CRank: 5Score: 72960

I get a borderlands/bio shock feel from my time spent in the game. Never played halo so no idea how much is taken from that community. Seems this is going to pick up people from all kinds of games so it should make an interesting mix for play styles/trading.

3632d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Were you expecting tornados and hurricanes? The only thing I didn't like was all the ash/flakes on screen, I didn't get to spend much time in game to explore everywhere. Was a little distracting for me and took away how awesome this game looks. Hoping that was just in that area for me and not present in every outside environment.

Looking forward to the release.

3632d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This would be the ideal model that I thought something similar would drop for us. The decision to charge the prices they are during the beta is insane. The backlash and bad publicity is as bad as could be.

If they can't set prices reasonable because of other "publishers" demands then perhaps sony owned ip's be offered at a dramatically reduced cost to at least make up for the others greed. If this pricing scheme isn't chin checked early they may as...

3632d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nope. It should have been an expansion pack. The last game they released was broke as hell because it was rushed. Theses guys at dice are now doing the COD yearly reskin and charging full price for it.

Star Wars battlefront is the only game I will pick up for a while from these guys. If they screw that up then I'm putting bf in the cod catagory.

3632d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agree 100%. Amazon throws out mp3 albums for 5 bucks if it's something I like I will pick it up in a heartbeat for ease of access and support of the artist. If they charge 14.95 and I can go to best buy get the disc for 9.99 and burn it then resell it I would go that route

I e said this for a long time about digital distribution. It's only enemy is itself and the company trying to be too greedy and not keeping an ear to the market. If this is the psnow price ...

3637d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wonder if the 100kb unlocks included on disc will cost 10 bucks each again. Fall of cybertron pissed me off to no extent with the cash grab last go around. I'll eBay it or gamefly it this time.

3638d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's out of beta?

3650d ago 16 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd like to see red dead redemption 2 for ps4. Get a version fully optimized for ps4. Loved it on ps3 but it was held back, doesn't need to be held back again.

3699d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I spent a boatload on the ninja turtles, tabletop PAC man , and wwf superstars. Mortal Kombat I didn't spend too much on as I was whipping that ass and getting free games to play, but it was another game I loved.

3705d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pick me....pick me

3734d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I understand there are always online issues to wrinkle out but the sorry ass state of the single player mode pissed me all the way off. Played through half the game unlocked trophies and weapons and the game save file just vanished. Happened to me 2 times on the ps3 and once on the ps4.

This is definitely the last BF title I will buy new. eBay/disc replay type stores are becoming my friend because of the shady ass used car salesman tactics these developers have become s...

3780d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Happened to me twice on ps3 version and once on ps4. This game had a chance and blew it yet again.

3791d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nationwide Wi fi was one of his selling points to get technology widespread to everyone even in rural areas. I still can't drive down my highway and stay connected to my cellular provider yet. As far as Google goes, remember the walmart effect. When competition is wiped out they create their own rules and prices. The knight in shining armor could be just as evil as the bad guy ruling the kingdom or worse.

People won't fight for anything now. Almost everyth...

3793d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are still not getting it. When this passes, your internet will become just like TV. This will start tier packages.
Could be bandwidth could be certain sites
for example: You want to access fox/Comedy Central you have to subscribe to tier 3 access. Tier 1 gets govt websites/certain news websites/search engine
Tier 2 gets certain business websites amazon/clothing sites etc...

This shit is awful for cord cutters. It's their way to mani...

3794d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Where I live charter has one end of the city. Time warner has the other. It's amazing that both offer the exact same channels/same speed for nearly identical service yet I am stuck with whatever district they cover to determine my provider.

This is bs. Look recently at AT&T and Verizon mobile broadband. It started out unlimited for both then one took the unlimited option away and went to a cap. Soon the other went the same route.


3794d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You didn't strike a nerve with me at all. I was simply throwing a "stereotype" your direction. Commonly gamers are perceived to be children or basement dwellers. Common sense tells otherwise, to which I assume you are lacking based on your comments on this thread

Sorry you don't enjoy a family entertainment event that others do yet take an interest in bashing others. My nephews enjoy it, I take them to live events and watch it with them on tv.

3794d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

By your same reasoning anyone who plays video games should be in their teens, right?

3794d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Count me in :)

3812d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jurassic the hunted. Not great but it exists

3823d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Get it on ps4 and remote play it. Realize it's not totally portable but all ps4 games remote play like a champ

3832d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment