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"The crew of PS3Life shares their expectations for next-weeks GamesCom."

More like the crew of PS3Life take a number, along with all the other sites. I wonder if Gamescom will be the same as E3 - hyped to manic proportions and not quite delivering (while Nintendo went the complete opposite direction). The PS3 price drop rumours are a good start at least.

5042d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Where are the Socom 4 Move videos? >:(

5042d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So now sites can name any random NeoGAF user coming out with "inside info" and it's approved as a credible post? Horse sh*t. :|

When posting rumours, at least make sure the source is reliable. Who the hell is De-Mon?

5042d ago 24 agree6 disagreeView comment

Who honestly gives a crap about this? :|

5042d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I didn't enjoy Heavy Rain much but I'll give him credit where it's due with his creation selling 1.5 million copies. Takes a lot of guts and yes, ego to believe in and push through your creation with as much zeal as Cage did (check out his past IGN blog posts about how the creation of the game was an "obsession" for him that ate into his sleep and took him away from his family).

5042d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

And now I'm right: GT 5's limited edition was not mentioned. What's wrong, article writer? Didn't want to lose the N4G views?

5043d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

"Introduce a little anarchy into the equation" >:D

@disagree: Try and stop me. :P

5043d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

It's supposed to be "sensationalist" and gain people's attention. Like, groovy man. :P

5043d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"If you're like me, you haven't touched the game since a few weeks after launch."

I still play it. Not every day but still do, and I know three others who do the same. Just because the author doesn't, that doesn't mean a shit ton of others don't feel the same. Anyway, this was written for N4G and we know PS3 gamers - despite the crap Activision has been pulling - have hated the company since they dared threaten mighty Sony. Ironstarmovement repre...

5043d ago 21 agree19 disagreeView comment

No, I didn't insomnium. :)

And I don't take it the wrong way, morgan. It's unfortunate to me because it's plainly obvious Ashcroft did not a) carefully and fully review the video when he discovered it, b) gain permission from his superiors to put it up, because the higher-ups gotta check everything, even if the journalist has thoroughly done so, and c) eat humble pie and admit he was wrong when he so plainly was.

For that matter, Crescente cou...

5046d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just as I'm never surprised what lengths PSX Extreme goes to when it wants hits. What Kotaku did is unfortunate - I'm not at all surprised video game journalists are doing this - but these guys are only using the incident to springboard visitors onto their site. And to repeat what they wrote about before - yep, they've done an article on why "Gran Turismo 5 Must Be The Best Simulator Of All Time".

5046d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

This is just art work these two artists made. It's not a real project (yet), as indicated at the end of this so-called "preview"

"Are you excited about this potential Ico-inspired project? Are you hoping it gets turned into a game?"

Though yes, I think it'd be great if Naughty Dog/thatgamecompany picked it up and went to town with it.

5047d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bubble up to you. Frankly, I haven't seen the game do anything that made me go "Oh my god, must buy!" but I'd still like to play it. For me, it's a game, not a fashion choice. If other people like it as well, all well and good for them but I'm only playing it for fun.

Edit: Also, NowGamer has been and always will be full of sh*t.

5047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll stick with my controllers, thanks. :P

5047d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I don't know about "okay", Soda. Far as I could see on their main site, they put it up, it got the heat and now they've moved on but it's painfully obvious the PS3 community is still raging on about it.

I suppose a story like this could be seen as Kotaku trying to "balance things out" but frankly, looking at their story about pink coloured Gears of War lancers struck me as being more biased. Because being genuinely excited bout something like t...

5047d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Kotaku claims the video came from a French GT5 fan site and they just posted it up. They said they can't confirm whether it's been altered or not. And said video can't be found on the French site so things have just become one big if they're lack of attention at the stuttering frame rate weren't bad enough.

5047d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

It wasn't just that Modnation had long loading times. Just that the loading times were frequent (though they released a patch later to fix this). 52 seconds is by no means short, but man alive, with the amount of detail and content happening in GT5, I'd be hard-pressed to tell them to make it load faster.

And I believe this is footage of a game still in development. They could make the loading times even less, though as stated, the current one is alright with me.

5047d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

That's like asking who any of us on N4G are, except the answer would have no relevance to gaming or technology or anything whatsoever. /jk

Seriously though, google, google, google.

5047d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can look at the video itself (not just the TV of GT5) and see that the frame rate is stuttering. And this happens when you take a, say, 25 fps PAL video and cut it's speed to perhaps 30% of the original (what this essentially does is makes the video longer, spreading a lesser number of frames over a longer duration).

It could also be a problem with the camera used, which seems more likely but Kotaku really should have known better than to run with an off-screen record...

5048d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

...Is actually taken from Frontlines: Fuel of War, except you have a greater variety of drones in that game.

5048d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment