CRank: 5Score: 440

What a way to diss ND's game when they put all the hard work and passion into it.

5342d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mark, I agree that xbox live is better then psn, but there are hacks on both systems. So saying that psn=hackfest is unfair and you really need to play both consol first before you put out a retarded comment like that.

5418d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The gamers that does the hack sucks. Every single game that I play everyone does it. I'm the only one that doesn't do it and I still win. For those that do the hack, all of you can go the hell. You guys are cheap and don't know how to play against good players like me.

5418d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn, this really work. I just tried it this morning and now my PS3 is working. It only cost me about 40 bucks and 2 and a half hours. Thanks man.

5527d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All they need to do now is team up and beat the hell out of nintendo. LOL

5529d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. It doesn't matter which controller you use. If you good then you are good. If you suck then you suck. I bet you he was to use a 360 controller and I was to use a PS3 controller in a FPS I would still beat the crap out of him. Same thing if I use a 360 controller and he uses a PS3 or a 360 controller, I would still own him.

5529d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that SE hasn't lost there touch yet, but they are making retarded decisions about putting all there games out so far exclusively to the 360. They should learn from Capcom. I bet you if they launch their exlusive 360 games that are out already for the PS3 then they would have a million seller already. Heck, the PS3 only would sold there games over a million. 360 owners are not JRPG fans and they know it, but they still have there games exclusive. Mark my words when they have a JRP...

5564d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Whoever wrote this article has no idea what the hell is he talking about. Especially when he is talking about the guns. He said that it is bad story telling because in the future we shouldn't be using bullets, but then said that halo is the most epic story ever. Tell me if I'm wrong, but halo takes place in the future doesn't it and it also uses bullets. So what the hell is he talking about. On the graphical part, I bet you killzone 2 will win best graphics when the awards start coming i...

5566d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know if it is going to look better then the 360 verson til I see it. I remember people saying that Bioshock looked way better on the PS3, but when it came out, it didn't look so good. So I think when it comes out the first thing people are going to do is a comparison between the two verisons and the 360 verison is still going to come out on top again. Then people are going to complain and then EA is going to have to patch the PS3 verison and 360 fanboys going to say ha ha and PS3 f...

5569d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

WOW this is the one game that will make sony lose the consol war. LOL

5572d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment