
CRank: 5Score: 2910

i played the game , this game doesnt deserve more than a 7/10.
you cant give a game a 10/10 just because its open world

4599d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

innovation to a game doesnt mean , make it newb friendly!!!
this is a conversation between eidos lead designer and a employee :
eidos lead designer says - "i know what we can do , lets add some call of duty into it "
eidos employee says - "what about the old formula of stealth ?"
eidos lead says - "we will put some stealth in it aswell but make it like more friendly for everyone "
employee says - "like adding the batm...

4686d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i hope they completely leave the console market.
they are ruining it .
from motion bullcrap to 3d bullcrap .

nintendo please leave
go make keyrings for soccermoms or something .
how long did you think the fad was gonna last if soccermoms were your main target , lol

4693d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

looks like DICE are sick and tired of the ps3 whingers .

p.s. i thought the footage of the ps3 version looked fine

4734d ago 32 agree15 disagreeView comment

yeah ,honestly, i hate being the american, murdering , tyrant, thieves !!!!

4981d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

xbox 720 and ps4

4984d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

i think you are misinformed , hacking the ps3 is by far the easiest . no need to open up the ps3 , just insert a dongle into the usb and your up and running. its plug & play .

people that talk with no knowledge kill me

4990d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

maybe it will uploaded to torrents for everyone to share and play ???

4994d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i got both the ps3 and 360 and i played killzone 2 and halo reach beta.
i will take reach over killzone 2 anyday.
none of my friends got killzone 3 on there must buy list but reach is there.

when i played killzone 2 , my reaction was "yuk, what graphics are they bragging about" killzone 3 is gonna be the same as part 2(maybe even graphically worse by those screenshots already released) just GREY INDUSTRIAL FACTORIES. YUK YUK YUK

5114d ago 6 agree34 disagreeView comment

eurogamer = 7/10
oxm = 8.5/10

they are about right

it is by no way a 9 or anything over a 9 . and if you are gonna compare it to the other splinter cell games , then it wont be anything over 5/10.

i played it and finished it on realtime mode (hardest level), before i knew it it was over . and unlike the other splinter cell's , i didnt really enjoy this game , i just wanted to finish it and be done with it .
i have this "i just want to fi...

5165d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

i am playing on the hardest level (realtime).
that 5 hours thing is probably false but the game is not stealth anymore , it is an action game .
it is all about mark and execute . i have a gun that can now mark and execute 4 people in 1 hit of the Y button.
IGN is really full of bullsh1t these days . they obviosly get payed to rate high.
you have very limited gadgets , and the ones you have suck.
there is soo much swearing in the game even in arabic.

5168d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

but the lagg is so bad you cant drive straight in a car . i saw many people just smashing into things .

lagg is a major problem

5169d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

so what group am i in ???

5169d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

how frequent are the play sessions??

and i watched someone gameplay on youtube , it looked alot like GTA online .
has anyone got opinions on the game so far ?
is it like gta ?

5169d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the problem is that shooting people on ""SUSPICION"

I am sorry but this is unacceptable behaviour. those inhumane people in the helicopters will get their full recompense and for them is a unrelenting punishment in THE LIFE AFTER DEATH.


5174d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

its either you lose linux or lose online function .

you are forced to lose a feature that was with the ps3 from day one.





that is force .you cant have both features .

put it in perspective, imagine sony a few months later say , you have to update to 4.0 system update that will lose the ps3 ability to play bluray.
will you say then sony didnt force you ???

5175d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

they were awesome last gen , but this gen they are the flop of developers .
with games that were so anticipated , just to name a few :

farcry 2
splintercell conviction
prince of persia

i have lost total faith in ubisoft, ghost recon will be no different.

truth hurts

p.s. i dont want to be a fricken panther !!!

5179d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

metal gear 4 is much better than this dumbed down version of so called "splinter cell"

5181d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i am sorry but battlefield 2 modern combat is IMO the pinnacle of online gaming .
this is not dlc worthy even?
MW2 dlc is a proper DLC . giving you a couple of old classical maps (e.g. crash)

just release backstab , bridge too far , and deadly pass and you got yourself a winner .

also , i hate how you play each map twice , even in conquest mode , WTF . about 1 hour on 1 map is way over the limit.

also , the way it should be is that people vote f...

5181d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment


r.i.p. splinter cell

5183d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment