
CRank: 6Score: 13150

Not quite the same.

Bioshock is crap compared to FFXIII first off.

Second, this will only hurt PS3 sales in the states. It's not even being released in Japan.

Who wants to trade 4 disc minimum in and out while playing? There is no benefit to getting it on 360 unless you only have that system (and I feel sorry for those people, they are missing out on a great gaming experience by doing so). Trophies will be applied, so there goes that advantage. I'm pic...

5778d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Not a huge fan of multiplayer, at least this multiplayer (if they put it in) will be an add-on to an existing title.

My only problem with multiplayer is when focusing on that element causes the single player mode to suffer. This game was a great title first, then get's multi. That I will agree is a good idea.

5781d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm a 360 owner too, that doens't mean it's not severely flawed.
PS3 has flaws too, but not so many hardware as software (Thank god for firmware updates)

5781d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's not sad if you think that there are still great games coming for PS2 this year. Persona 4 is a must buy for me, it's coming in November.

5781d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

You can you can! :)

I want some of his though. I totally agree with you. If anything can fvck me up like that. EPIC WIN!!!

5781d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, you could just make an american account, you obviously speak english, the only thing keeping me from getting a Japanese account is that I can't speak the language. Make one, it's really easy.

Edit: I replied to the wrong person, and you already replied to them with the basic same message, sorry for that man.

5782d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

haha, that's cool. Everybody picks on him though (even though most of the time he is just trying to start a fight) so when he makes a good point I like to recognize him for that. :)

I think he disagrees with you like you disagree with him. hahaha

I love the open zone, it's too funny sometimes.

5782d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I understand what you are saying, I just want my music first, that's all. Any DLC is welcomed, some of those songs take me back, for sure, but I want some Tool while I'm killing people. :)

5782d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's good news Jukken, but are you implying he doesn't have a good point? I'm on the agree team on this one (rare as that may be), MGS should focus less on music like this until AFTER they allow me to play mine.

And oh yeah, whoever said turn down your TV... I want to hear myself shooting people THROUGH my music.

I am not disagreeing with you Jukken, but I don't disagree with him either.

5782d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My point exactly siligon. Intelligent argument. Bubbles.

5782d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm sure I'm gonna be disagreed to hell over this, but instead of getting new songs, why don't we focus our money on making that Ipod play the songs on my HD??? Just a thought

5782d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i agree with you siligon (although my agree/disagree buttons don't work on my company computer). Wii envy hasn't even crossed my mind. I enjoyed Zelda, it was a lot of fun, but games like that are few and far between.

That being said, if Sony does this right (which as much as I love Playstation, I don't think the tech is there yet) it could yeild some amazingly fun games.

5782d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I won't be getting this unless they implement it VERY well in a game I CAN'T miss. Anything they can do with this remote that I would want, can already be done with sixaxis. I just don't buy into this gen's split motion controllers, it's not developed enough yet.

5782d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I can't say that I've ever gotten a non-sony controller that was worth the money for the PS2. I got the wireless, it's still working, but I just don't trust them.

5782d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I'd rather have a game install and MGS, than no install and nothing.

See, I can be a fanboy for no reason too.

This article told us nothing new at all. You can't even play some of the future PS3 exclusives on 360 because of the size. Unless you go multi disk, you're boned. Or you could be like me, and play both systems and have the best games out at all time, no matter what system they are for.

On topic: Installs are a good thing. They are f...

5782d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great News! I think we will start seeing more of this by the end of summer. I've also gotta save up about 300 bucks for all the games I want this fall. If not more.

5782d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think most sony fans know that trophies exist yet. And the sony fans on this site already know that they won't be in the games coming in the month of July (because developers were not funded for trophies on the initial presentation)possible won't see full support until fall sometime. I agree with you comment however on it being unreasonable.

5782d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I thought Sony mentioned that games for the next month or so would not have trophies (or were not required too) BUT they will start requiring developers add trophies in after that.

I'm not suprised by this either, Stardust is fun though. I really hope they patch at least a few games for me. I've got uncharted so that will be fun to dust off and kick around again. I still want MGS trophies at least though.

5782d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not a fighting game fan (although I love soul calibur) and I played this demo thanks to Qore. I had a blast and game runs smoothly and has a beautiful environment. I hope there are more characters as well, due to the fact that the attacks are all amazingly beautiful, especially the special attacks. I will be getting this game on day one. (which as I've stated, is rare for me)

5782d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

We had this discussion yesterday when the press released was... released... anyway it's nice to know that game journalists, if you can call this article journalism, is a day behind the N4G members. We all saw this, we know.

5782d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment