CRank: 5Score: 3020

This has nothing to do about belief. Any neurologist, neuro-scientist and psychologist worth his salt, will tell you that the human brain doesn't work that way and that to become a murderer, or physically violent, you have to have a predesposition for it. It is something born either out of an individual being born with affinity towards it and lacking the control switch for the killer instinct that most people have,
or an individual being mentally broken by a multitude of bad life ...

3496d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That build is not enough.
Allow me to go full retard in their stead:

Might as well make RAMdisc out of a portion of RAM.

3500d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, it says you have the ability to justify having sick psychopathic fantasies by veiling them as anti- sick and psychopathic fantasy argumentation tools.
In the process of thought policing, you yourself are guilty of your own crime.
I'm simply going to point out the hypocrisy of the moral superiority complex and false innocence, what you do with it is none of my business.

And yes, there is a personal link to formulating ideas, that in itself is the link. ...

3504d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

More importantly, what does it say about you and your own mind when you bring up raping little kids and killing babies in a "thread" about a game where "adult" AI NPCs are killed, in all of Red Herring arguments that you could bring up to dig your own hole?
For you to bring up that argument, you first have to imagine it and such a specific case, your brain probably made a film out of it in your mind whether you like it or not, since that's the specific argument...

3504d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

"Our culture"?
Since when has gaming become some religious organization [club] where everyone is obligated to care about its reputation and how others perceive the hobby?
If you have a thirst, or a need, to make everyone in the world accept you and love you, down to the smallest aspects of your life like your hobby, you have narcissism problems and perhaps a Messiah Complex too. Facebook syndrome.
I freaking hate when someone talks of "us" and "...

3507d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

PS3 was my last console and i am sticking to the PC. Mainly because the console industry has never been as anti-consumer as it is now, even foregoing free online. What makes me pissed off is that Sony fans [and i am a former one] have exuded a superiority complex over Microsoft over having free online, but now that Sony has foregone it, they are acting like nothing happened and trying to justify it.
Because i don't use money to buy games, but rather to support specific developers ...

3508d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

I call total and absolute BS on anyone who says they haven't had a psycho fantasy at least once in their life, whether on a teacher, or on the boss of their job, or on a colleague, or on whoever and whatever, especially a politician, and enjoyed it,
for the convenience of argument and trying to maintain an ethical image that is as transparently BS as the air surrounding me.
Even if you tell someone not to think about killing people, the brain is automat...

3509d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Meh, Commandos games, Counter Strike/ARMA and Discovery channel documentaries on weapons, military training and tactics, survival, do a better job.

If you need motivation, just turn on MTV or any reality TV show and you'll want to wipe out humanity justly. This for example:

3509d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

There is no such thing as innocent civilians in games, no code or AI is innocent.
AI' are heresy, and heresy must be purged. Emperor protects.

3509d ago 13 agree5 disagreeView comment

Does it have ranged weapons that shoot? If not, it's not an FPS, it is a First Person Smash Bash and Crash.
Mount&Blade was sort of an FPS though, you shot arrows and bolts.

3512d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Streisand effect in conjunction with the successful application of business theory that all advertising/press, positive or negative, is good advertising.
In these ages, lots of western society is taught that they are special, a lot are taught to express their opinions whenever they can, and a lot are afflicted with narcissism from the Facebook effect and image building.
Especially when matters of moral and ethics are concerned, everyone wants to have their opinions heard and t...

3512d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

If there didn't exist hate, then there would not exist a standard for love to exist. That Star Trek Next Generation episode "Justice" goes into this well enough with the capital punishment the utopian society on that planet uses because their sense of good and bad has been skewed and twisted through constant peace.

You can't have the good without the bad. Balance must always exist. Besides, hate is a tool, it's how you use it that matters. If you focus i...

3513d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are a product of your unique individualistic choices. Think of your own existence as a piece of paper and think of the environment as something that gives you random written titles on that piece of paper that you freely interpret and then write about in the paper, much like a language assignment in school.
The environment has simply provided a title, what you will write about that title, how you will interpret it, what ideas you will have about it, HOW MANY different things you wi...

3514d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry, but child porn videos [with real children] and rape videos [with real people] can't be compared to fake imaginary pieces of code.
In your examples real people are hurt, in video games nobody is hurt and it is all part of an imagination.
You feeling disturbed because real people are being harmed in rape and child porn videos is a valid thing anyone can agree on,
but censoring art that doesn't utilize real people because you feel emotionally distur...

3514d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

A video game can't encourage anyone to become a cold-blooded murdered.
To become a murderer you already have to have a predisposition for it. We already went over this crap with the old "violence in video games leads to real life violence" argument. When i say "we", i don't mean me, but psychologists and neurologists who actually know their stuff proving it through scientific method. The human brain operates at a much deeper level than just the surroundings...

3514d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sexual objectification would imply a character stripped of humanity, while both Bayonetta and Catherine have their own characters and human elements.
Whether someone will like those elements or not, or whether they will find them appealing or not, is a matter of subjective opinion and not some tinfoil interpretation of "misogyny". One could even call this slut shaming because you focus on the boobs but not on the well done writing behind them, and deny the character's s...

3519d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ok, 3 things flawed with the article:
1. Misoginy is a hate or dislike of women, liking boobs is kind of contradicting to this stupid label that nobody knows how to use correctly these days it seems.
2. Catherine is not marketed entirely on boobs, it is entirely marketed on great writing, and its writing is great. It connects, it stays within the rules that the writer established, it has the effects of surprise. Anything else is subjective philosophizing. Maybe the author shou...

3519d ago 26 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'd like to see Two Worlds II get a good modding support since we are on that topic.
God that magic combat in that game is unrivaled and the various side quests and the non-copy paste dungeons with actual variety and unique quests are something Bethesda should look up to. But that magic combat system man.
Unfortunately the close combat is shit (but it can be fixed via modding) and the game is buggy as fuck (which can also be fixed via proper modding).

3525d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Clipping is the biggest bitch to solve for the gaming industry, far before proper water. I wish someone made a big good well researched and in-depth article on clipping and what technologies/techniques are being developed, by who, to solve it.
This would actually make for a great technical read if anyone does it well.

3526d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This reminds me of Homeworld, Nexus: The Jupiter Incident, Star Wolves and Genesis Rising,
and that makes my penis hard.
Will be checking this out.
Edit: aww shuks, by what i'm reading in reviews on Steam, this won't be enjoyable. Darnit Paradox.

3527d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment