CRank: 5Score: 4850

And emphasis on the following part:

"This is all relatively new technology and unproven especially when compared to Nintendo and Sony’s solutions. While the hardware in Natal is all fairly straightforward, its real gamble is in the algorithms it will be running internally to make sense of what its army of sensors will be seeing and hearing."

They made it seem like as if this was just a small problem when in fact this problem is most likely going to end up k...

5464d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

This years Nintendo E3 was a step up from last. But last year was pretty much ROCK BOTTOM, so it wasnt exactly hard to top last year.

It would have been extremely SAD if this year was as bad as last year.

But make no mistake about it. This year was hardly a "loveletter for the core".

Some of the die hard Nintendo fans have been living on hope and fantasy for far too long. And I understand how they want and wish Nintendo to do something for them...

5465d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Bots think they can match Killzone type graphics when the very best game they have, gears 2, cant even beat Uncharted 1 (a 2007 game FIRST year PS3 game).

We told you back then: that Uncharted 1 was just a first year title, wait until you see second year titles like MGS4, Killzone 2, Heavy Rain etc

But did you xbots listen? Hahaha you just totally owned yourselves by staying stupid and not willing to see beyond Microsofts lies.

Hahaha you deserve to be o...

5465d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 doesnt have any games. Their line up this year is absolutely dismal like last year.

Even the gamecube has a better line up than 360.

@xbot below
Those "games" are incredibly underwhelming. And two are multi platform titles.

You fail(ure). No reason to buy a 360 at all.

5465d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Seems like the average for this game is around the 7/10.

"infamous killer" my ass.

Ninja Blade killer however: confirmed.

5465d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yo check this out, xbots.

Thats the fking reality. REALITY. Youre fking crap60 is worthless man. Gamestop wont even give you anything more than 70 bucks for that shiat. Whats that you say? Thats right, the fking trade in value of a 360 is just a little bit more than a regular game. HAHAHA. How sad is that man?

Theyll accept PS2 and Gam...

5465d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment

Gears is the perfect example. Gears 2 looks the same as gears 1 proving that EPIC and cliffyturd ran out of ideas on the 360 due to its hardware limitations.

Ergo, 360 is maxed out.

5465d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

The article clearly states that the PS3 outsold the 360 by 2.9 million at the same time frame.

Do you not get what this means? The PS3 sold more units now and by next year WILL sell more than the 360 in the same time.

The PS3 is DOING BETTER than the 360. And the gap between the 360 and PS3 is there because the 360 launched a year earlier. The PS3 is in its second year while the 360 is already on its 3rd.

The gap is not caused because the 360 outsells th...

5465d ago 17 agree6 disagreeView comment

Prototype is a decent game. If you got spare money, then go ahead and purchase it.

As usual, PS3 owners win big time again.

5465d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

the 360 is a cheap box of plastic that is badly designed and aimed to leech the hell out of its fanbase with everything they do.

Dont even compare the 360 with the PS2. The PS2 WON because it had the best games available.

The 360 doesnt have any games. And will not have any games until its supposed "death" in 2015. Im not talking about totally gameless. Im talking about the "Gamecube experience": where you have 1 must own game every year or so wit...

5465d ago 17 agree5 disagreeView comment

The best they 360 had, were multi platform titles.

"but, but, bu alan wake lookd realliez goot"

"but, bu mass effect 2"

I predict more denial.

Hahaha stinkin bots, the reality is that only a handful of hardcore xbots are still pretending that the 360 is good enough this gen. Hardly anyone was impressed by alan wake. But keep dreaming. alan wake is the best the 360 can do. And its underwhelming to say the least.

5465d ago 21 agree3 disagreeView comment

MGS4 alone rapes the entire underwhelming catalog of 360 games. But xbots are sour and pathetic creatures. They think they can compete but they are so heavily outmatched, they really have no clue.

Take a look at this. Pure epicness. MGS4, game of the century.

Words cannot describe how epic MGS4.

5466d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now thanks to the almost infinite power of the PS3, the team behind Ninja Gaiden 2 can fulfill their original dream to create the true, also known as the "DEFINITE" Ninja Gaiden 2 experience.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the xbots for spending money on the beta game and iron out the beta so that Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 can be a better game.

It is thanks to your blood, tears and hardwork that PS3 owners get the definite version of Ninja Gaiden...

5466d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

uh huh, yea I thought so.

How bout you focus on the thing that really matters, stupid people?

Like high quality ground breaking games that offer true next gen experience.

Youre a sad individual if all you do, is sit behind your computer and add up each months sales when it doesnt concern you in any way.

Probably have no games to play either.

EDIT: the bots waste no time with disagreeing. Sad individuals they are.

5466d ago 8 agree19 disagreeView comment

PS3 is running 60 player online last year. Whens the shiatbox ever going to do that? It can barely run 5v5 gears 2 without fking up.

Developers dont fk up. Developers just dont utilize PS3s power. Because there is simply NO REASON to. A game has been developed for both crapbox and PS3. All they are concerned about, is to run the game as smooth as possible on both platforms. THEIR GOAL IS NOT TO PUSH THE SYSTEMS.

There is no economic incentive to make the PS3 version ...

5466d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Finally, even the stinking xbots are starting to see the light:

- shiatbox 350

Old HDMI version 1.1
Wired controller with stinking battery life
Cheapass headset
Dead HD DVD format
Inferior games line up
Need to pay to play online

PS3 starts at 399
Superior Blu Ray format
No malfunctioning worries

5466d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

Yet, all he does, is bash PS3 and PSP and glorify 360.

Well, on the last E3 conference review, Geoff Keighley asked him what he thought about Sony conference and then Pachter went on a rant again.

But when he mentioned how great Natal was, the wolf in sheep clothing finally slipped: HE SAID HE CANT GET HIS WIFE TO PLAY HIS 360 BUT WITH NATAL HE HOPES SHE WILL JOIN IN.

Several things that are confirmed here:

1) he has a 360
2) he has gr...

5466d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The 360 does not know the term exclusivity. All its games will go to PC or PS3 eventually.

There is absolutely no reason to own one unless you want an extra heater for the winter.

10 bucks says Shadow complex is also going to PC. ROFL I still remember how Cliffy turd demonstrated that dogshiat on stage and the game glitched towards the end of the presentation in front of worldwide audience. Hahaha

And I love how he used the games "metal gear solid,...

5466d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MGS4 is simply a stunning masterpiece and is way ahead of its time.

Its pure EPICNESS. And its ONLY ON PS3.

Suck on it bots.

5466d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

March 2010
God of war 3
White knight


This holiday
Modern warfare 2
Bioshock 2
Assassins Creed 2

5466d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment