CRank: 5Score: 1750

Diss it, knock it, call it not next gen or whatever.. the fact of the matter is..
Wii wins. Wii has won. Nintendo has beaten Sony and Microsoft COMBINED

5221d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People keep throwing around this word "Epic"...they say it will be Epic this and Epic that.. but will the game be fun and entertaining?

Forget Epic.. gaming is meant to be fun.

Its like the Sony marketing machine has this "Epic" word embedded in the Sony fans heads.

5228d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is no excuse for this game to not run at 1080P. This is one of the marquee games for Sony and Sony is all about HD content and the biggest and baddest graphics, so what is the issue on delivering this?

This is like Nintendo putting out a Wii game with no motion control or like Microsoft making a shooter that has only 1 online mode.

It is not right. There is no excuse.

5228d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have told you people a million times.. Wii WINS..
The Wii has dominiated the sales charts and broken all records. No system can compete with it.

As you people continue to diss the Wii.. it grows stronger.

I love it!

5233d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo sold 3million Wii's in the US ALONE
Sony did 3.8 Worldwide..
No comparison. Nintendo won the holidays, the year, the war..
Each year Wii has won. It is over. Sony will never catch them.

And Sony and MS have copied Nintendo with motion controls.
The war is over. Stick a fork in them. Their done!

5240d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

This game looks great graphically but the question is will it be fun and entertaining?

If not, it wont sell more than 500K copies which is a flop by today's standard.

If Unchartered 2 didnt sell an enormous amount, then why would this game?

It wont..

And I am sure a Sony fan will say "sells dont matter, McDonalds outsells prime steak houses"... This is the excuse that keeps Sony fans feeling good about the PS3.

5244d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Who cares about the opinions of the "so called Hardcore" gamers? Your consoles have lost. Nintendo has won the console war. MS and Sony both have admitted they lost because they have designed their future consoles around motion controls. Hence Nintendo was the true leader of this generation. Now Nintendo will lead us into the future with something more unique and intriguing.

Wii Wins and there is nothing that can be done about it.

5369d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Again the Wii destroyed the PS3 in its homeland. Analysts think that this is the end for the PS3. Without any blockbuster games on the horizon the PS3 is dead. James Grimer reports "it was just a matter of time before the public caught on to the PS3 and its shortcomings".

5386d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The latest numbers out of Japan show that the PS3 continues to be dominated by the Wii. Analysts think that this trend will continue. A price cut has to be in the cards or the PS3 as it struggles to continue to be relevant in its home land.

Wii has outsold the PS3 in the last 3 to 4 months and its momentum continues. Sony needs some solid titles to stop its failing trend. Few analysts believe that the PS3 will see a recovery in this generation.

The PS3 is essenti...

5428d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

Okay.. so pressing a button is more difficult that motion control? You need hand and eye coordination to press buttons? hahahahahh
Come again dude. Your logic is flawed. Maybe your hand and eye coordination was off when you typed that message?

5430d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only reason why people even give the other consoles a chance is for HD graphics. Once the Wii conquers that.. it is game over..
Hell the game is already over. The Wii has won this generation and all the fanboys out there hate that fact!

5430d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am honored that my words affect the lives of so many Sony fans. I will keep telling you the truth and you can keep responding to me because I own you. Your minds belong to me. FOREVER.

5442d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The Wii destroyed the PS3 in Japan. Looks like the PS3 is fading. Maybe a price cut is needed to spur the sales of the PS3 in its native land. Sony needs to release a blockbuster hit game to attempt to gain back traction. If not, the PS3 could be in trouble and a PS4 could be released soon.

5442d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Of course I have high standards. Fun to me is not the same old thing every time. This God of War game looks just like the other 2. No one can make a claim against it. The graphics are upgraded and that is it. Otherwise, it is the same old button masher. When I saw the Giant boss at the end, I was like come on.. can we get some variation here? Please stop with the giant bosses that emerge out of the sea.

5442d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

Its sad to see that it doesn't take much to impress gamers these days. Give them the same old crap with a stupid story and they will shell out 60 dollars. Gaming companies have it made. I wish gaming could go back to the good ole days when it took skill and dedication to beat a game. These days you spend more time watching the game than playing it.

5442d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

Visuals look great but every game this generation looks great. Its the same old boring gameplay button masher..

I am not impressed by the same old stuff over and over again. you can predict each level in God of War

1. Fight a bunch of enemies
2. Get to the boss and he will be super huge
3. you must hit him in the weak spot
4. Quicktime sequence plays and mash X or square or triangle when prompted.
5. Wow.. you beat the boss.. go to ...

5442d ago 3 agree45 disagreeView comment

nothing else can be said. the wii dominates again!

5449d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

MAG has to be the most ridiculous game that I have ever seen. At the E3 demo, it was so coordinated to show the game trying to work.

There is no way 256 players are going to be in step with each other and where 1 squad leader is issuing out commands. That is the most stupid thing ever.

The game looked so boring and generic. It will fail majorly. Killzone 2 is a better game and look at how it has struggled.

5452d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

For years Sony and Microsoft fans have said that the Wii is not next gen. The adapation of motion controls by MS and SOny proves that the Wii was the only next gen console when it launched 3 years ago. It has taken MS and Sony 3 years to get to where Nintendo already is. Motion controls was the future and Sony and MS proved Nintendo right.
This generation is done. Wii wins.

5454d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Saying that the Wii processor is aready being taxed by having 4 players on screen in a SMB game means nothing.

As long as the game is fun that is all that matters to me. You people get caught up in technology that you forget the purpose of gaming and that is to have fun.

5456d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment