CRank: 5Score: 126320

Playing it now with no nostalgia impacting my thoughts, and I can gladly say this reviewer is full of shit.

I am still on the first game and despite some levels being frustrating and challenging it is by no means due to unfair or bad design. It is from what I hear by far the worst entry and I am already saying a 6/10 is nonsense. Shame on you Gamespot, next time give the game to someone who can handle a challenge.

2534d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So disappointing, I decided to pick this up despite the overwhelming amount of negative response.

Do yourself a favor and don't buy this, I get you might love Chronicles, but just wait until it is in the $5-10 range.

2534d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only if it is $200+, I don't want to rip you off it has over 2000 games after all.

2534d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well it is quite small, if they could not put one in the OG One (literally was overkill and had plenty of room. They certainly were not going to do it with something even smaller than the S.

IMO it should of came with a 2.5 swappable simply due to HDD failures being the most common and fixable HW issue. A year warranty on a console with an irreplaceable HDD should be illegal lol.

2534d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course, it is Nintendos property, games like KI, Banjo, Conker, Golden Eye (not rares, but still very unlikely), Perfect Dark, Jet force gemini are all Rares (MS).

2536d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony really knocks it out of the park with their sales.

2536d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now if N64 does not have Pokemon Stadium 1 or 2, and instead has Snap I will rage. Also Mario Party is a must.

2536d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only thing that would suck is no Rare.

2536d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

If it was just a GB and had 30 games on it, with a decent lcd panel and very good battery life at $60 that would be awesome.

I don't see Nintendo making a GB mini console, not that I am against it I just don't see them doing such a thing.

2536d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

5ft is barely any better than 3ft, not really anymore viable.

2536d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

They certainly won't forget one of the biggest and most relevant marvel superheroes, Wolverine. You don't make a marvel mash up and exclude a character like that, and when that happens you clearly failed at what you set out to do.

Even when you don't factor in Wolverine, there is no denying the importance and popularity of the Xmen as a whole.

2537d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well the DLCs add trophies, so I am waiting for the season pass to finish up and see if it is worth it (sadly so far it looks like it may not be).

2537d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That $500 premium with a whole 1TB of storage...

Considering it is to be the best of the best, you think they could of at least bundled with a 2tb drive.

2537d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment


As I said you cannot read I was guessing before I found the link, I found the link after and shared the actual article that supplied the details.

I supplied information by guessing at what I remember from the article a while back, excuse me for not remembering such meaningless data from June 9. I did not try to say I was right and I was spot on accurate, so quit implying that I was trying to inaccurately portray the figures. I was curious to fin...

2538d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will defend the decision. Sony has the potential to lose a lot by giving into MS demands on how crossplay is to work. If the world was unicorns and rainbows where crossplay could magically work with everyone winning I could see the need to attack Sony, but this is the real world and giving MS the right to dictate such a huge feature could hurt Sony as a business.

The video game console market is a competition and it is easy for the failing Xbox brand to pretend it isnt b...

2538d ago 28 agree13 disagreeView comment


Can you read?

My reply said if I remember correcty (so guessing), and then says EDIT added a link for the article so those who wanted the accurate numbers could see them.

I did not say I know for an absolute fact and my memory was spot.

I was being kind enough to dig up the link and share it for those interested in the numbers so fuck off.

2538d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sure it is easy to say that but sad truth is this will sell well and so will the DLC, hell I bet even the microtranscations will.

People have proven time and time again they will pay out the ass for CoD, this will prove no different.

2538d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There was an article on it recently. IIRC Wii was 65M and PS4 was 60M,
Edit found it

2538d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Check your best buys ASAP, many of them got 10-20 instock today.

2538d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hope we don't get KZSF, it is awful and was not worth the $6 I spent on it. Come at me... lol

2538d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment