CRank: 5Score: 4270

so you pay for a service, of which you are then bullied by appointed mod's who become elitist on the service and think its there devine right to ban people and threaten gamers. Just one more reason to desert the 360 sinking ship and set sail on HMS Playstion Network.

5222d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that BFBC wasn'y lauded over CODMW, Battlefeild has always been tops since the pc version then Modern Combat on ps2. Its a big shame that due to CODMW2 decline that BFBC now gets the plaudits when it has always been a superior shooter witha more mature audience, now I can see a migration of immature gamers whooping and swearing online, then buying BFBC just because it got a good review, when it should have been the case with bad company 1.

5222d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rockstar board meeting...

Dan HOuser "I tell you something guys, we have the most succesful, dynamic game series possibly ever created and for the next gen we need some ideas how to progress"

Rockstar Marketing guy "Lets go uber realistic and make the game like real life"

Houser "Yeah that sounds good, we can make the game grow like our ego's"

Rockstar rep "Sweet lets change the most fun game ever a...

5224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cant beleive some of you posting have asked for sequles to games released in the last 5 years, how about sequels to the true classics like JamesPond, Dungeon Master (oblivion style all in HD) , Elite (why oh why has nobody made a new elite) , R-TYpe re-duxed (make co-op online and even crazier and colouful than before that is has a AAA epilepsy warning) , Kick Off, Syndicate, Super Punch Out, Clayfighters, Pitfighter, Golden Axe, and the one and only killer Instinct. I would say Dizzy Egg, ho...

5224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The world will end by 2012, Hitler will be re-born as an islamic fundamentalist.Both of my predictions are total fantasy and likely hood they will not come to fruition a bit like Patchers forecast, Natal and 360 combined = Flogging a dead horse!

5224d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

With continued responses to this dumb, ill-informed, biased, poor, flamebating article and N4G are just as guilty for publishing this garbage. Any gamer with a soul or a ounce of integrity will know that M$ are single handedly cheapining the games market and started off this awful 'mud slinging' by bribing or hiring the media to promote they're faulty product. I'm so sick of reading trash, and would be amazed to see some positive articles about ps3's stellar line up of games that have graced ...

5226d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

is Dizzy Egg on this list from the good old zx spectrum days, I mean you play an walking jumping egg trying to escape strange enemies ( static obstacles) from killing you in a messed up psychedelic landscape, if you never had the pleasure of playing this 8 bit classic then it is truly terrifying harrowing white knuckle ride.

5226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rats deserting a sinking ship!

5226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MOst of the guys who review at the sixth axis are desperate for the ever declining site to receive hits hence the odd low score on ps3 exclusives, most of the guys who play for their clan (TXS) are terrible losers and since the good old hacylon days of KZ2 I detest their clan and crew.
This is due to one evening me and my friend acquired the deadly Magnum and joined them for some banter as we were part of the clan, after beating every single one of their scores and topping the leaderbo...

5231d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I dont see how you can blame the fanboys as the opinions are heavily influenced by this new breed of biased journalists who seem hellbent on halting the ps3's rise to glory, EDGE, IGN, EUROGAMER and many more are culprits of this biased view on PS3 exclusives which have been criminally panned just beacuse they are on ps3..

Most recent was MAG which as a FPS fan since Doom, Duke Nukem then progressing to the online arena with Qauke,BF etc is the best most innovative FPS modern d...

5231d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

IHateYouFanboys - 11 hours ago

the cell isnt some magical processor with infinite power. IBM made both the cpus for the PS3 and the 360 and even they admit that theyre both basically on equal footing.

blu-ray means nothing for video games unless you just load the game up with FMV, Final Fantasy style. some of the best looking and biggest games barely even take up half a regular DVD.

the 360 has a better GPU. this fact alone pretty much ma...

5231d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

HUSTLE KINGS! Theres nothing else that recreates pool ona perfect simulation level, oh and it rocks online too!

5232d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every houshold in England that is below minimum wage owns a 360 for there 8 - 14 year old children as the ps3 is the little bit more money, that is another reason why XBOX live is a poor experience as it is full of pre pubecsent kids shouting wooping and acting big on the mic. If your a mature hardcore gamer with any sense then you buy a ps3, also the exclsuives we have coming out again this year will blow 360 out of the water 3 years running.

FOrza will get trumped by GT5 whic...

5234d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

PLayed the generic demo, and it now scores higher than MAG...shame on you IGN!

5235d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been championing BF as an online shooter since ps2, what I dont understand is the amount of sheep who will now sadly flock to BFBC2 since the decline of COD, I have been cussed many times for saying BFBC is a superior shooter. COD has never deserved the acclaim it has deserved, so unfortuantely we will now be full of idiots shouting and whooping after each kill, the mature audience now sits on Zipper's doorstep with the superb MAG which has me gripped from day one.

5236d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Owned MAG since day 1 and I can honestly say hand on heart it is as gripping and compelling as BFBC and blows COD out of the water, 256 players suits the MAP perfectly (although you can play rooms with fewer players) and it is poetry in FPS motion to see and be part of such an epic battle everytime you play.

In my eyes I have never understood the plaudits HALO 2,3 and the god damn awful ODST (quake and UT maps how 1998) receive, all the follow ons have been poor and the reason ...

5236d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2's opening credits to show Visaris face are still the best grpahics on any console and close to PC, his skin has a transluscent look with blemishes and eyes that look real, physics,graphics and effects throughout the single player and online are unmatched on any console.

Uncharted ticks all the boxes mo cap is the best you have ever seen, ME2 looks really good but animations are nowhere near as good as uncharted2 and its not as fun to play I mean its another generic s...

5241d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

I can only put it one way..."IGN & EDGE Suck 360 dev's dirty unwashed corporate c**k and they love it"

Journalism is supposed to be unbiased and provide thoghtful insights and prodcutive / counter prodcutive comments, unfortunately I refuse to buy gaming mags since the GTA 1V fiasco, which has to be the most overhyped / biggest letdown ever, not one maagzine alerted me to GTA losing its feel and waxed lyrical over Rockstar almost lubed up bedning over for them. ...

5242d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Zipper I must thank you, as a hardcore gamer since 85 I spent my childhood visiting the local pier in southsea waxing lyrical over the new and best games on display, used to go to bed at night and dream of devs making a war game, not even in my wildest dreams did I think we would get to this stage.
MAG is the best online FPS ever, even trumps my beloved battlefield which is gonna be a purchase but unless it grips me from day 1 it will be gathering dust next to MAG.


5244d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Edge editor: "HI Zipper interactive we've just played the beta code for your up and coming groundbreaking game MAG and have to say its very good, however we have a few issues"

Zipper: "OK?"

Edge editor: "Well its realy good and I have to say better than CODMW2, however as you well know we have our heads so far up kovics arse that only a bribe will make us review this game 7 or higher"

Zipper "I beg your pardon, so...

5244d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment