
CRank: 5Score: 150720

You need to chill out bruv, as stated, I really like these studios and I do want to see them succeed. I loved HiFi Rush but let's not pretend that it's going to be some commercial powerhouse akin to a Gears of War or Halo. Personally, I thought Ghostwire was pretty average when I played it on PS5 at launch.

Anyway, I never stated anywhere that Redfall will flop, I simply posed a question about two studios whose games largely miss out on mainstream mass appeal. Th...

399d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am fortunate to own all 3 current consoles so I can access games if/when they eventually release. Having said that, my own concerns mirror yours completely, I loved Prey and the Dishonoured series (although I have bounced off Deathloop 3 times now) but I do worry about what might become of Arkane. Similarly, I have really liked Tango's games to date but I recognise that they have never managed to put out a game that made huge sales so again, I worry about what their future looks like....

399d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think there is a market for good arcade style games as demonstrated by the excellent HiFi Rush but I think it's a question of setting realistic targets in respect of sales. A huge chunk of the game playing public weren't born when JetSet Radio came out so I am not sure that the reverence and nostalgia forr the old game exists across the whole of the market. But there will be a big enough market from older gamers such as myself who will snap it up, so if they set realistic sales ta...

404d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeah, it does seem like such a strange decision not to release to PC.

404d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

You won't get a reasonable discussion here KwietStorm, not when it comes to stuff that touches on social issues.

They would never agree that it would be fairer for an Asian character to be played by an Asian, for example. But these same people would lose their marbles if a black actor was cast as Superman or Bond.

412d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess I best give the game a try, plenty of games which didn't review well that I have really enjoyed.

I also think Remedy and MS deserve some credit for trying something different in respect of experimenting with merging a game with a TV show. On paper it does sound like an interesting idea I think.

413d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think some folks need to go back and play their PS2 or Xbox to refresh their memories. The idea that HiFi Rush looks like a PS2 game is absolutely ridiculous.

414d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I consider myself to be predominantly a PlayStation gamer, its defo my preferred brand by far. With that in mind, I don't think you are being fair to HiFi Rush in particular, from a technical perspective that game looks utterly amazing on my OLED, but the game also has fabulous art direction too.

I take your wider point in respect of the more ambitious titles appearing on PS5, that's why I prefer Sony's way of doing things.

415d ago 14 agree13 disagreeView comment

Ahh, I guess you know best Vits, I have only been using controllers since 1982 when I had my Atari 2600 so I don't have as much experience or expertise as you.

I will say that I haven't used the Dpad much but the 100+ hours I used the controller for in my recent replay of Zelda BotW was absolutely great and the controller performed perfectly.

416d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really like the look of the docking station, but I am less keen on the joycons. Overall though, a really nice looking variant.

417d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmmmm, I bought a Splatoon variant of the Pro controller and its been fantastic. Comfortable to use and amazing battery life, I don't feel like I've heard much negativity about the pro controllers, unlike the joycons.

417d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And Disney were on the record as stating they didn't anticipate Disney+ being profitable for years too, this is Disney with over 250 million subscribers.

All of these streaming services have the same problem, it costs more to make quality content than they can recoup through subscriptions which is why the quality of shows drops off or great shows get cancelled because they don't make enough of a profit. Which is why I completely mistrust the Gamepass model as I hon...

418d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sadly, our very own UK has gone down the exact same sewer when it comes to political corruption.

418d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

These figures are complete bollocks in my view, the kinds of crazy download counts for mobile being touted are simply borne from mobile devices in wealthy economies. 80 percent of the world's population lives on less that 10 dollars a day and almost 3 billion people live on less that $2.50 a day.

Do MS honestly think that there are 3 billion people out there with enough disposable income and a lifestyle that allows for gaming? 3 billion people is damn near half the gl...

420d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thing is, as far as I am concerned, more options are great. Those who didn't think the remake was needed have the option to stick with the PS4 version. Those like myself who wanted the remaster had an option to buy it.

I have to imagine that with original fans, new PS5 owners and now the hype surrounding the TV show, that remaster looks like a pretty shrewd move by ND.

430d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup, not a day go's by when average Joe's like me stop and think, my oh my, Wolverines original costume looked super dorky.

Bruv, you are falling for the oldest trick in the book, I have never heard the conversation or seen the articles that you describe as happening, you are simply getting wound up by a completely false narrative being trotted out in this non article.

433d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly chief, exactly.

434d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The thing is, I guarantee you that the optional costumes will have an option with his traditional flat top. How on earth are people getting bent out of shape about such insignificant things?

434d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hahaha, I hadn't seen in that way Rynxie, but it is totally a Karen haircut, oh boy!

434d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have seen other reviews and heard other comments in podcasts, from more established folks, that they were actually surprised by just how much of a game Call of the Mountain is, rather than being just a demonstration of the tech.

I hope to pick up VR2 in a towards the end of the year, once I finish my tattoo sleeve, but I am excited to play it. I do wonder about how I'll cope with the sense of scale that many seem to have been blown away by as I am not great with hei...

434d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment