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That's all it is, an opinion. I just wanted to see more from a Nintendo Direct is all.

3027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, my point exactly. Why hype up the announcement and hold a special Nintendo Direct JUST to show us an (admittedly neat) video and announce the names of the games? You haven't given us ANYTHING. They should have had early gameplay footage, something to really sink our teeth into.

3027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That would actually be super neat. I LOVED that you visited Kanto in Gold/Silver. That was one of the coolest things ever and I hated that they never did that in the other games.

3027d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually expect the NX this holiday season, but that's just the skeptic in me. I think Nintendo's pushing to get that system out ASAP because they think the Wii U is a complete flop. So I could totally see this being somehow tied to the NX's handheld.

But you're probably right, I think that's a bit more reasonable. If they could somehow tie the two together - put the full game on the NX but let us breed/raise/train on the 3DS on the go, that would be a r...

3027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of all of those I'd only really consider Mega Evolution a "game changer." And even then, it basically just added more content to the mechanical frame that was set 20 years ago. They didn't change how battle works, they haven't REALLY added any new systems (none that stuck with the franchise or had any weight to the game). They changed how you do EV training, but I consider that more of a quality of life change than anything. And it didn't make it any more fun, it jus...

3027d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

(author here) They were good, don't get me wrong, and I had fun with them. But I'm honestly getting a little sick of "return to form" when there's so many somewhat archaic mechanics in the game. The breeding mechanics at least need a major overhaul and while training got improvements, I still found it boring and grindy. All it did was make it less arcane, not really fun. Not past the fourth or fifth Pokémon you had to get to max EVs anyways.


3027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really don't mind that Kotaku did this, but they have no right to complain. They're the game media equivalent of a paparazzi digging through a celebrity's garbage or taking pictures through their windows. If that's how they want to play it, fine, but they shouldn't be surprised when Tom Cruise won't tell them about his next big project. Or punches them in the nose. And they certainly shouldn't go whining to their readers (who they know will largely support them o...

3125d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment