
CRank: 5Score: 2510

Its harder to camp when the building you are in is falling to pieces.

4585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game is rated MATURE.

The kids have their parents by the game. Both are Mo-Mo's

4593d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

A couple things.
Good competition (in any aspect) brings about better products.

From a fan of both bases ( CoD and Battlfield) I didn't mind the trash talking at all, it made sense. EA was confident, and the number in sales proves it was successful in the market.
We all know (as well as EA- and they have even said this themselves) that Activision has the numbers when it comes to outright sales. But because Battlefield is able to hold it's own in suc...

4593d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well Said.

4600d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You've obviously never played the PC version of CoD MW2 or Black OPS.. BOTH GAMES were UNPLAYABLE the first day of release. You couldnt join any hosts in Modern Warfare 2, and black ops was a fckin mess, it was a slideshow.

Good ol' Raven. Your blind fanboyism leads to biased, misinformed nonsense, not actual information.

4600d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm a gamer and I am not upset.

4605d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It doesn't matter if you "Feel" this way, or that way. It was a beta, not a "pretend beta" It doesn't matter if you don't think the joke is on you, because it really is. You judged a game before it was finished. It's about as smart as judging the color of a car before it's painted.

Your opinions are your opinions, and that's fine, but you walk a fine line of ignorance if you think the BF3 open beta is what the final game will ...

4605d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Obviously if they can improve the game enough in a timely fashion to possibly increase scores in reviews they will. It's like this: Do you hand in your teacher your rough draft with all of your ideas, or do you send in the one that has been edited and without a lot of typos?

4606d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Cod Trolls =

4606d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


4606d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He's been there a "dozen" times, yet never heard of the Battlefield Series. Turd burglar.

4607d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then dont post.

4608d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Read the article and listen to what Activision/Infinity did to the PC and PS3 community.

Skip to 15 minutes and 22 minutes (Podcast youtube vid)to hear Robert Bowling ruin CoD MW2 for the entire PC community. Infinity Ward is NOTORIOUS for turning their backs on true gamers.

If you are a true gamer, you need to listen to the ...

4608d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

IT WAS A BETA, NOT A DEMO, YOU ARE A TROLL. Go play your beloved CoD already, no one is listening to your drivel. If you, and others cant comprehend what a Beta is, that is entirely your fault.

4608d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's like working as a manager at Chevrolet and not ever hearing about Ford.

4608d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Beta =/= Finished product. That is why it was a called a Beta. It was a work in progress to test server back-end stability. This was stated numerous times, over and over. Yet, you trolling nubcakes still dont understand that.

The only reason you preordered Battlefield was because of all the hype? That makes total since then, you must be a sheep, and ill informed.

SO, without further ado- go play CoD and shut the hell up about your canceled game, because...

4608d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

+1 for Halo
The Elite are ridiculous on Legendary

4609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How can you analyze the AI in a game, and not mention the difficulty setting you are playing on? Ass-hat. Was there one? Oh that's right, another "review" of a game that isn't out yet. $5 dollars says the AI gets a helluva lot better when you change the difficulty settings. I hate reviewers who say a game is 5 hours long. (About any game) Yea, when you storm through it on the EASIEST SETTING. DERP DERP.

4609d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Holy nut swinger! They have sacrificed pretty much everything because they come out with a rushed product EVERY YEAR. That's why they need two different development teams to produce a yearly game. IT is, in fact, the same rehashed shit since Modern warfare 2. World at War was the exception, it looked and played differently. But even then, Modern warfare 2 was a barely expanded Modern warfare 1. Thats just what happens when you have 365 days to "make" a "new" gam...

4614d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Battlefield 3 has already surpassed the Call of Duty series in terms of technology. It is only a matter of time before either:
a) Infinity Ward steps up their game
b) Infinity Ward loses a large chunk of players to DICE

Hurry up and decide.

4614d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment