CRank: 5Score: 2430

Last night I played for about an hour solo of the single player and PvP. Then my cousin and his friend got on and joined me in game. My impressions so far?

This is the best Alpha I have ever participated in (and I've been in my fair share of Alphas and Betas over the years, particularly for MMO's and Shooters.

When I played the first mission by myself I felt that feeling of playing Everquest for the first time. I could follow the mission objectives...

3626d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
4876d ago

Hopefully those interested will give it a try. I know a lot of PS3 users may be new to MMO's but I also know there are plenty like me who have played MMO's on the PS2 (EQOA, EQOA Frontiers and FFXI) and we are all familiar with the monthly subscription fee.

I would like to see 3 month, 6 month and a lifetime option on the PS3 but it is not going to make me not buy the game. Besides, Amazon confirmed they shipped it this morning!

For those inte...

4876d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Article said "Well in imagining so myself, I've come to the conclusion that a game of this nature would not only be revolutionary, but also a huge success for the industry as well."

I know he is talking about PS3 and XBOX360, but to say it would be revolutionary is misleading. FFXI already did it and PS2, XBOX and PC users all were able to enjoy the game together. I think the user is also referencing Shooter type games but still, AGENCY will do it at least with th...

5263d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

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5302d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They say FFXI failed? Don't they realize people are still playing this game across XBOX, PS2/PS3 and PC? PS2's network was a mess? Wow,did these people not play Socom I or II. I loved PS2's network... no, it wasn't XBOX Live but I could play SOCOM and FFXI so I was happy.

Here is the article....

The core of the game has also been simplified. Rather than level your character up with traditional experience points earned by killing enemies, a new job system is i...

5337d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article just took someone else's article and commented on it. Please trickle in some real "new" news.... I can't wait for this game.

5355d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not sure why I can't edit my original comment. I was trying to figure out why someone may have disagreed with my short opinion... then I realized I typed FFXII was the best in the, I meant to type "NOT THE BEST".

Maybe that's why I got the phantom disagree with no comment/response?

Anyway... as a matter of opinion, FFVII (Final Fantasy 7)is my favorite and I really enjoyed X. I'm enjoying XII again only because I am doing a lot of things ...

5357d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've not played Halo but from what I read and hear, this feature the PS3 owner's are getting so excited about is not a copy of what Bungie did, but a much improved experience. Please enlighten me (and others) if the Halo 3 options are the same as UC2.

"Lets PS3 owners replay, edit and tweak saved gameplay footage and share with friends."

"The addition of a green screen mode that will let video editors layer Nathan Drake and crew over whatever backg...

5357d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Definitely picking this up. I know twelve was the best in the series but all this hype made me start playing it again. Started over a few days ago and I'm enjoying it -- trying to get all the rare items and complete all the hunts this time around.

5357d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I lost a lot of respect for CNET -- they were one of my go to sources over the years for consumber electronics information. Maybe they are turning over a new leaf.

PS3 is a great blu-ray player.

5357d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't even click on the links for these flamebait articles. My question is "what is winning?" Are we talking about the hardware sales? Software sales? Comparisons between sales for multiplat games? Best hardware & capabilities? Best features? Free features? Dedicated servers vs. P2P? Best exclusives? Most exclusives? I just don't get it.

I personally have a PS3 and I've been winning since day one of my day one purchase. Everything in this "conso...

5359d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't wait to pick up this game!

5359d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree. I just wish they would now lower the price of games so that more people can enjoy more quality games. Too many good ones coming out and at $60 a pop... well, that adds up. My solution?

AAA Titles (GOW3, UC2, MW2, FFXIII) -- $49.99
Other Disc Based Games -- $39.99
PSN Games -- $9.99 or less

I know, it'll never happen, but I think if you can subtantially increase your sales, selling at a cheaper price is worth it. Look at Dell offering th...

5362d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can speculate all by myself thank you very much. Seriously, I'm excited about *possibilities* especially an NCSoft MMO or a White Knight Chronicles sequal --- actually I'd be happy with North American getting WKC.

I just wish I could click on a story here with some substance. When a story has more than a few questions in one paragraph, they really aren't telling us anything. Got me all hyped up for nothing.

Please don't approve these stories that provide no...

5362d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh man, I can't wait to get man hands on this title. Voluptuous Princess is gonna rock the PSN with her curves. Forget Fat Princess... this one has lost a lil weight and is now semi attractive.

I do prefer curvey women in real life. No sticks and no bricks please.

5362d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Impressed that if you sift throught the fanboy and couch potatoe developer comments, there are some good responses to this article. I agree with (and it's just my opinion) those who say the PS3 or any system being maxed out doesn't mean it has reached it's potention.

Maxed out can mean a lot of things. Efficiency will play a role in future games. Maxed out doesn't mean the graphics are maxed, it doesn't mean the hardware is maxed. It is purely a subjective statement from the...

5362d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really don't get why it's the "ailing PS3". My personal gaming experience has been great. So it's not ailing for me. Sales matter? Oh, well then we all know the PS3 is currently the 3rd fastest selling console of all-time. (Guess who number 1 and 2 are?). Oh, quality titles matter? Uncharted, Resistance, War Hawk, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, etc, etc. Oh, future games matter? UC2, GOW3, MAG, AGENT, Heavy Rain, FFXIII Versus. Oh, value matters? $299 with Free Online servi...

5364d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think it would be halved... I think it would be doubled and the result would be 120FPS in total... 60FPS for each eye.

5369d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

From what I've read (sorry I don't have time to research links) . . . the 3D technology alternates two images, so theoretically, a 120hz television should be capable of alternating images with a framerate of 60FPS (total of 120fps in 3D).

5369d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment