
CRank: 5Score: 1430

SOTC was a brilliant game. I know it’s hard to believe, but I think it could’ve been even greater if it were not held back by the PS2, or any last gen system for that matter. I’d cream myself if a sequel was made with the cell’s power.

5734d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

The gamestop near me are total 360 fanboys. They wear 360 hats, keychains, and shirts. It's really pathetic.

I got into a argument with them once for trying to tell customers that 40% of PS3 and Wii's have hardware problems. They also told this poor old man buying GTA4 for his son that buying the 360 bundle was the only way to play online. lol

5758d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I can't believe you compared snake to Marcus Pheonix, Lightofdarkness. Are you serious?

5759d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I strongly doubt Sony would do something that extreme. I mean, if you look at their history you’ll see that they’re pretty lenient with what their developers create.

Naughty Dog moved from Crash, to Jak, and now Uncharted. Insomniac did Spiro, then Ratchet, and now Resistance. Both studios went from designing friendly platform games to mature shooters.

5762d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Glad to see kotor get the respect it deserves. It was by far the best storyline experience available for the original X-box.

5767d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope that Media Molecule will be releasing their own levels (which will without a doubt be kickass) along with the user stuff.

5776d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only games I’ve enjoyed for the Wii so far were SMG, Brawl, and MP3. Other than those three, the other games range from mediocre to just down right terrible. The RE4 remake is just that- a remake, No more Heroes is ok but it has its flaws, and Mario Kart is not much of a departure from Double Dash. Everything else doesn’t even deserve to be mentioned.

5780d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The MGS series has too much story left to tell to be ended completely at this point. I know you guys don't want the series to reach whore status like mario, but so long as everything changes up (story) and quality is improved, I really don't see a problem with another game.

Like I said earlier there's plenty of story left to tell in the post-patriot's era. With the Patriots total domination on the world diminished and the end of the War Economy, smaller countries that depended ...

5789d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Johnny turned out to be the hero of MGS5, I would literally kill myself. It's already bad enough that he stole Snake's woman.

5789d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is no baggage to lug around. The “Son’s of Big Boss” story arch has ended. There’s nothing else left to be told for that story, so it can’t hamper the story of future arch’s. If MGS5 were to be set 15-20 years after MGS4, the Story of Snake, his brother’s, and Big boss would only be truly known by who, an old Otacon?

The world will also be a different place than it was during Snake’s life. Earth is now struggling to rebuild itself in the post Patriots era, which in turn a...

5790d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't mind another Metal gear with a completely different story arc being made 5-6 years from now. They could take everything 15 or so years into the future with the younger characters from the other story arc taking major roles. For instance, Sunny could easily fill Otacon’s role in the MG universe, while Meryl could fill in Campbell’s spot.

All they would have to do from there is create a new big bad trying to disrupt the peace Snake brought to the world in MGS4 and a ne...

5790d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Snipers could single-handedly takeout an entire team with ease because of this in Gears. Also, it took away the skill of being a sniper, as anyone who knew how to time an active could easily down people with this method.

5792d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Any action game can be beaten in less than 5 hours if the player just rushes through everything instead of actually playing the game. You get about 10-12 hours worth of gameplay from MGS4 on the normal levels if you play it the way it's supposed to be played.

Also, trust me, it takes way longer than five hours to beat this game on extreme. My friend and I did a few days ago, acutally. It took us around 14 hours of trial and error before we got things right. However, through man...

5792d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment