
CRank: 6Score: 61830

Yeah, any real car lover can like/love both...as I infact do. I find it absolutely ridiculous that you have to belong to one camp or another. He did sound like a little bit of a douche, the kind of guy that always push certain topics in people's faces...I may be wrong tho(its just my initial impression)

4684d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

This article is such anus...filled with what I'd like call lazy reasoning, for one games haven't adapted because we have gotten lazier but becuase we have realised a critical aspect that games shouldn't need to be work...I mean we come home from work/school etc to relax with games not be pained by a frustrating game sequence.
Another thing I'd like to add is that when you die/fail in a game it's usually that particularly area you find difficult, then why would you ...

4684d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I thought GTA III was more enoyable but I definetly thought True Crime had a leg up in some areas, I thought it was more silly fun...sorta like the Saints Row of its time.

4686d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You're right, True Crime wasn't without it's faults but in some areas it was truly innovative, more so than GTA was at the time in fact.

While GTA might be legendary, it's latest outing has met with a hugely mixed fan reception, some whom think the game could get mind numbingly booring and some who thought the new direction added a more real human element...so untouchable it is not my good chum.

Ohh and True Crime had Christopher Walken which ...

4686d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well then by that standard any multiplayer FPS game looks like COD, because all aside from the movement speed it's all a little to a lot different (depending on what areas you want to judge).

4686d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

ND are already making a new Uncharted game, why should they shift focus and energy to make another game thats almost exactly the same? If they were to shift focus they'd do it for something different to Uncharted.

4689d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ABizzel1 - I think it might be because Peace Walker is still quite new...perhaps.

4698d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@MintBerry - Do they really? I think most people are adept at using their own judgement to decide what they prefer, I don't think the N4G mob is an accurate representation of the whole console generation...only the select ignorant few.

4699d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Word to your mum! You hit the nail on the head there.

I think people need to get over the fact that GT5 is no gem and a sure dissapointment from what a lot expected, Forza is great fun and a stone throws away from the perfect racer...why? Because their aim is in the right direction with an expanding library of cars of all makes (including the exotics people want to see in great detail), great customisation, great track selection, menu's, and events to play.

4699d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Bettering - 1. Improve on or surpass (an existing or previous level or achievement): "bettering his previous time by ten minutes".
2. Make (something) better; improve: "his ideas for bettering the working conditions".

You've just been schooled son!

4699d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

You mean I am supposed to read...-.-

Ohh I almost forgot, OT - Can't wait for this game, looks to have more diversity than a certain other title (of which I love but still). If they remove that silly rewind feature I'll be happy (I can't help myself...I never want to use it but still do)

4700d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Take it easy, they may be stupid but no need to get you knickers in a twist about their potentially low IQ score ;D

Edit...dude! (I felt I needed to add that for effect)

4700d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do you mean the VW Beetle or the british band The Beatles? XD

4700d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They mean the focus group, the group which happens to buy most games...there are gamers who are 70+...but most people who play games are between that age (of the legal count that is).

4704d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I could legitematly get soooo booored playing GTA IV...thats not a good sign, when a game feels at all like work, they're doing it wrong ;)
Not for a second was Saints Row 2 boring, not a second...sure the script was less of a mastepeice, sure the car damage had more of a PS2 feel, the city design a bit lacking etc etc but it did have something GTA IV didn't namely freedom! It didn't try to nail you down to do exactly what the game set out for you to do.

4706d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, the more wacky and weird this game gets the more fun it'll be..and I had a billion times more fun playing Saints Row 2 than I did GTA IV.
Because if you think about it San Andreas was wacky, it drove more for insane fun rather than realistic world and that was their most popular GTA...Saints Row continues that legacy while GTA is abandoning it.

4706d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have always wondered how they do it, I mean you'd think they'd run out of great idea's O.o

4708d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

GT5 8.5!!!??? Really, I thought it was closer to 6.5...

4719d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Then why are they doing another Resistance? I can understand the logic, but console giants are always, and I mean always want that little extra to push their console up and over the competition and exclusive's are still one of the top ways to do that, sorry but thats the truth.

4720d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Killer - I see your point, but this game doesn't even look average, it looks horrible...I doubt it'll have a good story and I am not saying that because a 'scarfed woman' is behind the game (although it's probably a man behind it, you know...Saudi, not exactly known for equality). Why I have little doubt in the story is because there is blatant rip-off and then there's this. I mean a lot of game's borrow/steal mechanics, style, story elements from other games but ...

4725d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment