probably being hundred heroes and that's not even exclusive. It's also 2 years away.

Meanwhile nintendo shows a new 2D metroid console game, Mario party with throwback levels, the Mario golf game (I don't even like golf but that shit looks wild), a new warioware, a crazy ass arcade racer, and 2 games people have literally been d...

1089d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hold up this is new information for me. Developers PAY to attend e3? And millions at that??? Wtf?

1089d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

You're definitely not wrong. I do give Horizon a pass tho. I really enjoyed the story and fighting giant robot dinosaurs

1112d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Most definitely. It was such a fun and fresh game that was pretty much bound to die fast cuz of x1 exclusivity. I love Ratchet and Clank and Rift apart looks great but we've had plenty of Ratchet and Clank titles now. Let's give more love to the new guy

1124d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think the only one I can name for this is Platinum. They're really the one studio that can announce almost anything and it'll get me as hype as a little kid going to the toy store. They do exactly what I what I wish most devs would do and that's make new and original games, most which end up being a blast.

Madworld's comic/manga style and ultra violence with hilarious and dark commentary from the in game announcers, Bayonetta's Crazy ass action with a ...

1127d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can ALL the blame be put on sony tho? They probably focus on the same damn type of game cuz that's all people buy. The fun, unique games that try to stand out and be different are mostly ignored. Everyone is mad af about last of us remake but watch it sell millions of copies

1159d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Gotta be careful man. The internet doesn't understand sarcasm too well

1159d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

I really do believe he got screwed over somehow. Maybe he didn't get a big enough budget, issues with the dev team, maybe the better devs were busy with other projects, maybe he had to get it out in a short period of time. It has to be SOMETHING cuz there's no way dude looked at the final game and said "Yes. This is the game I wanted to create". It literally feels incomplete

1161d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The biggest agree. But when someone brings up great points like this, theyre "stuck in the past" or "blinded by nostalgia" or some dumb shit. Its like people forgot who capcom was. Or maybe they never even knew

1166d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Now dont get me wrong. Im very glad cappy is doing so great financially, but they still have a long way to go before they become great again. If theyre not gonna make new stuff like how they used to then bring back some of the many, MANY beloved properties you were known so well for.

Yes they have brought back megaman, GnG, DMC, and we got shinsekai, but not before we got like 17 resident evils, and 12 street fighters. Instead of street fighter 6 can we get a new fighter? A...

1166d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Meh. It sucks but this ain't enough for me to turn my back on the game. Worse has been done. Asuras wrath and kh3 remind for example

1173d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im not saying 30fps is some kind of taboo or anything, but I think most if not all games from here on should just have performance options. Unless a game is coming from a smaller dev team who may not have the money or resources or whatever to make their game run at 60frames or if 30 frames is part of the games style, then 60fps should be a standard now. But again just give the option cuz why not?

1196d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

same as nintendo directs. People have sky high expectations and wanna get mad when none of said expectations were shown. This was pretty much just an update on announced games with a couple new things here and there. I mean, what were people expecting to see in 30 minutes? lol

1201d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

A little hard to get hype for release dates when delays are happening so often now. Hope everything goes well

1216d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course the machine used to make video games would be the best platform to play them on.

1282d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

A game doesn't have to be shorter to be better. I'd find these larger games more enjoyable if they actually had more interesting things to do. Don't give me a 60 hour game when about 40 of those hours are forced walking segments, unwanted "stealth" missions, clearing enemy camps, or collecting 700 scattered items, miles apart from each other, on the map. Just give me the story. Give me exciting missions, hype boss battles and more mechanics to play with

1296d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How many games do you people play at a time? I probably cycle thru 2, maybe 3 big games and a few indies. Once I play thru and platinum a game I delete it and replace it with another game. If I ever want to revisit it I'll delete another game that I most likely completed, and reinstall. Did that the whole ps4 gen and never had any problems. This storage issue is but a small inconvenience.

1300d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its always nice to see I'm not alone cuz BOY I've been thinking the same thing forever now. Everything is Street fighter, resident evil, and monster hunter. I can't complain too much since we did get dmc5 and pragmata is coming...eventually, but its irritating that before we get something new we have to get 17 resident evils or 8 street fighters.

1301d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Idk how one can say the ps5 launch lineup is weak. Miles Morales, godfall, sackboy, demons souls, Astros playroom. I would need at least 3 games to be satisfied. Thats definitely enough to hold me until more titles drop

1316d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The ps5 definitely has more for me right now but both sides still have issues they need to fix. None of Microsoft exclusives are interesting to me, and yea Sony games are great but I'm getting a bit tired of the open world cinematic shit. Spiderman, horizon, God of War, and sushi ghost are all amazing titles but they seem to share the same formula

1354d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment