CRank: 4Score: 20310

WTF is wrong with you?

5373d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

ICO and SOTC is a must and I can see that releasing a couple month's before guardian or maybe they will announce at TGS!

5376d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you screwed yourself when you didn't get the PS3 that had bc . Besides Sony is still a business that still wants to make money. IF the ps2 is still selling well than there is no need for sony to start packing in BC.Until PS3 sells pick up(which they already are) the PS2 and PSP are the bread winners for sony gaming division. Once Sony stops making ps2s thats when will see ps3s with bc again

5376d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

like i understand understand if assassin creed did a full 180 but if it did a full 360 wouldn't mean its back where its started? thats a complete circle. Reminds me of what Jason kidd said a while back...

5383d ago 39 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im glad hes not going to censor himself. I have enough of the "MAN" cracking down on people who are creative and original just because its not politically correct. If parents can't monitor what their ass monkeys get their hands on,maybe they shouldn't be allowed to have ass monkeys!!! lol ass monkeys, oh gosh that is just too funny

5383d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its is true! blu ray,web browser,movie download,video games,etc I am so glad its not another retarded Exploding hell spawn baby. Also pretty cool they throw the 299.99 in your face like xbox does with its adverts 54.2% of the time

5384d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

"if this was a 360 game"blah blah blah

Ifs and wishes came true I would WISH Angelina joile would break up with brad pitt and IF she did I WISH she would come have sex with me forever.

On topic:misleading title

5384d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Chloe has a really nice ass, I may even go as far to say its the best rendered ass in video game history.It even beats out lara Croft and solid snake XD

5384d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

this game is going to be the awesomez

5384d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Way to hate gamers Epic Assholes. If this Is true then EA will join my pirate game list which right now only includes Activision (sometimes capcom and namco).So help me God I will Torrent the Sh1t out of Brutal legend if this is legit

5384d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

some of my friends didn't even know that MW2 was even coming for the PS3 or that madden came out on PS3.Yes they are retards but most casual games who don't go to video games sites like us cool kids are :/ Maybe now the 360 logo won't take up 54% of the screen...

5386d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"4. Memory card utility - Sony is not interested in producing many of them due to high cost of PS1/PS2 memory card slot. Apparently it's a low profit hassle that also (for the reasons listed in reason number 2) slows down the sales of third party PS2 games."

that makes alot of sense and didn't even cross my mind.

5389d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

always has been always will be. Only think in the now and never look at the future. Its not about the looks stupid ass Cnet, its about the value. I agree with Pirate, I want to see another few CNET PS3 slim articles

"Ps3 slim,isn't really that slim at all"

"PS3 slim is out,whos give a Sh!t about PS3 fatass??"

"PS3 slim doesn't have halo,not enough pusshin for the cushion for master cheif?"

"Sony needs to re...

5390d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

That would be crazy, PS3 fans and fanboys will go nuts if the PS3 out sell the 360 in less than a year.You know how much the gaming media/industry will change if it did. Its not likely though looking at it from a realistic stand point but I think by that time the gap will only be like 3-4 million.If it does happen, lets not call it a come back :D

Edit:hmm disagrees, thats what I get for saying the PS3 won't sell 500 million consoles in 13 hours and a really lame joke that only p...

5390d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

people who still want games like halo,alan wake and splinter cell.Your getting way more bang for your buck when you get a PS3 but saying that the 360 isn't worth getting at all is wrong. I have all three systems I prefer the PS3 over the 360 and wii. In matter fact im typing this on my ps3 but it doesn't mean the 360 doesn't have its perks.

5391d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i hate it when when a gaming site or show,shows a really bad gamer showcasing a good game...

5391d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

but come on now. Everyone loses in the end, how can a high production RPG like FF13 that has a demo of 5.9gb. Fit on only 3 or even four dvds which are only 9gb?

1.Either SE are compression geniuses

2.The graphics,sound,story etc has been gimped.

3.Or SE saw this coming from the very beginning and never went all out making FF13 to begin with

*crosses fingers for #1*

5391d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

he needs more legs like the horse he road to town on in FFVII. I think its name was Sleipnir? it would make alot of since if he transformed into that

5391d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and I don't plan on signing up for twitter,then following some no name site,then begging for a beta key for a beta thats open for only a few days. I'll just wait for the open one next week thankyou very much

5391d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had a really bad feeling about this. Everything was going so right, If Sony marketing F_cks this up , I swear I will let loose the mutha fckin hounds. Cuz that is B_ull_shit,that made no Fckin sense what so fckin ever. I understand its teaser but dammnit just show the games! Yes I am not a happy camper,it is not fair to damn system. Does BK advertise floating turtles and tibbethen hookers playing yahtzii poorly? hell naw BK show big as_s juicy burgers.

Sonys marketing team need...

5391d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment