CRank: 5Score: 99080

Retards like you are just pathetic. There are far more revealing outfits, being this pathetic over 6 inches of lace is truly pitiful. Can't imagine how miserable your life has to be. It was a creative choice from the director, don't like his choice? Good. Then don't buy their game. Can't believe these people are crying over 6 inches of lace.

20d ago 2 agree17 disagreeView comment

There was no censorship, just a group of inbreds crying, nothing more. The director himself said this was the final design. Also, I am still waiting for one of you people to explain why they didn't censor the more revealing outfits? Care to explain?

20d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

"back in the 90’s if a game didn’t had blood, skimpy outfits and violence it wouldn’t sale."

You are joking right? There are numerous games that didn't have any of that and still sold well

21d ago 15 agree23 disagreeView comment

This is one of the saddest pathetic shit I have ever seen. The videos are so cringey. All this over 6 inches of lace.

21d ago 21 agree54 disagreeView comment

I am still waiting for all these people to explain why Sony didn't censor the more revealing outfits. These people are just desperately to play victim

21d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment


So you are telling me, Sony somehow missed all the other more revealing outfits and forced Shift up to put 6 inches of lace on this? Wow, mission accomplished 👏 , that is some high level censorship right there. What is funny is, you idiots would have believed him if he said the opposite. Only reason you and your are crying is because what he said doesn't fit the lies you people have cooked up in your heads. Pathetic

21d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

It's just easier for them to lie to themselves Sony is forcing the change, just so they can reject what the creator is saying. It's honestly pathetic

22d ago 6 agree21 disagreeView comment

There is no censorship. If this is what the devs wanted to do, why is this censorship? Can you explain why they left more revealing outfits? I have yet to see a single person explain why they added 6 inches to a lace and left far more revealing outfits

22d ago 3 agree35 disagreeView comment

No, this is nothing, but pure ignorance and stupidity. The game director himself this is what they wanted to do, yet triggered snowflakes say this is censorship. It's almost like these people made-up their own narrative and since the truth from the director doesn't fit that narrative, they double down. Pathetic. If you don't like the director of the game being able to make such edits to their own game, then don't support them. This is not censorship, just a group of man babies...

22d ago 5 agree30 disagreeView comment

Reviews are currently in the low 80s, which is good.

25d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

This is honestly so laughable. Outside of sea of thieves being a new game and releasing in just a few days. COD and Fallout were popular on Playstation long before Microsoft decided to buy them. I have seen bots go from saying Microsoft shouldn't bring Xbox games to Playstation, to using this as a flex. Guess they have accepted Microsoft is moving forward with Playstation with or without them. If this continues, I see the Xbox console selling worse than the S/X

30d ago 23 agree5 disagreeView comment

Enjoyed it very much, glad to see new fans.

33d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ragnarök is a very good game and they should hire whoever they want to make their game. If you don't like, don't buy. There are millions who will. I saw some snowflakes crying and claiming they will boycott any any company that works with SB. I asked if they will boycott Steam, since Valve has worked with SB?

39d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Based on the pictures her design has been exaggerated a bit. Her face doesn't match the game model and other parts of her body have also gone through changes. There is nothing wrong with her design, but to be passing off a 3D video game character as the real thing is pure copium.

Also, there is a reason South Korea is sometimes known as the plastic surgery capital of the world. It is so common that, parents give their high school kids plastic surgery as a graduation gif...

40d ago 4 agree25 disagreeView comment

You only speak for you and those who think like you, but most fans will support what they want. Playstation and PC fans are literally supporting Helldivers 2 and that is a gaas. Maybe you wouldn't, but many more would if they like it.

44d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

People just cry about everything

53d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Had 0 to do with a white guy. That is just a stupid thing some people say. Gamers are to blame not the media. Game might have sold around 8M, but I recall the dev saying ‘don’t complain if there’s no sequel if you didn’t buy it full price. In order words, most gamers refused to actually buy the game at full price for whatever reason, got it when it was heavily discounted. Now most are complaining the studio isn't doing a sequel. If you didn't think the game was good enough at full pri...

55d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

That is a lie. They can make a single player that players would claim they want, but would not support. They can make a good live service game like Helldivers 2. As long the game is good and the mtx are not bad, the game will do well. Their last game was a single-player game, yet most only got the game when it was heavily discounted.

55d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I am not defending Capcom, as I am not a fan of MTX in single player games. I do however belive they were open to reviewers about having MTX in their game. The reviewers just decided to leave that part out. Which is very disingenuous. There are some companies that get away with these things. Image if this was done by EA, Ubisoft, or even Activision? I am positive those defending Capcom, would have had their pitchforks ready if the companies listed above did this

58d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment


62d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment