CRank: 5Score: 190

Im not saying the wii cant do those, im saying the wii cant do it to the scale that 360 or ps3 can. You think the wii is capable of pulling off killzone 2? Real time ray tracing, deferred lighting, HDLR lighting, motion blur, depth of field, dynamic shadowing, 2x MSAA etc and that is just one part of the engine running on 1 SPE, the hardware hit alone from ray tracing would be enough to bring the wii to a crawl considering the Wii's cpu is a step back in generation. The wii is able to do HD...

5687d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The thing is i am in the killzone 2 beta, and the multiplayer gameplay is amazing, graphics dont make a game, but they certainly do help. The satisfaction of watching the blood splater and spill out as your enemy lay there waiting for help is great. Not the mention the great animations and physics, shooting a cgi quality body model has never felt so great, watching their limbs and core shake violently as each bullet impacts them. No, a game isnt based on graphics or its technical abilities...

5687d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The wii cannot handle resident evil 5 as it is, the effects like motion blur, heat effect, HDRL, etc and not to mention the massive bump in normal mapping and high polygon counts simple is not able to be done on the wii. However using the resident evil 4 engine and basing the game on that, then yes more power to them. with 360's graphical hit geow 2 and ps3's big graphical hitters Resistance 2, MGS4 and Killzone 2 ( CGI quality) for kz2, the wii is starting to look horrible graphics wise, a...

5687d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Alright my take on the game,
It is something new and fresh, and i like it, i actually was moving with the game as i was jumping from roof top to roof top, its slightly addicting to say the least and I like the change of colors, finally a game that isnt dark grey and brown lol.. must say i like the experience and will be picking up the game.

5693d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some clarification,
I own both a 360 and ps3, also a wii but that stays at home while i am at college. Second the games looks the same on both systems, with the exception of brightness, saying the ps3 is not capable of HDR lighting is like saying the 360 is not capable of motion blur, both systems can do it, but they both do it in a different way. The 360 has less of a hardware hit, since it has the eDRAM chip on die for the gpu, thats not to say the ps3 is taking a huge hardware hit...

5693d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People talking about lighting, The ps3 is perfectly capable of doing HDR etc. Oblivion does it happyily, just look at killzone 2, its lighting engine is far more advanced than anything out yet/ its doing HDRL, Ray tracing etc. I have yet to see 360 do that.

5693d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment