CRank: 5Score: 9570

Wouldn't putting it on Gamepass be smarter? Cod is typically played, I believe, for far longer than 6 months.. if you get everyone playing the game for a year, on Gamepass, you've essentially doubled your profit. $10 a month for a year $120 compared to selling the game once for $60.

Not to mention MT's, on top of it. Sell on PS5, PC and Switch, keep it on Gamepass for Xbox and PC. Much smarter in my opinion..

2h ago0 agree0 disagreeView comment

badz149 - it's interesting you think that's any different.

6d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment


Considering one is a real life pretty woman and one is a video game character made out of pixels - yeah. She is.

21d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean, it sounds like you're just hating on the game - but, I loved it. It was one of my favorite games of it's time and that generation. Replayability could have been better, but I still managed to play it several times. I would have greatly appreciated a sequel and definitely would have been in line to pick it up..

Things happen.

34d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

And yet, 5 people still agreed with your non coherent rambling. 😂

65d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Redemption - I would disagree, somewhat. Developers and publishers have got to take a look at their games and the design. Too many are banking on the idea of micro transactions because games like Fortnite and Apex made truck loads of money.

We used to get new unlocks and cosmetics for free, in game, by winning and accomphing achievements.. now it's by paying. Not everyone wants to pay for a new unlock, $10 for a new skin or gun color.

I've bough...

69d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So many negative comments on this thread/website, when it was really well received on the Playstation..


73d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Good. Great. Fantastic. Pokemon and GameFreak need some competition.. hopefully this will force GameFreak to change it up and Make. Better. Games! They have been stagnant for far too long with GameBoy graphics, charging full $60 for the games. Not deserved and a slap in the face of their customers.

76d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So this patch fixed (??) the matchmaking issues.. were there more, because I'm still struggling with matchmaking issues. I've only been able to join ONE game with other humans playing.. Very frustrating, to be honest. Hopefully Sony gives them a hand to help with these issues.

81d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm more annoyed with the fact that I can't get the matchmaking to work properly. I can't join ANY games with other players due to the fact that the matchmaking isn't working, as it should be. I can't usually, after several tries, get into the game - but I had it sit for over 25 minutes, one time, waiting for matchmaking. I've spent more time in the ship and matchmaking than I have actually playing the game..

81d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It'd be cool if I could get into a server, though..

82d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sunset was fantastic and a helluva fun game to play.

84d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Christopher - I believe midgen updates are just a cashgrab and to allow new owners to jump in for cheaper.

Current owners sell their basic system for cheaper to newcomers and then put that money towards the 'pro.' Getting more players in and selling more consoles.

84d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It really is very frustrating. Mobile is how I view this site 98% of the time and it's just really gone downhill and has several issues/frustrations. Very frustrating to visit this site, anymore.

It's gotten worse, too, since this new "group" took over..

91d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be fair, so is Aurora.. It could be a possible thing you could build, but may come with some consequences. However, for planets, having a rover of some sort would still, likely, be a much better fit for traversal.

116d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly. I haven't bought a FF game since.. idk 10 I think. I really dislike how they got a way from Turn Based battles. I'd much rather they do an alternate game using live action combat. Do something like FF: Tactics but call it FF: Freeform or something.

I enjoyed FF as a turn based game, I don't need the combat system they have in it now. Sigh.

116d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Tay8701 - Idk, man, it's weird as hell to be so invested in things you don't really care for. It just seems.. odd. I guess some people just really strive on drama, it fills them and their needs, I guess? For attention or something?

Just weird, bro.

159d ago 23 agree12 disagreeView comment

It's just people upset still about the Microsoft acquisition, I bet.

178d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My biggest complaint, although trivial, is that both Peter and Miles are named "Spiderman" in the subtitles. Like, we know who they are.. just name them Peter and Miles in the subtitles and not use the stupid little picture, with who is talking. If I can't play with the volume up, it makes it more difficult to tell who is talking..

Just rename them to Peter and Miles. 😭

201d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I never tried that or thought about looking! That actually helps a lot. Will have to check that out! Thanks.

229d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment