The Best Thing We Can Do Everyday Is Simply Put One Foot In Front Of The Other And Move Ahead
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Its nice to have backwards compatibility. However, the case must be made that Microsoft is seriously lacking in 1st party content and using games that were released several years ago as an appetizer is quite disappointing.

2886d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think the fact that Tomb Raider is timed exclusive is what will hurt it. Uncharted franchise was always on PS.. Tomb Raider was born on PS and has moved back and forth since.. The bad PR will cloud this game and it will get a bad rep.

3269d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Microsoft and Sony has different focuses.. Microsoft is trying to focus on first party while Sony already established that and are trying to strengthen their position with 3rd party support.. Sony is ahead of the curve while Microsoft is trying to catch up

3269d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't think its fair to compare the games. One us running on new hardware the other on old hardware

3844d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its always about the games.. I'm getting a PS4 and later on an XBOX1. I think the PlayStation 4 will have an edge due to the raw specs.

3858d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not to sound like a fanboy but SE should of stayed with nintendo and sony. Xbox customers are not the biggest JRPG fans. They were profitable when they developed for those companies... Im just saying prove me wrong

4083d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

when multiplatform developers can make their games look like Uncharted or Heavy Rain on both consoles then i believe it... only game on both platforms that look amazing is RAGE.. i think having graphics up to that level and 60 fps should be the goal.. not having a game such AC made by ubisoft running on sloppy framerates..

4716d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

HHG can say whatever he wants is a free country.... Geohot knew that hacking the ps3 was going to get him in trouble he just didnt believe that Sony would actually go after him... Geohot said that the hack doesnt hurt anybody, has anyone gone on MW2 and see if the hacks dont affect anyone... Hackers erasing people scores reseyting their prestige, infinite ammo.. tell me when in all of this it doesnt affect anyone... HHG rapping to Geohot not your best moment. You pride yourself on keeping it ...

4835d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

NFS has been a franchise that has gone up and down.. For them to say that the are the real simulator is a bad joke. I have played Forza/GT/Project Gotham and NFS for years.I loves forza for its customizations.. The Beauty of GT and realism.. The driving balance of PGR. The street racing of NFS.. EA stick to what you sometimes make decent and stay with street racing... Project Gotham/Forza/GT are the real simulators. Even fanboys can agree that these titles must be respected... also I played N...

4836d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MGS4 sold nearly 5.5 millions copies what are u smoking.. MW2 is around the same numbers... this is what the article intends pretty much where would microsoft be without Halo and Gears... take 2 games away from sony and they still would have better games.. Hate fanboys... MS has a good system and Sony too.. very simple its always bout exclusives thats all..

5007d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

i think they were talking bout FPS... they both have shooters.... MS is just smart and understand that shooters are big in America...however sony makes a point in that they are not really diversed... thats what happens when u have almost no 1st party support

5007d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

seriously all MS has managed to do is get the games PS already have. its all about first party games. truth might hurt but MS has anearly nonexisting 1st party studio... sony foresaw that n have been building their 1st party is that simple

5472d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

and yet the 360 only won by 100,000 units. no offense that sad the 360 should be doing better than that . i wonder what will happen when ps3 price drops...

5502d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment