baitin 1 out over gt5 videos
CRank: 5Score: 12660

but that was when RS San Diego was in charge. I just hope this isn't some forgotten project that they're dashing out to keep sony happy.
on the other hand, it seems pretty top secret, and rockstar have only ever disappointed me once, so i'm gonna keep the faith

5313d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Look at the haters whine.
@rekonizakilla - Let me ask you a question, if someone what kicking your teeth in and bullying you are a regular basis, and someone else came by and kicked their arse for constantly picking on you, would you consider your defender to be a violent or peaceful person"

He wasn't kicking my ass cos he's a bully, he was was kicking my ass cos I kicked his sister in the kunt.
And the guy sticking up for me, was the guy who paid me to...

5318d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so what is new about natal? ................hurry i'm waiting.
nobody has seen it working yet

5318d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Don't you have to actually invent something to get a freakin medal for inventing something?

5318d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

Trust me when I tell you that pes is as solid as a rock online now.
The thing you need to remember is that all good pes games start out really tuff, but you just gotta put the hours in.
The stratagy options are really effective, and for the first time in a few years an improvement has been made. Keith Ramsdales reasons for predicting week sales for pes is a valid one, but read the review from this site for the game and you'll see it's neither fair or true.
I bought fifa f...

5324d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Codemasters got the rights for that now, but we might see 2008/07 cars in the game. Can't remember where I heard that so t might be bollucks

5329d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Those are good no's for US. and b4 people say ha ha uc2 beaten by an overpriced exp pack, just remember the 360 is halo , and that's the main reason 360 owners go crazy for it.

That is not a dis on halo btw.

5345d ago 14 agree13 disagreeView comment

Did you lose a bet or something?

5345d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's great, but what about the EU release? which if I'm not mistaken is gt's biggest fanbase.

5348d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

it's called paying respect u absolute pr1ck.

Rip magic

5359d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

It can't twitch, how silly of me. It'll just catch on fire.

5359d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Are you bragging about a 360 game looking better than a psp game?
Wow first f3 gets taken out by shift and gt5p, and now the psp's pissing on the 360 while it's twitching on the floor.

5359d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope it's a world wide release for March.

5359d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Take 1 vg charts article, add 1 pinch (or fistfull) of salt and swallow.
I think they've under estimated ps3 sales. We'll see.

5360d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

425 pounds without any games.
It was worth every penny.

5360d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

thanks for bringing that up dude. Infamous,I could care less clearly implies that you do care, and your preceding comment suggests that you don't. It really isn't that hard to understand. Do you guys say it in some kind of ironic way, or is this idiocracy the movie?

5360d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

naughty dog and guerilla are the aliens

5362d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

He says his mate has played it, and he once had lag in a game.

First, that's not an article, it's just an opinion piece.
Second, Does he not know you can play online on ps3?
By the way how's that web browser looking on your beloved xbox?

5362d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

It was microsoft monthly....................... ............................... ............................... ....
I mean destructoid.
But seriously though, Forza probably handles a little more realistic than shift, and maybe has better features, but definitive racing game of this gen it is NOT.
At the end of the day shift looks better.

5364d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yo forza 3, I'm gone letchoo finish, I'm gone let you finish, It's just that pd's gt5 is the best damn racing sim of all time.

I'm a genius

5366d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment