CRank: 5Score: 9560

they must paid him alot of money for this but what MS don't understand that MGS4 on 360 will have to see major cuts to fit it in HD-DVD come on now if 50gigs was not enough what makes people think 30 is going to be enough i'm sure it will run pretty choppy and nver be as good as the PS3 version so it makes no differance

5726d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i feel you Cwalat they don't know what the F there talking about all they do is bash games yea the jetpack gets some gettin used to but its fun as hell when u snipeing from a mountain top or using it to bail out a Warhawk that how to go up I HATE U 1UP U SUCK MY ITALIAN SWEATTY B@LLS

5753d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now u know anyone who plays this game u gotta be playing Top Gun - Danger Zone while flying in a Warhawk

PSN vj06 anyone add me

5762d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


5776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Come on you can say it its okay we already KNOW its a HALO KILLER there is no denying it now we all know KZ1 sucked B@lls thats why they are taking so long with devlopment they want to make everything run smooth and play perfect there is nothing i could say about the visuals of this there is one and its DAMN nuff said about that can't wait to play this game and with all the money they put into this game i'm gonna say money well spent...

PSN: vj06

come and add me...

5803d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what this is got to be another Xbot article the only failure in the gaming biz is Xbox360 i just beat MGS4 and i have to say i can't get enough of single player i'm playing on Big Boss hard now its tuff as nails but funn i love this game

PSN: vj06

anyone with MGS4 add me

5831d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This guy is deff an Xbot whats that i smell Jelousy oh how the mighty have fallen (Xbox360) time for the real Next gen system to take control

PSN: vj06

anyone add me

5834d ago 17 agree5 disagreeView comment

I think he is paying his respects to Big Boss(his father) or maybe someone else or maybe that was his grave and was ready to go after this last mission i don't know just started the game 20min ago don't know, all i know is this game is F'ing awsome love Octocamo thankyou Kojima-san

PSN: vj06

add me if u got this great game and gonna play MGO i got a clan called Outer Heavens Elite some come join its on gamebattles

5838d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well from Nazi Germans we can kill some communist asians i personally hate WWII games they should went the COD4 way just get even better graphics more guns better cusimazation with the guns and little stuff like that would make it better

PSN: vj06

add me if u gettin MGS4 and lookin for a clan for MG0 and come join my gamebattles clan Outer Heavens Elite

5840d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would have to say David Hayter would make a perfect snake cause he is Snake damnit it would be awfull to use a different person Hayter is more than qualifyied to play Snake in a Movie

and Goldberg as Kratos hells no i think Vin Diesel would play a better Kratos hes gotr that voice just like the character

PSN: vj06

5852d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow this was a PS1 game that was awful i guess graphically it might be good i have other games to play rather than this crap i got

MGS4 to play for a long while
Killzone 2
Socom: Confrontation etc...

PSN: vj06 anyone add me

5853d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For people who think that this game is GOTY your a wrong, don't get me wrong Resistance is one of my favorite PS3 games of all time and Resistance 2 will be a Day 1 Buy for me with no doubt in my mind but there is one game that comes out next month that will deff win GOTY its a small game called ummmmmm...... OH YEA MGS4 if people don't think that this is not GOTY then ur on happy juice

PSN: vj06

anyone can add me

5865d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats BS MS and Sony Next Gen's 2010 the best possible asumption

PSN vj06 add me if u got GTAIV

5869d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm guessing each level is to take 50min to beat thats a good thing cuz i don't want a game that has awsome graphics and take about 10hrs to beat which is pointless so and hour a level is good i think

5869d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So what if the game is delayed to 09 i rather have a perfect game than a garbage game the Xbotz are gonna have a field day with the news of the delay but look at the 08 lineup for PS3 u got GTAIV selling more copies of PS3 then MGS4 will kill 360 alone then u got LBP, Socom, RFOM 2, and more they can't compete with that whats that game thats been like delayed a zillion times oh ya Too Human please crap game u know that PS3 is better than RROD360 PS3 will win console war BTW: Wii does not coun...

5874d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

wtf u talking about game does not run in HD if u knew how to read it says 720p 1080i and 1080p so u are a putz and don't know anything abouty gaming u Xbot

5881d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

had this same problem yesterday when i bought the game yesterday then tried it again and hour ago did not work then tried it again really quick and worked played online for about half hour worked fine since oh yeah my game froze only one time so far

5881d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is anyone haveing a problem getting online for the PS3 GTAIV cuz everytime i go to the phpne to select Multiplayer it says there are no servers or something like that and was wondering if anyone is getting the same thing please PM me ASAP

5882d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

THe PS3 lighting is much better than the 360 version and btw the reason GTAIV got delayed was microsoft paid money to get the extra content while R* was already done making the game so thats the reason why 360 caused most of the devlopment problems

PSN: vj06

u gettin GTAIV for PS3 add me

5883d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Prob one of the greatest things i have seen in a GTA Game to date very funny luv it luv it luv it

PSN vj06

If u gettin GTA for PS3 anyone add me to your friends list the more on GTA online the better

5884d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment