
CRank: 5Score: 9520

Took about 50 minutes on my 80gb fat PS3. Why fight longer loading times in game? Take the hit upfront.

4940d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My walmart didn't even have them in stock nor were they aware it even came out today. Its not bias there really isn't that much hype. No one knew the release date until a couple weeks ago. Hardly time to start pushing the marketing and reviews weren't available until today.

It is what it is...

4940d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The super Walmart near my house didn't have copies in this morning and were not aware it was even coming out today. Their inventory said available online only.

BestBuy on the other hand had copies sitting right at the entrance as you walk in.

Can't blame Gamestop for not doing a midnight launch. Sony had to force this thing out in time for the holidays as there was no release date until like 2 weeks ago. Not much time to pump up the marketing.

4940d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Post-Order Price Match Policy

With the exception of TVs, we do not offer post-order price matching when an item's price drops after you buy it. Our prices regularly change, and the price you paid when your order shipped was the lowest price we were able to offer at the time. We consistently offer competitive prices on everything we carry because we know low prices are very important to our customers."

Per Amazon website

4940d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have any of the major gaming sites released a review yet? When is the online portion supposed to kick off that will allow them to go online with enough time to make judgement and include in the review?

In most cases if there is no review before release day there usually is a problem. Starwars: Force Unleashed 2 anyone? I imagine all the sites have NDAs to wait until the online portion is sorted out before reviewing.

4944d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Number of games on Move or Kinect that aren't shitty Wii experiences: 0

4947d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

But the same gaming experience. The move has more precision than the Wii however when you play the dull sports games on it you feel like you playing Wii sports. I imagine with the kinect it will be similar. After you jump around for the first couple of days you will say "These games are a bit simple and get dull quickly".

Then you will put it away next to your Wii and Move.

4962d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

The best most thorough review I have ever watched.

4963d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

who wants compressed "HD". Stick with netflix, stream with the same fake hd and still rent blu-rays.

5199d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

most of you even care how many ps3s it sells? If you are here reading about the game you already have a ps3. Does sony pay your rent?

I'm just looking forward to playing the game.

5209d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The discontent is silly. EVO is open registration and the ladies tournament is just selecting the women who registered in the first place for a side tournament. The ladies still get to duke it out with the boys and also have a tournament just for themselves.

As for sponsorship I would argue that a woman with skills has a higher ceiling than a male counterpart based on the demographic. If a lady can go into EVO and defeat the Justin Wongs, Daigos, Sanford Kellys she will have the ...

5222d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are always a stupid question or a top ten listing of something, then drop the name of some exclusive to bring out the fanboys = instant hits to the site.

You will get no hits from me.

5236d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the name alone was discouraging from the get go. When the whole premise is size you can expect it to be mediocre.

5236d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

is gonna take some hits on the review front. Most notably due to the stiff facial animations. If you look at a game like Uncharted 2 you get into the characters during the cut scenes which have well done, life like facial animations to go along with the voice acting. Thats what gets people caring about the characters. Heavy Rain seems disconnected from the voice acting on a lot of the scenes.

Its like watching a movie with bad actors. Its gonna hurt some of what the game is tryin...

5237d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

its so much the voice acting its more the facial expressions. They are so stiff as opposed to a game like Half-Life 2 where the eyebrows, facial expressions e.t.c are far more fluid. HR seems to have character faces with plenty of detail but little emotion.

The one scene with the fat cop in the grocery store did seem better than that mall scene.

5237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The whole benefit of the slingbox is remote access. PS3 is in my home. Even if I decide I want to go this route I will need to go buy the Slingbox pro-hd for $260-300 which is the price of a PS3 in the first place. Then you have to deal with slingboxes not having built-in wifi so you have to run cable to your router/modem.

I guess if you already have a slingbox its a nice free extra. But I don't see this causing people to go out and buy one. Half the ppl already have the PS3 setu...

5247d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what is lacking in the software department compared to Android/WebOS? Like solid points on what these new OS do that WinMo doesn't? Cause everytime I weigh the pros and cons all I get is that the new ones are prettier and have nice animated menus/transitions.

Is it the crummy Android browsers that didn't have double tap to zoom until Android 2.0 that is less than 2 weeks old? Opera Mobile on WinMo has been superior for a while.

Is it the crummy Android video play...

5310d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

calling the content HD is a bit of a joke. Standard DVDs output at about 5 Mbps and the "HD" content comes in at anywhere from 600 Kbps to 3.5 Mbps. Its good enough to watch on a 32" inch HDTV long as the bitrate stays about 1.5 Mbps. Any less and it starts looking pixelated.

Wish it scrolled through your listings faster. Loading was quite reasonable and it remembers where you left off so thats good. Its a good addition to the many daily uses of my PS3.

5319d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Proper DS are hosted by game server hosting companies with rigs that can handle the processing demand as well as the bandwidth for significantly more players. Unless you are on some beastly FIOS connection your average cable/dsl connect will get you 10 players with poor ping. There is a reason console devs like to use the cellphone graphs to depict ping and its not cause of the pretty colors.

5325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is that most of the dedicated servers are paid for by fellow gamers. Its more than just the servers hosted by the developers or Sony. They pony up $50-120 a month to be able to host clan matches, practice, or just mess around and have control over what happens on the server. Is there a jerk team killing? Kick him. Someone cheating? Ban him.

You can build a sense of real community rather than random P2P pairings. You see a lot of the people comeback to the same server over and o...

5325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment