
CRank: 5Score: 15360

Without or without aim assist, a skilled player WILL out play a non skilled player. Think about it, take a crappy guy with lots of aim assist, MAYBE could get a good shot, but up against a guy with great skill, even with less aim assist 99% of the times hes still going to get that shot. Yes there is aim assist, so you base your skill/strategy around that fact, knowing very well a lucky shot COULD get you. Its still very much a skill based PvP.

3057d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well I am enjoying the game, but I'm not getting dlc right away, not until I can save money on it somehow. As for the graphics, it looks a little better than the last game, but think of the jump from Forza 2 to Forza 5, give them time and it'll get better. As for the lack of content, I am very upset to see so many cars go, and I still don't see why some are still in the game and/or haven't been replaced with newer versions of them. I can only hope they as least release ...

3844d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Blackdeath_663 in order for it be more precise, sped up or not, the game would have to tell the future and know when you plan on shifting, so it could start the animation before hand, or else no matter what you are still going to hit the button and THEN it will show his hand shifting. Even sped up it would make a huge difference if you press the shift up/down and then have to wait for the animation to even start before it actually shifts. And even that split second can make all the differe...

3850d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Ok, if you dont have anything nice to say then keep it to yourself, if its no interest to you done read the article. why is it that every time an article comes out people feel the need to voice their negative opinions, no one cares what you have to say, were just excited for the damn game, get over it.

And as for angels3785's comment, I'll agree with some of the things you've said, but some of it makes me believe your a little full of yourself, I'm not going t...

4353d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

not even remotely too soon, most of the games on the list are brand new, black ops is a year old, they just dont want to lower the price because they love their money, even though theyve made well over the the budget, just in the first day. The same goes over at best buy, people at activision are cheap.

4588d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't find the kinect as difficult because my nephew has kinect, and he doesn't use it, the one I'm worried about is the Unicorn Hunter one. For one, I'm not good with buying cars in the auction house, it took me forever to get that achievement in 3, but now we have to buy a car that will be more rare, more expensive, and a hell of a lot more sought after.

4662d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, NISMO is Nissan's in house tuning company, like Mopar for Chrysler/Dodge, AMG for Mercedes-Benz, etc. RUF cars share a very small amount in common with the Porsches they look like. They start out with the chassis and after that, with the exception of the looks of the car, its all done by them, its not even considered a Porsche anymore, that's why the Porsche license isn't needed to have RUF's in games. I don't mean to nitpick I was just trying t...

4666d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The reason you can finish faster in Forza makes sense, in a real car theres more danger, so theres a bigger risk to cutting this corner a bit more, or not slowing down quite as much over here, so in a gameit makes sense that it would be just a tad quicker.

4682d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeh, I'll be playing Forza 4, and that will take up all my time

4759d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the article didnt put a score on it, the person who posted it on n4g did. Its actually not a bad article, give it a try

4935d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I honestly think the article was just being honest. Think about it though, for a game to maybe be in development for 2 years or so, and if it was rushed out just to get people to buy it, then MAYBE that could justify having so many cars only brought over from the last game, barely touched, and then called next gen. But for a game thats been in development for what, 6 years? I think thats ridiculous. Besides, its his opinion of the game, don't like it? keep it to yourself and play the game...

4935d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think, with the difference in how powerful the two systems are, for the 360 Forza looks good. Albeit, the amount of detail they put in their cars is dumbed down during actual racing for it to run smoother, and I swear its all the lighting that makes their cars look cartoonish compared to GT. If you don't believe me on the detail part, go to Forza's website and look at the user galleries, there are a lot of close up shots of the cars and they do have an excellent amount of detail, it...

5006d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

But how is the lambo only spinning the back wheels?

5022d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally, i think its a pointless game. Theres better, more productive hobbies out there. aside from that, some of you are right, its his choice, he chooses his game over his girlfriend, i think she has every right to do what she did. relationships cant be one sided. but seriously, you have to admit he was WAY to into it, so much so that instead of starting a new character, and playing hours on end again he goes and destroys his computer, thats way too far. if i had a car i was restoring an...

5093d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

from what i saw there was about a half a second of lag, for both players, because if you noticed, whats her name was jumpin a second after he was. Either way, not gettin one, i enjoy bein really lazy

5095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ jamesgtaiv

I own the original 30gb, and the 32gb HD, as well as more people who do not want to be like everyone else and own an ipod

5159d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Both pics top and bottom look the same because theyre both forza 2, you can even tell by the one that shows the porsche on top with the forza 2 menu even though it says forza 3 in the corner. These pics are bs.

5349d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment