CRank: 5Score: 220

this game looks stunning visually, lets hope it doesnt play like the first one!

cant wait for it!

6108d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i just dont get this game at all, parts of it look really ace (screen shot 2), i mean the lighting effects have always been done great on the xbox, just look at gears of war for example. and then you see screen shots like number 7, which looks below par in my eyes. Perhaps the bright colours dont help, who knows!

oh and milkman, most us "sony fans" who apparently "blow" have killzone 2 to look forward to but thanks for your concern.

6109d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i honestly have no idea why you fanboys have such a grievance with each others platforms, i mean for crying out loud they're consoles not neo nazi cults!

i mean xbots, we're not even a year down the line from the ps3 being released and if you can remember back, what games were out for your machine when it came out? nothing! i remember when your console was released and it had to be the worst line up of titles ive seen since... well the ps2!

i mean, surely you lot...

6109d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment