
CRank: 5Score: 94550

I never found this game misleading all the info about this game has been on the net for years. Let them investigate. The mutiplayer part alone he was referring to games like dark souls. Youtubers would spin the hype so yes please do and investigation and lets move past this. I named a solar system after my mom who past away aug 29 and left messages as the planets names. I got a message from a random guy onpsn who flew into that solar system. That's the kind mutiplayer that he was talking ...

2791d ago 22 agree49 disagreeView comment

Well lets see what the investigation finds. I don't feel mislead and new what i was getting because i did the research long before release. Imo it's a good game but i don't have a PC to run games like star citizen yet.

2795d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

I could still defend it, are the results back from the investigation??? No there not. Hello games can't be responsible for your inability to research your games. O look nice overload posting his video again. That's a whole lot of BS way to not be objective but it wasn't on your xbox tho.

2796d ago 25 agree55 disagreeView comment

Wait those 2 things are deal breaker.... ok not really

2796d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats really cool can't wait for a western release.

2797d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shouldn't you be somewhere bashing no man sky?

2797d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bethesda games do run like crap that's kind of a no brainer who could defend that? Truth be told xbox1 mods for fallout aren't healthy on that hardware but it's about choices i guess. Still those buying and xbox for just mods Isn't worth it imo. To each his own tho.

2797d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kwiet got a point. Seems odd to me and i game on a ps4. Gamers should be for games but some of you guys love to hate nintendo. So yea now it's ok i guess > >

2798d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

How do they keep geting by with these on xbox and why does ms allow it? Surely nintendo isnt going sit on there hands. Its showing on the store?

2800d ago 15 agree25 disagreeView comment

Nice but where series 6 AC figures

2800d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still love the series in fact its right up there with uncharted for me. My man cave is decked out in AC stuff. Were talking todd mcfarland action figures posters some novels. Connors axe is on the wall with altir dagger. AC is bigger then any one game. I know alot of people who enjoy it just as much as I do and its not like ubisoft makes you buy them. People enjoy the lore and history tied to the games. I want the story to continue and I know there are lots of others that do as well.

2801d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

No man sky will get alot better over time. This game does look good tho. Will see tho no man sky is preety good imo.

2801d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

It use to be about the games. It didn't matter what platform it was on. Heck i payed pc players no mind. They have become whinny and entitled past few years. With stuff like we should get all ps4 and xbox1 games or we should get the games first because we are the master race. If games come out and there mutiplatform and the pc version has bugs or wasn't the lead platform there crying.

2803d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yep and not a bit of that matters at all. It will still have a large fanbase.

2810d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea ms was so open on the 360...there a reason ff14 isn't on xbox one. Im not happy about the know mod support on ps4 like so many others but I just won't buy it. Sony and bugseda need to work something out.

2811d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There no way to make everyone happy. I was thinking that was obvious. Still preety sure millions still love it but they new what they were getting. Tack on the fact there going get updates to this game over time. Sells will be high on the ps4. I think that's preety obvious as well. How many countrys did this come out in and how many will it come out in? Game not for everyone but millions will like it.

2813d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It didn't start out that way infact. It went to crap the day it hit pc. That not saying ps4 owners didn't see bugs. The ran with that they lied BS. You had xbox fanboys like epicsandwich that smelled blood in the water. There were guys like overload that clearly didn't research what he was buying. The game not for everyone but there still alot of people playing it on my friends list and alot of people that picked it up on ps4. I'd guess on ps4 it did well. Steam is not everyt...

2814d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'd bet it is i like millions of others love this game.

2815d ago 21 agree11 disagreeView comment

I want sony to post something about. I want more information and detail.

2815d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea this sucks i preordered skyrim for the wife. She was so looking forward to this. I hope some news ppl are diging more into this story. There no reason to keep it preordered.

2815d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment