CRank: 5Score: 1220

You realize the author is probably trolling the shit out of you people right? If the answer to that question is false then I assume the author is going to have a very hard time in the gaming world from now on.

4271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sounds like it's time for an upgrade dkgshiz. ive watched numerous people stream dark souls on (which might i add is more taxing on hardware) at excellent frame rates. spreading negative feedback to the community because of your hardware shortcomings is not adviseable.

id have to agree with ninjahunter. the console gamers have it easy since money hoarding developers/publishers cater to them first using the pc as a developement tool to make flashy, gutless games...

4298d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

id also like to add that parts of the pc community are hardcore enough to crack this bitch wide open and start making user generated optimizations, hi-res texture packs, and all sorts of goodies for this game if the demand is great enough... which it obviously is since us so called "pc elitist" are half the reason why its here in the first place. low budget console gamers only know thier tiny little gaming world where they get stuck with shitty games and cant do anything about it, b...

4298d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I havent played the pc version yet but i can definitely tell everyone that this is NOT the worst pc port in history. obviously the author of this article has never played gta iv, gta san andreas, gta vice city, bioshock 2, and to list a few i havent played personally resident evil 4, and saints row 2. its a sad day when some wanna-be journalist has to pick apart a nearly console exclusive developers attempt at a pc port that the community begged for just to get a few hits on thier sub wal-mar...

4298d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

sales... dont... mean... shit. example: Justin Bieber probably sells a ass-ton of cds every time he releases that shit people call music mostly because theres just that many brainless little fuck-sticks that jump right into something because its popular. Just because little billy in math class that likes to touch your bathing suit area in the locker room plays call of cat turds doesnt mean you have to as well. People are already seeing the pattern with this cookie-cutter fps era, and dropping...

4668d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

... no need for another call of doody.

4668d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'll be playing Battlefield 3, but I'll also buy a copy of Modern Warfare 3... to wipe my ass with.

4669d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I'd just like to give a shout-out to all my PC Gamer brethren. I love the idea that all the wanna-be journalist and half ass console gamers think they; by stirring shit up with some of the weakest, barely thought out points to not support and buy into a kick-ass franchise (battlefield for those of you not quick enough to keep up with this comment); will change the fact that this will crush mw3 regardless of sales numbers. So what? mw3 will probably sell more copies. All that tells me is t...

4707d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

PC will always be a step above consoles. It's just the nature of the beast. Consoles have been allowed to evolve from the first gen up to what we see now because of PC advancement in hardware & software. I can't really imagine any time soon that we'll see a new gen of consoles more powerful than a mid-high grade gaming pc from the same era. Console hardware has to be inexpensive so your average consumer can afford it. PC gamers respect the advantages of what a more expensive g...

4765d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just registered with N4G just so I could troll a bit and say I'm glad I do 95% of my gaming on my pc. Thank you for your time.

4781d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment