
CRank: 5Score: 740

PS3 has made profit here in Europe since last price drop. So the article writer doesn´t know what he is writing.

5131d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How can I kill Maneaters

5164d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think one reason for this situation is that Sony is started to manufacture new model. I´ve heard new model is much lighter and of course producing costs are lower, so it would have been unwise to manufacture "older" model. Now Sony can make more profit in the near future.

5170d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well according to Edge its only 8point game and Bayonetta is perfect 10. So you guys are going to depressed with GoD3 while i´m enjoying watching anorectic transvestite shaking her/his bony ass.

5176d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Edge is a very fat magazine, cause it is advertising catalogue. Everyone can think what that means. If i had trusted Edge, i wouldt have ever playd one of the most best games out there like KZ2 or HS. I read one article years ago, and there was written something like this: because expectations for Ps3 products are much higher, because of higher price, we expect more value of them than competitioners. Since then I didnt read the magazine no more.

5178d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Most of the UC2 grafics are rendered by cell. Cell is the answer. Cell is also very new architecture, so it will take a lot of time, when developers can truly take a whole advantage of it. When sony developed ps3, they planned that it wouldnt have GPU at all, but in that case it would have been imbossible developers to start make good game without proper tools

5178d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

what the hll was sony thinking. I havent played GOW2, and that is one thing i have regret. Now that i have chance to play the game, it comes 1 month after third one. No way I`m going to wait that long to get hand´s on third one. I just have to watch the story of gow2 from youtube. Probably I won`t want to play the 2. game after 3, it just feels stupid.

5181d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I did have something else to do. I came too

5187d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would like to choose whether you install or not, because blu-ray diods wears more when loading straight from blu-ray, and many games freezes a little bit when they load/stream from disks, like in KZ2

5195d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I live in Finland, and I`ve already imported the game from USA. For us its not usually relevant whether the game is pal version or not because games rarely have any finnish language (only for games targeted to children), and I think this is the case most of europian little countries.

I think most of europians that use to play with english voices and are interested this game has already imported it. The sales though i believe will be strong in big countiers like Germany, France,...

5199d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Many of the multiplatforms does look slightly better on 360, but there are also many multiplatforms that look better on ps3 for example; Saboteur, Tomb raider, Darkness, Dirt1, Oblivion, etc...

And people seems to forget that ps3 game sounds are usually better than 360. There are games that has uncompressed 7.1 HD sounds.

5200d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everybody who has played KZ2 knows that those still pictures mean nothing. Those doesnt make any justice to the game, which has phenomenal light and physics engine. No other game has come even close to KZ2 feeling of being there. The stuff going on at the same time, lights from explosions and other sources, wind and explosions carrying smoke and ash, bullets flying all around, grenades tearing a part buildings and limbs, fire burning clothes and flags. Some times you have to take deep breath ...

5204d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

First of all, the game has been delayed only once. Second, time-trial demo showed much improved driving fysics. Article writer should try gt4 to memorized how much the controls have truly improved.

5230d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most of the countries wheels are at the left side of the cars like in America. I think there is only one country in Europe, where wheels are at the right side of the cars, and that is UK.

There is both kind of cars in GT5.

5236d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don`t know what are you talking about sense of speed, cause that is the exact speed the car is going. GT doesnt do cheap trics to show faster speed than it actually is (no blurring like in Shift or faster speed than it really is (forza)).


Look at that video above. When you cant feel G-forces and you watch 2d screen you can´t ever sense the really speed. You fee...

5240d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

am i the only one who doesn`t like big towns. I think one reason to drop big towns from the game, was the reason that they were boring. You could walk there ours and frustrate enormously. Missions in ff12 towns were stupid and mostly meaningles(talk to that guy, then to next guy.. on and on). Little villages was ok, cause there were only few people to talk. Sometimes you could even get stuck in those stupid towns.

Best thing to happen in FF7 was to get out of the Midgar. Luckily...

5254d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment