CRank: 5Score: 1390

Im not going to make this a ps3 v xb360 thing, but as an actual adult, its blatantly obvious to me that this is some guy who has been paid by microsoft as a part of their marketing budget that falls under "viral marketing"... where else would he get such a spot on suit?

Come on guys, wake up and smell the scent of your dollars getting sucked from your wallet! Im not saying halo is bad or good, im just saying... you should know when you are being pimped ;)

6105d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sounds like this title has just slipped for me from being a must buy (loved GH1 & 2) to being a "ill play Holy Diver when im drunk at my friend's house"... will i ever get to jam out to some CSN&Y or even some Jethro? There is still hope... rock band doesnt include a flute does it? ;)

6165d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I also was very skeptical of Lair in the beginning. Honestly im not a fan of the sixaxis... the only game that uses it pretty well currently is warhawk, and that was also pretty bad... much more fun if you just rock the sticks. If lair gameplay is truly like "pulling on the reigns of the dragon", they might have found the key to the sixaxis. Ive got a 46 inch 1080p samsung on the way, and ive got the 7.1 already set. Its going to be a great rest of 08.

6166d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That they get Madden to say something new this time around... im getting a little sick of hearing the same soundbytes year after year.

6261d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its a shame that many people don't know that the PS3 is designed in a manner so that you can buy any 3.5" laptop hd (i think SATA?) and put it in your PS3... my instruction manual shows me how to do this easily.

Sony should have publicized this feature a little bit more... to me, this is a big deal, knowing that i can get any OEM hard drive down the line when i outgrow my 60gb (which should be by September ;P )

6261d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment