VP of Epic Shortness in Gaming
CRank: 5Score: 67540

You can't defile an empty coffin...

They might Batman him.

3151d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I disagree with the practice of removing story content from the main narrative to sell as dlc. However, Left Behind shows how it should be done. It enriches and expands upon the original events, yet if it were included in the initial release it would have disrupted the pacing.

Getting it later allowed us to play it and get more appreciation for what Ellie went through to keep Joel safe, reinforcing what we knew about the bond they developed.

After Left Behin...

3164d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

6m ago... Someone doesn't read even the update box.

On topic, 10m unique players is pretty good, though player retention data would be more useful in analysing the potential success of a sequel.

3171d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Having just finished the remaster this week, I feel that the gameplay textures were improved which is impressive given how good it looked already. Whether that was down to resolution or actual upgrade I'm not sure. The major flaw with it and something made even more apparent because of the new coat of paint was that the cutscenes seem to have been pulled from a ps3 retail disc. It's weird to get a cutscene that looks worse than gameplay.

Still, enjoyed it immensely.

3173d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was glitch free for hours until I ran into a problem this week. Vernon Roche won't speak, cutting me dead on the main storyline. Hoping it's fixed in 1.08 as I'm running out of secondary quests.

Still an amazing game though.

3228d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My wife and I often both play these types of games. I play them first alone, then she plays and I watch. It's interesting to see the difference in our choices. Walking Dead season 2 wound up quite different, though she got so involved in that she finished it before I did. We just wish that The Wolf Among us 2 wasn't so far away.

3240d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Certainly looks like it. The Order was Heavy Rain inspired too, it was just marketed badly as people went in expecting Victorian Uncharted. Personally, though I know many didn't, I very much enjoyed The Order and would love Santa Monica to do 1887, with some Naughty Dogs lending some shootout support.

Preordered Until Dawn as soon as it was shown, been waiting a long time...

3240d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Exactly, genuine thought and pacing put in to them. It's why the witcher is fighting bloodborne for my goty so far.

I'm excited by the prospect of Guerilla hiring Witcher quest designers for Horizon too.

3245d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd say wherever you preordered from hadn't changed their date, the film and as a result, game, we're delayed months ago.

Shame as I'm looking forward to both.

3261d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree entirely. It would take everyone avoiding the trash and only reading the good stories for them to notice and change tact. However, as that won't happen I simply don't visit.

3262d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's simply another, frankly pathetic, attempt to try and stall Shenmue's kickstarter. People, and supposed gamers, spent years calling for it and now we're getting it they're nit picking simply because it was announced on a Sony stage. It's on pc too you guys, no need to give money to a company you hate.

Personally, saw this and upgraded my pledge.

Oh and Kotaku, this is nothing more or less than what I expect of you; and no, that isn&...

3262d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah, it's a damn good deal. Too good. Still, ordered mine, if it actually arrives it'll be perfect for the bedroom

3295d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The Witcher 3 is ace, got it for Ps4 as I'm not upgrading my pc for another year or 2 as it's primarily for video editing work. I will get Witcher later on pc when it's cheap for mods. Mods are undeniably amazing sometimes and I can understand being annoyed at blatant trolling, but I also struggle to see how mods could "easily" make dark souls in to bloodborne beyond enemy skins etc. To fully recreate the game would require a change to move sets, environments, Ai patter...

3302d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Indeed, they are in fact both good games. Witcher is the only thing to make the Bloodborne disc leave my Ps, but as I still have the true ending and chalice dungeons to do I will be going back to it.

People should be happy that we have 2 excellent, albeit different rpgs so early on in this gen. Plus dragon age was quite good if a bit fetch questy.

3302d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was incredibly lucky and picked up a barely used hmz t2 viewer for £200. Coupled with the gold headset it's aces. PT was incredible, shame it's being delisted.

One thing that surprised me, the newspapers in The Order are all complete and legible, no placeholder text, was cool to read them all.

I have a theatre system that I prefer for every day, but the immersion with the viewer headphones combo is quite.something.

3331d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not the original art, no.

I will create my own case wrap from all the promo shots. I create case wrap artwork for short films I produce with a student charity so it won't exactly take me long. I've been creating wraps since I decided the mgs2 demo needed it's own box on my shelf.

Yes it will be trimmed A4, but on heavy gloss paper and printed on a large scale xerox, making it hard to tell it wasn't from a factory.

Still, gla...

3340d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are enough images on the net for me to create my own case wrap for this game and when I do it will feature both Kojima's name and production logo.

Shameful practice Konami, if the golden goose wants to try laying differently shaped eggs you don't break it's wings and throw it in a ditch.

3340d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They didn't do this to begin with as they didn't want people buying those cheap ebay listings from xbox one owners who hated Kinect and had to have it before the bundle change. You could pick one up for £40.

Now however, whatever they may say, with demand for at least one of the versions dropping it is worth consolidating the production to eliminate the need for a second, costly line.

It may look odd and I am far from a Microsoft fan, but busine...

3353d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Not exactly, the 360 didn't have Blu-Ray, it had a lesser, in terms of capacity, storage medium (I'm not going to get in to the CAV vs CLV argument here); the PS4 could well offer dedicated servers to Titanfall 2, just not called Azure.

In this instance the technology is the same, though the name differs; in your example the core technology that underpins the argument is incomparable.

3375d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

" What a gazebo."

Love it, though it may have something to do with the fact that I'm utterly Panini'd.

3375d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment