
CRank: 5Score: 31980

The X1 is selling fine for now. No not near as fine as the PS4 and it's getting so much better in sales for the PS4 on the 28th of this month with the Japan launch. I don't think Microsoft will or should drop the kinect at least not for a year or 2 even though only a few want it. I went with the PS4 but had I went X1 and paid the $500 plus tax I'd be more than pissed if they at this point drop the kinect to lower the price. They just need to stop with the panic and the leaks and ...

3769d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

IMO and I don't want to speak for anyone else but I think that many in the Sony camp like myself were at one time in the Microsoft camp and IMO the reasons why we are no longer in the Microsoft camp are issues that started when we owned the original Xbox which by all means was a fantastic gaming machine but many of us did not upgrade to the Xbox 360 on day one or week or month one or even at the 6 month mark. We stayed with the big black box. And for our choice Microsoft starting on day...

3770d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Titanfall is a clone of Call of Duty.....in Titanfall when you kill so many bots you get a care package and unlike in CoD where there could be anything in the care package you will get one of only 3 in the game Titans. They are not reinventing the wheel here. It's a game lets play it and stop with self hype and the paid hype.

3770d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

Have the Microsoft exces got no shame. This is sales speak for ..."please buy our product please, please, please we got nothing else going" .......this is sad.

3770d ago 10 agree13 disagreeView comment

I just don't see Titanfall being the console selling game changer Microsoft wants and needs it to be. But they are pulling out all the stops. They delay the 360 version and I expect the PC version to be delayed as well so the only way to see it or play it will be through the Xbox One. They're hoping this game is so good that everyone just has to have it and have it on X1. I just don't see it happening. First if your a PC gamer your not jumping into the console world at all if it&#...

3770d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Exactly what Venom06 said. They first need a new game engine. Unless and until they get one it will be the same wash, rinse, and repeat done year after year. The only difference is they have another year to be bored with while doing it.

3770d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow dube you know been outed as nothing more than a butthurt Xbot....question...your that hurt because the PS plus members get something of quality, and value while as a Xbot and a XBL member they insult you month after month?

3770d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

"I don't think anybody's believing the game will suck".
The bots suck and that has been confirmed.

3770d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dear Sony.....I'm starting to be concerned about my 500gig Hdd. Not enough room. I'm sorry you did we'll buy adding this to start but we're running like a thoroughbred now even more so in a couple months and there will be none room left of the 500gig to store all the great games. Please add flash drives in the next updates or better yet a external hard drive capability. Thank you

3770d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Word....stay away from them Xbots!
Signed...former Xbot.

3770d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn...how long did it take them suckers to punch all that gum into that wall? I've never played SS as I was a Xbot...shhhh! Don't tell. Hey I learned! Anyway I'm gonna get this on it looks awesome.

3770d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Why I Stopped Playing Outlast After The First Hour" ........alway a poo poo in every crowd.

3770d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The way Titanfall has been hyped you'd think that the pre-order number would be much, much higher IMO ..I just hope the 360 version is worth the 60 bucks. I got a feeling and I hope I'm wrong but I do remember the games released after the 360 launch that we're cross platform with the original Xbox and how they were terrible and the support from Microsoft was way worse than that. I guess it was their way of saying upgrade to the new console. We will see. My opinion is it will blow...

3771d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


3772d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

To add to that Sony should be at or just past the 5 million mark when they open in Japan on I think Feb 28th.

3772d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

VGCHARTZ says Sony as of Jan25 was at 4,889,669 sold units. The 4.2 mill number was from late Dec 2013. So if that number is correct they would be around 4,930,000 to date. I could be wrong..please see vgchartz.

3772d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

Why is no one talking about the 360 version is it gonna suck that bad or what? Respawn is not doing the 360 version so with no one talking about it are we to assume it's not going to be even a poor mans version of the X1 game? The way they hype this game you'd think they play to the 360 crowd as well.

3772d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pigs!........please for the love of everything holy...did anyone over at 4J Studios even think to cue up some Pink Floyd?

3772d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow! some of you Call of Duty fans sound very butthurt over the thought that another game might be better than CoD Modern Warfare. Sure BF4.1had its bucket list full of issues though most seem fixed now at least when I'm playing...can't speak for anyone else. But there is no question BF4.1is a better game than CoD....none! You gotta hand it to the Call of Duty makers they have had that game on top for 7 years now..that's awesome and that will never be done again and it's about...

3772d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

We'll I was a die hard xbox 360 fan but on thanksgiving night at 6pm at Walmart with 17 other very lucky people I had a ps4 in hand, I had friends on the 360 and a gamer score but that really don't mean much to me as I still have the friends and the score but more important I have a PS4. Microsoft really made my choice for me. 500 when I could spent 400. And the TV, fantasy football, kinect, px90 or whatever exercise thing they were hawking. Those things I either already have or I c...

3773d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment