CRank: 5Score: 870


He's mimicking Jaqen Hghar, a character from Game of Thrones/ A Song of Ice and Fire who also speaks in third person.

Why you being a dick?

3513d ago 24 agree1 disagreeView comment


U.S. Minimum Wage is $7.50 per hour. Curious, how much is it for you guys and how often? (per month, hour, etc.)

3945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man, I feel so sorry for Xbox fans and gamers in general. If all these rumors about Xbox are true, Xbox guys are gonna have a bad time and I'd hate for that to happen to them. Xbox is a good console and I'm a Sony guy but I do love some Halo and Gears, but Microsoft has really done a terrible job managing the console. And they really are lost if the rumors appear to be true and this guy is telling people to "deal with it"

I hope Microsoft doesn't tell Xb...

4073d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Actually, it'd be like:
1. MGS 3: Snake Eater
2. MGS: Portable Ops
3. Peace Walker
4. Ground Zeros
5. MGS/ Twin Snakes
6. MGS 2 as well as MG: Rising (doesn't it take place between MGS2 and MGS4?)
7. MGS4

Since Ground Zeroes is a prequel to MGS5, either MGS5 is gonna be about Solid Snake's beginnings or maybe it just shows how the events of MGS5 will come to be, based on something that Big Boss does in Ground...

4288d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The "future of gameplay and innovation" could mean games that have features/plot/etc. that distinguish them from all other games( Something Sony is known for doing). So they could just be talking about the new exclusives in general OR new features for the Vita/ PS3. Even though it seems like it's time for a new console, I don't think Sony and Microsoft feel that way just yet. Next year or 2014, then yes.

4388d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There was some poll that IGN and Gamespot did with their fans and mostly all of them said that they were the most excited to see Assassin's Creed III more than any other game at E3. Aside from GTA V, that is.

4388d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually it's Steam. I think since Sony built a partnership with Valve last year when Portal 2 was released. If it is Steam though, I feel Steam integration would almost eliminate the point of the PS Store; if not eliminate then overshadow.

4388d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Two questions:

#1: Do you guys think the Vita will sale well, if not better, once it launches in the US and Europe than Japan?

#2: Is Gravity Daze (Rush) a launch title?

4489d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think I found a "middle ground" for this. For example, I didn't even know that Dante's Inferno was a poem, or rather, part of a series of poems until I played the game. After I beat it, I literally went to Books-A-Million the next day and bought the Divine Comedy, read all of it, and wrote a literary analysis on it for a high school English paper( on which I received a 100 ^^ ). I like to think that Books and Video Games work hand in hand, each inspiring the other. Example...

4489d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Sony is doing the same, but they already had their 2011 exclusive releases planned. There's been numerous rumors about the PS4 is already begun development and about the processor it's running on.

4585d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

False. Announcement but not release. Fall 2013 release would be more realistic. Not trying to bash you or anything-just running off logic and reason.

4585d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Although I agree with everything you said, no company will release a console in the Summer. Summer is the time where there are little to no releases. Video games make the least amount of money through May-July. A November 2013 release seems very reasonable as the holiday season will be right around the corner; PROVIDED that MS and Sony announce their consoles at E3 2012. Then they'll use most of 2013 to build up hype till Fall. The we can start the 8th Generation Console War, lol.

4585d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When they put the PSN back up and give us a new FW update that IS our REIMBURSEMENT. Just give me PSN and I will be happy!!

4783d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That chick ( i think) cyborg thing with the katana looks kick-ass

4798d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope Adrift is good, but I also hope they save it for 2012.

4803d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man, be real for a minute. Did you actually read this before you posted this? This is not about "fanboys"..... this about people's JOBS. This is no longer about being biased towards systems.

4803d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm with LJ437, these guys have gone too far. I mean Sony can fix the PSN and the main websites, but you need to draw line when it comes to attacking people's jobs. I mean, the economy is already messsed up, nobody needs to be losing a job over some nonsense like this. I hope these guys get caught, and end up in the same room as GeoHot come the day of the trial.

4804d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment