
CRank: 5Score: 3780

facts, yes true. but those are facts about one quarter of both companies. you asstard. you stupid kids think you know everything. microsft windows systems probaly make near 50 billion alone. sony made close to 80 billion on tv's and digital camera's alone last fiscal year. ill go try and find the article to that and post it.

5923d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

the first ME hasent even reached 3mill yet, FF13 will sell more than that in japan maybe 4 months into it.

5924d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

if they are rushing the game to try and get it complete and on shelves before ff13. or maybe they will wait till a few months after then release. i just know if they are around the same time i wont be getting me2 untill a few months after ff13 is out. you would think with the way the ps3 is outselling the 360 by the time its ready they wont want to release it around the same time as a major ps3 title

5924d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

i live in va aswell, down here at va beach everyone has 360's, my friend works at gamestop and the only time they've sold out since the begining of 07 is around gaylo 3. most people i know are buying ps3 getting ready for there 08 onslaught

5945d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

its coming, i wish they would hurry with the official statments, i just cant wait

5965d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you code for a specific hardware, dumb@ss

6002d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

microsft has based it entire gaming division on mimicing. only thing they've givin to consumers is live, they just copy everything else. motion sensing was a useless fad, now they're making a controller for it. all microsft did was a ruch out a system, make you pay for every extra thing ripping you off with a smile on there face, and half of you talk about them like there gods. my 360- $400
120gb hdd- $180

6002d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

saying the ps3 version looks slightly better and more kids crying about it. does it really matter, just wait for it to come out, play it and enjoy it. is it really that hard. how can people even argue the power of the ps3 after a DEMO of GT5 looks years beyond anything on the 360. stop crying about all this stuff and just go enjoy your games.

6007d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

ps3 wasnt the lead platform, the pc was

6007d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

good job capcom, the game looks like it will be hella fun no matter what console you decide to play it on

6008d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1up and ign, the ps3 version looks crisper and plays better. and they both said the 360 version dropped frame rate every now and then. so like COD4, DMC4 will probaly get better scores in the graphics and control department. ok xbox lovers, disagree with the facts now, yall are pretty good at ignoring facts and making you own little reality

6008d ago 15 agree5 disagreeView comment

but thats just rsx, now post the specs of cell + rsx and we can see which console has better specs. you could actualy just post specs of cell and the specs would be better if you know what your looking at.

6008d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and that is the trend that will continue. as far as the 360 goes, its already reached its limit, which isn't all the way a bad thing. developers are comfortable with it, they know what they're doing. but the thing is, the ps3 has so much potential that developers will start thinking big and the ps3 will be the only console to achieve what they want to. sony builds consoles for the future everyone else builds consoles for the present, to try and turn a quick profit now. of the three systems we...

6015d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

will sony sell more consoles in 08 than msoft, most likely, but will the ps3 pass the 360 in total market share, no. the reason, xbox had a 1 year head start, thats 1 year of only 360's for the next gen consoles, so realistically the only way that sony would pass msoft in 08 is if 360's stopped being made. it will probly take until 2010 for the ps3 to pass the 360. which is really good considering all the negativity and false statments leading people to beleive the the ps3 was a failure. sony...

6015d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 417,534 (-) 7,194,575
X360 414,159 (-) 14,558,327

what year is the 360 on?
what year is the ps3 on?
nuff said.
now lets look at the competition the 360 had its first year.......ok thats done. the ps3 had the wii and 360. so put your biased thoughts to the side, the ps3 is doing very well.

not to mention the lack of games the ps3 had for about a year.

6016d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

he's lying or very coky not looking at what games sony has in there line up. i think Nintendo is blinded by there success and really need to start developing another console. bye the time the wii sells 40mill people will be tired of it, which isn't a bad thing because now they can take all this money they made and really show why they are the kings of innovation with a next gen console with crazy features

6016d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

dying for a good rpg on my 360, i find myself playing ps2 as much as my 360 so that i can play rpg's

6064d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

theres a nintendo and sony, msoft will never do good in japan. they just dont like american products, no matter how good the games are. the majority there will stick with nintendo or sony, but mostly nintendo

6064d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

people still try to say forza look s just as good. a demo of GT5 looks better than forza 2, get over it

6070d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

but do you all wanna talk about how much money they've lost in the video games market? close to a billion, and did you all know that ms paid more advertising for halo 3 then they made off the game, im sure they'll make a profit though in the next couple years. now im sure someone will point out how much sony has lost on the ps3, but to counter that, all ps2 sales are pure profit, wich almost makes up for it. and sony is doing a great job pushing there blu-ray, that will make them plenty more ...

6072d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment