
CRank: 5Score: 99220

This is a very easy thing to debate. You're all talking about what services , hardware specs, other stuff something can do and not concentrating on the main issue on a bloody gaming site....games! So here's the thing, I built an arcade machine around a pc...yet I still play my PS4 90% more, why? Certain games. Show me a PC that can play 'Ghost of Tsushima', 'Last of Us 2, 'Spiderman', 'God Of War' , Uncharted' etc...then I may champion exclusive PC ga...

1307d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Really?! where's the news story?

1329d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have to admit, the author of this article has a point. I have a PC, but the reason I play my Sony consoles a hell of a lot more is simply because of the exclusive games i can't play on my PC. Having nice graphical power is one thing, but it's always the GAMES that should determine a gamer's decision. The reason I bring this up, is I didn't jump on the PS4 pro as there was no exclusives for it (obviously) so it's just a boost in performance. To me, it wasn't worth me...

1340d ago 17 agree5 disagreeView comment

Not sure why everyone seems to be so worked up about when the prices of these console gets announced. It seems the only people who are really affected are youtubers and game reviewers as they need something to talk about. If you found out the price of those two consoles 5 months ago, you still couldn't get one then or even now. Just save up 500 pounds/dollars to be safe and it'll come out when it comes out. Either it comes out and you can't afford it or it comes out and you can, w...

1350d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

My take: The whole 'Protecting IP' argument is bullshit if no money ever changes hands. What EXACTLY does the developer (Nintendo in this case) lose in this respect? If the fan-made game is crap, then the developer would have been proven to have made a superior game...or are they scared that the fan made game/asset could be better? As people mentioned above, there are some games that would have NEVER been made if it wasn't for the ingenuity of certain fans.


1520d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol some of youmake me laugh. I'm a HUGE FF fan and I think this could be a good idea. FF15 is not even out yet, Kingdom Hearts 3 is not even out yet.....so how long do you think it would take to make ANOTHER AAA RPG once those have been completed....especially one as big as FF7? If they're going to have FF& be completely open world, this game won't be out for probably 5+ years! (hell, the original FF7 took 3 years to make...and was not open world, didn't have voice actin...

3087d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nier had one of the best stories I've seen in an RPG...and that second playthrough when your whole outlook gets turned on it's head with new revelations....that soundtrack (youtube 'Temple of the Drifting Sands' for a taster)and that final ending!!!!!! Damn, can't wait for this! Anyone who hasn't played Nier, really shouldn't comment at all

3261d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want!

3288d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh what the hell?! I liked Noctis's voice. I didn't want him to sound like a whiny idiot (remembers Tidus's voice in previous ff)

3310d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

VERY well said!

3335d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment


3335d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

He's entitled to his opinion I guess. I find killing waves after waves after waves of enemies on very similar maps just to get more loot to be EXTREMELY monotonous and boring (Destiny, I'm looking at you) and a waste of my money...which is why I'm lucky someone bought it for me for xmas because I would've been pissed If I bought it! Also, it has a paper thin story and has the AUDACITY to make me look on it's website to find more story content (Bloody grimoires WTF!)

3374d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Abolish the scoring system" I thoroughly agree!!!

3489d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

Weirdly when I got to the 'Themes' screen, all that's there is flow and there is no 'Find in Playstation Store' option so I can't get any themes!

3491d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly! Also pre-ordering a game you haven't seen any gameplay of is bloody retarded!

3637d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have two things to say about this: 1. If you sign a legally bound NDA you should bloody well stick to it or don't sign it! In the company I work for, we have similar clauses as the data I come across can be pretty sensitive. If I break the rule, My arse is going to jail, simple.
2. The one thing that really annoys me is when gamers, who have clicked on all the leaked screenshots, leaked videos and leaked articles....then watch E3 and say some crap like: "They didn't sho...

3652d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm honestly gutted. Jack seemed like a really genuine guy. One of the VERY few CEO's who didn't come of as a douche. I always enjoyed listening to him and he was a great public face for Sony. He'd make even bad news not seem so bad and that apology he gave for that past PSN network failure seemed actually heartfelt. He will be missed.

Just saw some interviews on youtube with his replacement...oh no...the guy has no bloody charisma and just sounds like what y...

3728d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Damn...the legacy of Kain series had some of the best writing in a video game series! What are the thinking?

...and no offence, but TLOU had a good story, but is that the only thing Neil has ever written? Surely Amy has a greater body of quality work? Leaving the writing credentials to a writer with one success under his belt is a little worrying...

3729d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed! I haven't stopped playing this game since launch!

3781d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

It may look years ahead...but it still isn't out. The other thing to remember is graphics are nice....but I want to see it's UI, A.I. and, most importantly, how much content it has and how it plays.

Then we can make comparisons. Only thing I care about is that I'm able to play GT6 (and even Forza 5) right now. Same can't be said for project cars.

3816d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment