CRank: 5Score: 2840

i'm not into the dmc series, the first one was ok i guess. but i might pick up the new one just to have a game to play. january and february have been horrible on the gaming front.

5947d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

had i known they were planning on this i would have waited. i only wanted portal, half life's not that great.

5949d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Pegasus is not a horse.

5950d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lets say the defendants in a class action law suit win a million dollars, if there are only 1000 defendants each person gets 100grand minus the lawyers fees.

so in this case, if you jumped in to the lawsuit the pay would drop below $35. although the lawyers would still make their's a con.

5954d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but w/ all the delays i have completely lost interest in this game. unless it's a must have have when released i will not buy it.

5958d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

this article seems a little fake to me but i don't doubt that sony has unannounced exclusives just as i don't doubt ms has unannounced exclusives in the works.

can't wait to see what Team ICO has in the works. also, i want to see more on Heavy Rain.

5966d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i doubt there will be a sotc2. you kill all the colossi in the first one so don't really see where they could go w/ a sequel, unless it has nothing to do w/ the colossi. there were a lot of unanswered questions at the end of sotc (trying not to give any spoilers) but i don't see how they could continue the series w/o going in a completely different direction.

i ps3 remake would be awesome though.

5966d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DW is one of those games that ppl either love or hate. the reviewer clearly says DW fans will love the game and those that are not DW fans will continue to avoid it. so i based on that statement alone i would say 8/10 is fair.

as for not being innovative, the review also said that the changes made are not really noticeable to those that are not fans of the series. as a fan i think the DW6 has stuck to it's extreamly successful formula while adding a lot of features the serie...

5967d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i don't really see resistance 2 coming out this year. i'm sure it's in the works but if it was coming out this year we would have seen a few screen shoots or heard something from Insomniac about it. just like gears of war 2, i'm sure will hear and see plenty of resistance 2 long before it is released.

also, i have my doubts that FF13 will get released this year as well. it might but i doubt it.

5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

come on man. it's foolish to say that Uncharted is the first cinematic game. i'm a huge fan of the ps3 and uncharted but uncharted is not the best game ever.

don't get me wrong, i loved it. it's the best game graphically that has come out, but just like all games it has it's flaws. like the fact that drake displayed inhuman upper body strength but he if fell more than 10 ft. he died. he could throw himself around like the Prince of Persia but his legs seemed to be made o...

5975d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

damn, i replied to the wrong post...oops

5978d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think you misunderstand how ad space works. companies pay wal-mart(or any other retail store)big money for that ad space. so, ms paid to advertise on the ad space. ms my not have known what was going into the cardboard shelves, they just forked over the money for the ad space. then again it could have been the wal-mart works that did this, either as a joke or out of stupidity or laziness.

5979d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you should definitely pick up Uncharted.

5979d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

you would be right, except that it has been stated by several ppl that Konami is contractually obligated to keep MGS4 a ps3 exclusive.

5979d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is ridicules. he made 3 good points, releasing home, better advertising and releasing more exclusives. but releasing games w/o bugs? come on, ms and Nintindo haven't done that either. every game has bugs/glitches, and even the orange box on ps3 is playable so don't give me that "all ps3 games are too buggy to play" BS.

psn does need some polishing but overall it works fine.

how many SKUs does the 360 have? 360-4(core,premium,elite,arcad e)SKUs Ps...

5981d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i would be pissed. bill could at least set up some sort of billion dollar trust fund. fix it so that his kids can't touch the money until they make their first million(or whatever dollar amount bill wants to set).

5981d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

so you like playing the same game over and over again? well, then you are part of the problem. i bet you go see all the crap the movie industry puts out too. i would be willing to bet money you paid to see Live Free or Die Hard, all the RE movies, and AVP2. i would also bet that you'll buy all the crappy FPS sequels as fast as devs like EA can churn them out.

be part of the solution.

5982d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

the whole point of the article is that innovation is not happening. Gears of War was an awesome game but i would be happy w/ never seeing a Gears 2. same for God of War 3, or any other game franchise, whats the point? i played it, i liked it, now give me something new.

5982d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i'm glad to see i'm not the only one who loved bloodlines. it is a much deeper rpg than i thought it would be. for instance, if you play a Nosferatu(the ugly vampires)you have to take the sewers everywhere and feed off of rats. but if you play as any other clan you get almost no blood from rats. and if you play as a Malkavian(the insane vampires)you speak in riddles and metaphors. it's the little stuff that makes a game like bloodlines amazing. not to mention all the hidden side quests.

5982d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

how old is that video? it must be pretty dated considering Superman 2: The Richard Donner Cut come out in 06 and the only recent ps3 games they mentioned were R&C and HS. hell, they had Warhawk as number 1 but didn't talk about the new expansion. that video has to be at least a few months old.

i don't know why HOME is on this list it's not a game.

5983d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment