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thats from a websit rewording Sony's officail press. why not try reading Sony;s words and not journalists

4924d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sony doesnt pass shipped numbers as sold numbers. they simply report sold as sold. its only the biased media and journalists who try to spin sony's numbers as shipped. all over sony's press release it says SOLD. but hey, i kno wat it is, 5.5mil is an impressive number and nobody wants to deal wit it, well DEAL WIT IT!
shipped/ doesnt matter
when MS or other companies report their numbers, nobody questions, but the way they get their numbers is no different fro...

4924d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

i just love the damage controle on GT5's sales. why does everyone keep sayin it sipped 5million. Sony NEVER said that. they clearly said it SOLD!

people need to stop this shit now. what do u think, Sony gets their sales differently from everyone else?
Sony can say SOLD but ppl will say SHIPPED. other companies will say SOLD and ppl will say SOLD. WTF!!! dnt be mad cuz Sony reports impressive numbers

4924d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

maybe im missing something but can anyone quote where it says "shipped" in da article. cuz all i see is SOLD!
and fo anyone doupting these #s as sold & want to keep reffering to NPD, u got to remember, GT5 launched November 24th & sold 1.2mil in 12 days but 400k in November's NPD which only covers 6 out of da 12 days, so more than likely this is sold.

4925d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


4932d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

im actually doin da math this time to really see how "accurate" vgchartz is. in a few weeks wen Sony & Microsoft post NPD #s fo da month, this is wat we should see:

4932d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment

funny... every year PS3 outsells 360, 2008, 2009 GOTY & platform of the year was PS3 & its exclusive, 2010 PS3 looks to outsell da Wii, wat do ppl want to happen in 2011 b4 they kno PS3 had a damn gud year???

the real question is, when will be 360's year? it hasnt topped da charts or even second place any year yet :/

4941d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

PSN>>>XBL....why simply becuz THEY BOTH CAN PLAY GAMES ONLINE! BUT--PSN is FREE, XBOX is $60/yr

PSN has its extras dat LIVE dsnt have & vice versa. examples:
PSN- Netflix (fuk da difference)
**Web Browser (access to every website & service, eg. twitter, email, youtube, exc)
**Video Editor/ Uploader (also youtube services)
Photo Gallery (great for add/edit photos, view/comment friends photos on Facebook)

4943d ago 30 agree6 disagreeView comment


4943d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

but when it came to reviews, they scored Move alot higher than Kinect....i dnt get it. its obviously just a flamebait article -__-
a bored week obviously

4946d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

i will LMFAO if comes & sells dat much throughout da year & not da expected 3mil.

im simply not on da hype train with everyone else. M$ is tryin to sell a overhyped product based on concept. they advertise it based on concept. NOBODY is impressed by how Kinect works nor da games but EVERYBODY thinks it will sell well. why? bcuz of M$ hype? bcuz "controler free gaming" concept? da shit dnt wrk, it has no REAL games to play "controler free", it wrks ...

4995d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

i gotta say its pretty gud tho. fo a peripheral wit a low key launch, its really not bad. alse EMEAA sales are up 15% frm last week so i wud say it IS a console mover. wit da + feedback frm consumers & critics, it can only go up frm there. its a gud & solid start b4 da holidays. i say once Sony starts da campaign fo it (KB ads get aired, Coke promo) Move gonna explode dis holiday & even after da holidays wen Move/PS3's big titles start releasing, KZ3, Infamous2, Socom4, LBP2, ...

4995d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

"back to when the 360 was outselling the PS3 by huge numbers month after month."

ummm yea... but da PS3 has been outsellin 360 year after year.
i just like da way xbots are takin these past few months and runnin wit em. everyone has their big MONTHS to shine, but wats more important is da FISCAL YEAR! M$ releases xbox slim, sales go up. M$ releases Halo, sales go up....WOW how obvious! where were u xbots last year wen Sony launched PS3 slim and deminished M$...

5002d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

Sony outsells M$ EVERY fiscal year. i dnt see why xbots continue to call Sony "last place". M$ is last place in UK, hardly noticeable in JP. only in America 2nd place with all their shooters.

i must say congrats to Sony! closing the gap & pickin up their market share by the years. they havent even released their flagship title (GT5) yet. no tellin wat that will do for their HW sales as we all kno its da game that pushes HW like no other. Sony innovated gaming so...

5006d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

"Just shows which gamers are gamers and which ones are pathetic losers looking for any excuse to justify their purchase..." ps3 gamers are the ones with the QUALITY games to play, xbox gamers are the ones who plays sales all day who needs to look at how well a medicore game like Halo Reach sold just to justify their purchase

5006d ago 41 agree13 disagreeView comment

They both have great graphics but theres a difference as well. Forza's graphics have good lighting but not as many polygons as GT5 which has 500k polygons per car. Forza's graphics look kinda blurred at points. GT5s graphics are more shiny and have great reflection. lighting may look bad cuz its offscreen. at end of day, GT5 does kill in graphics

5006d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

obviously ur not even da only one who feels dat way. repetitive hack & slash wit poor graphics, T-BAGGED 3hr single player campaign is unacceptable for a 9/10, 10/10 game. its really gettin old and not even da fans are highly impressed. just compare da overrated metacritic score to da user score

Halo is Halo. it will always add so...

5010d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Gran Turismo 5 will blow these numbers outta da water tho. even tho it releases on 2nd in US, 3rd UK, 4th JP
i kno imma get hella disagrees but 10mill+ fanbase, 5 yrs of waiting, 5mill frm GT5 prologue. . .u can pretty much count da 5mill GT5 prologue sales day 1 fo GT5 at da least. not bashin Reach's incredible day 1 sales but just sayn GT5 is gonna be HUUUGE!!!

5010d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

5011d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

ur well said post is under spam post so imma re-post wat u said, & add a little o da light can shine in more ppl eyes

2007 PS3 BEHIND 360 BY...8 MILLION
2008 PS3 BEHIND 360 BY...5 MILLION
2010 PS3 BEHIND 360 BY...3.5 MILLION.
these are simple numbers xbots like to ignore wen they start hallarin out "XBOX360 is outsellin PS3" wen its da PS3 who has been outsellin 360 ev...

5015d ago 17 agree6 disagreeView comment