On the road again
CRank: 5Score: 10100

I love revisiting history. While this is common knowledge to many gamers, many kids don't know of a time without Sony consoles. I remember when Sony was considered the MS of the industry lol. I however, did not know about Nintendo and Philips ending in such a bad way. It totally makes sense though cause those ZELDA games were horilble. Is that letter from Philips to Nintendo for real?? If it is, that is amazing! Very funny letter, but they obviously failed. Didn't CD-i have a litle analog sti...

5385d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they ever become standard I mean. Analyst say this every time though

5387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uncharted looks better imo. It's just stylisticly better directed. SC goes for gritty, Uncharted goes for WOW.

5387d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did you know the PS3 GPU was a whole gen outdated since the PS3 launched?? Did you know that right now even Nvidia, the maker of the RSX, has apllied similar architecture first seen on xbox GPU when it launched?? Did you know that LIVE offers dedicated servers and IT"S COMPLETELY UP TO THE GAME DEVELOPER??

I hate coming out on MS's defence(FVCK MS!!) But the misinformation Sony fans put out is amazing. How is it you don't know this, but can explain how good the xbox CPU is...

5387d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Your on an MS related article and you've said
"i don't respect microsoft, that is why whenever i come on n4g i trash microsoft". Pls go to the open zone with your comments regarding MS and take the rest of your posse with you pls. Your trolling is rabid and LAME. Grow up.

5387d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Keep 360 around like Nintendo's nes or Sony's ps1,2 and realease on time.

5389d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Brands have feelings?....I gotta watch what I say around consoles lol

5389d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The HDD and WIFI are really the rip-offs. But you don't NEED the MS WIFI unit. The rest is non issue for me. The HDD being so expensive really gets to me. They can sell a gig for a buck and still make money. Yet they totally rips(arbitrages lol) you off on this. Live HAS to go down. It's gotta be $20 a year.

EDIT: If you don't mind having wired controller, get it for 360. The D-pad is really good, better rumble and it's non issue for fighting games. It's like the perfect contro...

5389d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You think people don't know your the same person?? Don't quit your day job cause your trolling sucks lol. Matter fact quit life cause I bet this IS your job lol.

On topic: IMHO. Sony wasn't ready for war and got caought with their dik in their hand. Sony went to war on TV CPU's and disc formats. Sony never went to war on the GAMING side. Wich is why no matter how you spin it, no matter what you tell yourself, they're in last place. I like taking the "wait and see aproach&...

5389d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is why we need individual rooms on games. Not that Gears2 COD crap. That way we can BAN litle f@gs like this from our rooms in our games. I bet he probaly hacks too. STAY AWAY FROM ONLINE GAMING!!! Including PSN.

5390d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

StarFox on GameCube was amazing. Probably one of the best grafix last gen. The hair on Fox looked amazing aswell.

5390d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's so cute and adorable how you kids fall all over each other to rip on MS on 360 threads. More adorable then a kitten with giant headphones.

5390d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I agree. That's basically what MS are doing. And they're actions do make it seem like they see Sony as the market leader. The thing is Sony WAS the market leader when 360 lauched. 360 business strategy revolves around COMPETING with Sony. It's purely a reaction, but MS HAS to compete. It HAS to compete or it DIES. Sony went on an ego trip, didn't compete and now it's last. Xbox should be cheaper then PS3 and it IS. The 360's story hasn't changed: great GAMING machine with the best online at a...

5390d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What about Live fees.....Live charges for service. It always has. Live is a better service. Some people are willing to pay for better service.

5391d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I feel Sony's mistake was making a cpu with Toshiba and IBM for HD streaming on tv's, and then sticking it in PS3 to save on overall corporate pruduction costs. Then forcing BD to corner HD format industry. It ended up being so expensive they had to pass up on Nvidia's new 8000 series, and going a gen backwards to save money. The difrence in GPU's on consoles is basically that the xbox gpu is almost a full gen ahead of the PS3's.

Despite many legit and proven exclusive games sh...

5392d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PC counts. For me it even counts more then consoles. But ever since I build my first rig with a 16mb Voodoo card for UT, MS was the OS of choice. Even Apple wanted to be for gaming, Halo was for apple. MS preatty much got the gaming side of PC on lock, out of 10, 2 use Ubuntu. MS is happy with people playing on PC. The way your thinking about this doesnt make sense.

EDIT: So now GranTurismo is not exclusive cuse it's on PSP aswell. Maybe Mario isn't excusive either.

5392d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

We can't jump off the deep end and say "we could've stayed with floppy", but we can't act like DVD is hindering games either imo. Nintendo and MS had to work with DVD to make their consoles. There was a format war going on. If HD-DVD would've had more space it could've easily won. But it didn't and Sony smiles.

Point is nobody can predict the future. MS needed xbox out asap. Nintendo needed cheap parts. That's about it. MS lets you install complete games and lowered their...

5395d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because Sony having no disc swaping is pure coincidence. BD is new. It's the first time ever a Sony format has taken off like this. There are other companies making better formats as we speak. There will come a time were you will have to disc swap on a PS console. BD is not the "end-all" format, and if a new format gets industry suport and doesn't make business sense to Sony, they won't use it. People used to swap discs on PS before, they will do it again. Going all crazy cause the ...

5395d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you crazy boy?? $250 and with the no-rumble controller. That's the best anybody can do.

5395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To him it desrves a 5 because it's Sony.

Shame on you for trying to make a valid point on NG.

5395d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment