
CRank: 5Score: 32350

But since you didn't say something pro-PS3, you got 3 disagrees. :/

4868d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

You're a sucker if you believe these screens are raw and untampered.

4869d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I am inclined to believe the dramatic differences seen in these GameDynamo screenshots are merely the result of TAMPERING!

It looks to me like they applied color correction, contrast, and sharpness enhancements to the PS3 version, but left the 360 shots as-is... remember, the Lens of Truth screens look damn near identical in color, sharpness and contrast!

Plus, these images weren't taken with a capture tool, they were photographed off a TV screen! face_pa...

4869d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It might be a success with 16 year old girls, but I wouldn't use that to validate my fanboyism towards the underpowered Kinect. Even the Wii had more proven and more playable games with core appeal at its launch.

4888d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Skip the stupid foreign site and go straight to the video.

4890d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kinect is a solution looking for a problem.

4909d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Videogame cutscenes are usually C-grade at best. So this was a huge breath of fresh air.

4920d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They're helpful in that they essentially picked out the good from the mundane in this particular case.

However, their GT5 videos ARE completely useless. STUNNING this, STUNNING that--- when really it's just another shakycam video of some guy noobing around the track.

What I want to know is what idiot is camping a dutch site for an English Google translation, and not embedding the videos in the N4G article? The way VGZ embeds their videos is thievery,...

4961d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've hated Wii/Move controls since the Wii launched, and have been actively criticizing them throughout Move's launch. However, while grinding through some MAG matches, I started getting better after about 4 hours. Now I'm not saying I'll get better with Move than I ever was with analog sticks, but who knows? I'll have to keep playing in order to find that out. And once I got over that 4 hour hump, things started becoming more rewarding, so I'm gonna shelve my dual ana...

4962d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Motion+ wins by a long shot since it's the one being incorporated the most"

Wrong. "The one being incorporated the most" is PS Move. Just 26 games support Motion Plus, whereas the number for Move is 54 (according to Wiki, though I could have sworn it was already in the 70's).

4969d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I really hope so. If anyone should be able to post videos, it's GTPLANET. They credit the source by using the official Youtube embedded player instead of hiding the videos behind a third-party player. Not to mention they aren't hyperbolistic with their headlines.


Click "Report" in top right

Copy/paste "submitting gt5 video...

4998d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I didn't understand that article. Please non-English speakers, go to your own damn corner of the internet.

5022d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, rrobba, you have to point the Wiimote at the screen before every round of table tennis, every shot in archery, every toss in frisbee, etc, and this is to calibrate yaw.

The other kind of calibration is of course putting the Wiimote on the table, which isn't much of a pain because it only happens once every half hour or so.

It is annoying though having to point at the screen. It's not something you have to do with Move because it has a magnet...

5022d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Arthritis as flaws of the Wii and Move? Yeah, I'm sure my grandma would rather run a marathon and jump hurdles with Kinect. Half a pound is just too much to prop up in her frail hands, but she can really boogy with Kinect.

Kinect really is doomed if those were the best reasons anyone could come up with.

It read more like a 360 fanboy than anything else really. Or maybe a tech fanboy who really doesn't understand the difference be...

5024d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Dance:

Yeah they're both black and they both are shaped like tv remotes, and they both have wriststraps. But the most innovative thing about the Move is the ball, and it is what makes all the difference. Motion Plus is a glorified orientation sensor. It just means the Wiimote now knows how its rotated. That's ALL. FACT. Move, however, is a complete 3D tracking solution, doing full XYZ position, orientation, 1:1 Virtual Reality, and 1:1 Augmented Reality perfectly. T...

5026d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

This thing has 40 or more games lined up for the first six months. AND YET here he is trying to gauge its success by picking up a box in the store and seeing how it feels in his hands??? Besides, there are 40+ games coming in the near future. If they don't get Sports Champions, there's always something else, something more hardcore or casual, whatever suits them.

And correct me if I'm wrong, this guy isn't Bitmob staff. It's just a user blog. He could just...

5027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He writes: "If free 3D glasses are also included, be wary. It’s just an attempt by the studios to jump on the 3D bandwagon and sell a few extra titles while there’s a lot of 3D confusion"

WRONG. Blu-rays bundled with anaglyph glasses have long been available and are in no way trying to cash in on the 3D confusion. And believe it or not, they're true 3D too. The only difference is that it tints the picture, each eye a different color. It's not as pretty, but ...

5031d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll just wait for official word, thanks.

5042d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The director of the movie was supposedly influenced by FPS's, and among his influences mentioned at his SDCC panel were "the very-much-in-bed-with-Microsof t (gamesradar's words) Call of Duty" and Halo. The fact he didn't plug Resistance is supposed to spark rage in people, I guess.

Hey, if at first you don't succeed, flame, flame again, gamesradar.

5063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I give that pun a one... out of five

5068d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment