CRank: 5Score: 4540
5193d ago
5193d ago
5193d ago

Yeah, I have the game pre-orderd, and I was looking forward to picking it up tomorrow. Not to say I am no longer excited, but it does ruin the mood for me. Its scums like these that ruin video games for people, and it seems this site is infested with them.

5193d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


The person who spoiled the game for everyone, I sincerely hope you live the rest of your life as the sad pathetic piece of trash you have proven yourself to be. If you had ANY humanity, or simple a sense of reason, then you wouldn't have pulled a stupid stunt like this today.

Xbox gamers always call PS3 fanboys the worst of the bunch, and a embarrassment to gamers, but never once had I seen them go as far as to ruin the ending to a highly anticipated game (t...

5193d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

No, the site you speak of quoted from IGN:

5204d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

From IGN's preview:

"As expected, the 360 version was noticeably less crisp than its PS3 counterpart, but it still ran nicely."

Not sure what to believe anymore.

5204d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

The game is NOT multiplaform. The CV listing of an developer they mentioned is for Final Fantasy XIV, which listed an Xbox 360 version along with the PS3 and PC.

Final Fantasy Versus XIII is still a PS3 exclusive, because there are no rumors or announcements that suggest otherwise.

5204d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Watch the trailer again, on the gametrailer website. The "character" is clearly an actual person filmed when dressed in a costume suit for the entire trailer. Its particularly evident in the beginning, when he is crouching in the grass field. If you think otherwise, then fine by me. I'm not trying to start anything, but only stating my opinion, however biased it may seem to you.

5218d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, no. The entire trailer is a mix of live-action and CGI, much like the Halo 3 ODST TV spot. In no way can this "teaser" suggest that the game has a better, or even worse, graphics than any certain game out there.

5218d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes....because the trailer is live-action, and no gameplay (or even in-game cinematics, for that matter) are even shown. Good to know, however, that you can judge the graphics of a game without ever even seeing it.

5218d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the same site that suggested GeoW3 will be announced during the VGAs, simply because Geoff Keighley tweeted to Epic saying "I'll see you there".

Seriously, these guys at Examiner are morons. They have nothing better to do than to stalk people on tweeter, and then come up with wildly stupid speculations based on meaningless tweets. Geoff most likely capitalized "Epic" to hype the Platinum title being announced on Thursday, overemphasizing on its "e...

5219d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ahh, there was already a "Monster Hunter Frontier" released back in 2007....on the PC, and it is a online multiplayer game. I don't see how they would release another game (sequel presumably) but only adding "Online" in the name, considering the original was already online in the first place. Everything about this just seems improbable. So unless this is a direct port to the 360 (from the PC version back in 2007), I'm guessing there is some kind of a translation error.... ...

5221d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

*Am I reading this correctly? Is the article claiming that Dragon Age Origins is one of the best looking game of this generation?

5241d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The PlayStation 3 version ran better out of the two with fewer problems with the framerates and screen tearing."

Does my eyes deceive me? This is definitely good news, and I might just consider picking up this baby on day 1!

5246d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry, I didn't know you were the author of that comparison. Needless to say, I completely agree with rezenu. Not only is it pointless to compare two games, both of which holds up just fine on their own, they should not be pinned against each other. Not only will you achieve nothing from it, since either sides will claim victory no matter what the truth might be, it'll also cause much unnecessary debate.

The fact is, you can't prove anything from a comparison video. The Forza peo...

5259d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"both have claimed superiority over each other, so we're putting them to the test and making them put their money where their mouth is."

Ah, I see, this is all clear to me now. By showing that GT5 is superior to Forza 3, you've successfully DESTROYED Turn 10 studio. Because of this extremely important comparison/debate, Turn 10 may never want to create a Forza 4 ever again, as GT6 would just crush them all over again!

You've done wonders for the gaming com...

5259d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

People need to stop beating on a dead horse. Who the hell cares which game looks and plays better? If you have the PS3, you'll get GT5. If you have the Xbox, you'll get Forza 3. If you have both, then you'll happily own both games. Neither side will gain any grounds in this utterly pathetic excuse of a debate. You people give gamers a bad name.

Anyway, just by playing the GT5 demo, I am quite impressed by the visuals of the car models. However, the game is still unfinished, so i ...

5259d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

"The day it was released has sold 100 million copies of Final Fantasy XIII PS3 exclusive software"

I literally pissed my pants when I first saw that. LOL

But anyways, 1 million copies is to be expected! Great job SE and Sony!

5260d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey SE, why not just give the game an option to CHOSE which character to use....say....IN ONE SINGLE GAME?!

Giving Japan an extra version, which turns out to be exactly the same, will just stir nothing but confusion to most people. On top of that, this game has already flown under most people's radars, and this move won't help much either.

5262d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment