Go marine la pen.


CRank: 5Score: 81680

That is fine however if you make that choice, you cannot then demand you want justice done many years after the fact, when it is suddenly more convenient for you try to destroy someone's reputation over a claim on social media..

Pitchford might be a shit human being guilty of exactly what is claimed of him, however in the weaponizied metoo/online outrage mob era you should presume the person getting slandered is innocent until proven guilty otherwise.

1829d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@mike Yeah lets spend $800 on the latest card that can't even show off it's main selling point without nerfing the shit out of the fps you get, till 1 day ago.

You have 1 game atm that even uses ray tracing, there is a difference between buying something of value, and being an idiot chasing newest shiny object because you can piss away money.

A smart individual would have snapped up a 1080ti, after the rtx series launched because ray tracing will...

1980d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It does not look like garbage, nor does it "look" amazing, the cell shaded is not a great look, it is a debatable aesthetic choice, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, gameplay seems fine.

I have no desire of ever touching a switch, as 90% of my stuff is pc.

"Do you guys get tired of constantly moving the goal posts?"

Do Nintendo fans ever get tired of each others haughty elitism, towards other platform owne...

1980d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeah it's not like we have active proof of large media companies openly banning people for stating opinions their employee's disagree with, or taking down their video's or digitally erasing them from various social media platforms, despite not violating the sites terms of service.

Have you been under a rock the last 3-4 years, or are you simply that damn stupid. all this is related. Shutting down of free speech, pushing artists or devs to self censor their work,...

1983d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So a video game where you go around and bust a nut in ancient greek women and very brutally murder both the gods and titans as well use human sacrifices to achieve your end goals is not extreme to you.

People like you are the reason sony is engaging in this flamingly hypocritical bullshit moralism, too many jack boot licking leftists pushing their religion of controlling every aspect of the populations lives in their bid for control are involved in the industry now..

1983d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah so he should lose all his games and account data because he used a word that has a different meaning in another language. I don't care if you have a screen name that says fuck whitey, you should not get your property physical or digital stolen without compensation, because someone might take offense to it.

A lot of English comes from other languages that predates the us by a good margin, unlike projecting leftists they don't see racist's around every corner...

1994d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

The reason people apologize is because most people are normal and not intentionally trying to cause harm to others and wrongly assume most other people are the same, but we currently live in outrage culture where people are desperate to be offended. Being a victim is a form of social currency for the activist/progressive left and others on the cancer known as social media. An addict does not care how they get their fix, just so long as they get it, they are merely substituting known substance...

1994d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

The only people i see pushing for gaming to be recognized as art, are the ones that wish to use it as a tool to help push through certain political or social agendas.

I do not see gamers lamenting the fact, that the upper crust of the art world do not recognize gaming as an art form. Considering laughably pretentious modern art that does not strike me as a bad thing. You might find some on resetera that disagree with me.

2036d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

More like people not wanting to be force feed bullshit political talking points of either the left or right side, while they are paying to be entertained. I realize fun is a foreign concept to you, but not everything in life revolves around politics 24/7.

That is a big reason a large chuck of the population is tired of politics, people like you that make everything political have burnt people out.

2036d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe if games were interested in telling good stories rather than smugly lecturing it's audience members on pushing insane progressive talking points, people wouldn't recoil when games journalists talk about politics in video games.

He gets one comment on the article and responds with a typical smug liberal I am holier than thou, response.

There is a difference between subtle political statements in games and the modern political bludgeoning of ...

2036d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

No game is trying to photo realistic, however you want decent looking graphics regardless of art style, unless you intentional are going retro. You can't just flip a switch from gameplay to graphics at a whim, when many times the gameplay is dependent on the graphics. Define a good game first, because that is a very subjective term whose definition varies from person to person.

2045d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very few pc gamers actually play at 4k/60fps, at least not the triple a games, the xbox one x is definitely not true/native 4k. Pc gamers have had the ability to play at 4k for a couple years now, it all depends on if you want 1500+ dollars in graphics cards to actually do so. Tldr a bs bragging point, mostly used to be an ass.

2059d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you got excess money to burn, knock yourself out, he likely does not see the benefit of getting the new card when the high end is not powerful enough to justify it's purchase. I do not think it is worth the asking price.

2059d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

That depends is tumbler a valid population center?

2076d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

No other group is told tough sh*t deal with it. Had this same discrimination been applied to any other group, riot games would be getting their ass chewed out on social media right now with someone getting fired.

But it's somehow okay to discriminate against men and when they dare complain hit them with the manbables shaming language.

Men man up everyday doing the dirty, dangerous and demeaning jobs most women would not touch with a 20 foot pole, your...

2076d ago 27 agree3 disagreeView comment

If they had done the same thing to women or lgbt people, or any specific racial group, would you have the same reaction?

Or would you be complaining about discrimination, either it's okay to discriminate against everybody on the basis of race, gender, orientation or you cannot discriminate against anyone for said characteristics.

You don't get to pick and choose which laws apply to certain groups and not others.

But I can easily...

2076d ago 25 agree1 disagreeView comment

That is truly rich someone from the far left authoritarian hug box of resetera is accusing someone else of being a fascist.

You people go out of your way to exclude others while preaching about inclusion and diversity, never once allowing diversity of thought to exist. And have no problem discriminating against others in racist, sexist, or homophobic terms when they dare be an individual and don't parrot the gender or racial talking point the left wants them to.

2076d ago 24 agree5 disagreeView comment

Both sexes have had it terrible in general, up until the last 70-110 years, it's really a matter of picking your poison. Either killed or brutally maimed in combat/at work for men. Or dying in child birth at a very early age for women and both having to raise children in environments that are harsher than many third world nations.

Someone up above stated feminist want the same power men have held for millennia's, not realizing 90-95% of men throughout history have b...

2076d ago 20 agree4 disagreeView comment

Except most of the people saying i'll pass are not going to even buy the game, so can you progressives make a point without resorting to juvenile shaming language. 2015 called it wants it's edgy snarkyiness back, maybe had this been a new franchise with a more steampunk route or alternative history

2093d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a gtx 970 and 4k/60fps on most modern games is laughable at best, more like 1440p + or - at 55-60 fps, do you really think you'll get a modern card better than a gtx 970 for a $400 console. Even amongst the "master race" of gaming 4k is still a very minor portion of the user base, maybe on the playstation 7 or 8 sure.

@slate91 your a long way away from that point in consoles, 4k is a play thing for the rich/people with excess money to burn not so much ...

2093d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment