
CRank: 5Score: 4740

ps3 has bluray so it has room for bigger videos on the tv in gta4 it has nothing to do with power of the system just the help of extra space on the bluray disk

5850d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is it just me or do the characters look like they were just imposed over the environments? like the backgrounds are too static or something.

5862d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

now ive heard about 360 having SLIGHT popup issues that the ps3 has as well just more slight. I have also read the 360 has a SLIGHT advantage in framerate so could someone please link me the article that says 360's framerate is crap which half of you guys are quoting?

5885d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I didn't like in the article the guy said skinheads would like the game. well skinheads are not always racist. there are racists skinheads and non racists skinheads. the term skinheads was originally coined for the black and british dock workers who shaved there heads and wore big boots. skinhead should not be a racist term. ignorant people use it as one and ignorant racists call themselves one.

5902d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i like the 360's much better never was a big fan of where playstation put the analogs but then again my favorite controller so far was the gamecubes

5907d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

first off how is that owned...second off thats 50 bucks cheaper then the ps3 why not pay the extra and get a game console too. i bought my surround sound for dvd's and music but i still use it for the radio every now and again. people can buy it as a bluray player first and a game console second which would explain software attach rates being to some considered low specially since in my opinion ps3 has better first party games atleast more fun less serious games.
and what do...

5960d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

ive read in quite a few places that the ps3 is one of the best if not the best bluray player available and its around the same price as the cheapest standalone so why not buy it. games still are not selling as well on ps3 and that is where the real money is.

5961d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

sure ps3 outsold xbox but it was definitely helped by people wanting bluray players. only way to explain games selling less then half the xbox version of the same game.

5968d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why did that article imply ps3 exclusive if its coming to x360 also? it says at the top format ps3 then it says " It will have all the whiz-bang effects you'd expect from a free-roaming PS3 adventure too; day and night cycles, fully destructible environments, vehicles with permanent and progressive damage and a fully working eco system, complete with weather effects on each zone of the island" and it says "if anything, the added zap of PS3 power behind the game has enabled deve...

5974d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
that counts wii sports as 17 mil sales and says "been helped by their respective hardware bundles" so if this site counts wii sports as a sale then you would assume they are counted towards the tie in ratio which i believe makes the tie in numbers very inaccurate.

5976d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

if they include bundled games can you really trust the wii stats. they get atleast 1 game sale for every wii cause i have never seen a wii sold without wii spots. add on the free controller with that other game and that makes the numbers inaccurate. people are not buying that many games for wii they are buying wii's and controllers and bam they have 2 games already. i know ps360 bundle games to but its not nearly as often. is what i'm saying correct was i wrong with the bundled games thing. c...

5976d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

title says it

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

enjoy the layout muchly

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

things invented in america are almost always by people who just moved there from europe. things invented in japan are almost always invented by japanese people

5978d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i agree ms paid 50 mil for the content you and shouldnt bite that hand but i dont think ms paid them anything to get them to make the game for 360 as well because it just makes sense from a business perspective to make it for 360 as well to more then double your market. i still think it was prolly 60% ps3 40% 360 problems for the delay only way to explain how 360 was always ahead on development. anyone know which was lead platform. ive always read neither were lead.

5978d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

thats not the only place i have read that the ps3 has always been behind in development for gta4. why is it assumed that if i say anything bad about the ps3 i must be a anti ps3 fanboy. well... i have a ps3 and i enjoy it. im just going by what i read. also sorry but im in the thinking that this site is anti xbox and pro ps3. most of the news is ps3 when i see tones of news xbox but it never gets posted. if anything good is said about 360 its full of comments just as fast as the ones about ps...

5978d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"In exclusive chat, Rockstar Games' Jeronimo Barrera says game is about the immigrant experience and PS3 is partly to blame for delay."
seems to say it is

5978d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

just a few days back on here they had an interview with someone from rockstar (dont remember who the lead something) and he said that it was problems with the ps3 for the delay not the 360. 360 has always been ahead in development and the ps3 is just catching up now. thats why gta4 has always been shown on the 360. check stuff out before you sound stupid again.

5979d ago 12 agree10 disagreeView comment

if it wasn't for the Xbox right now a lot of companies would be out of business because games are selling better on that system. I know many people who cant afford a ps3 and got a 360 instead because of this. if the 360 is making the game companies money then the 360 is good for the ps3 because it gives them more money which means more people to work, test, and polish there games which makes better games for all. it also makes for good competition which drives them to better other people and ...

5980d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

i bet nearly 50% of ps3's sold were as bluray players first and game consoles second. look at uncharted it ps3's best title didnt make top 10 sales in december. if a game will sell 500k on ps3 it will sell 1mil+ on 360. ms doesnt throw money at devs to get games they just tell them games sell on our system if you want to actually see profit make it for ours too and they will. if anything 360 is keeping this gen alive because its the only way dev companies can turn a profit.

5985d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment