Because I AM HERE
CRank: 5Score: 12550

Heavily disagree with this. While gaming is great right now for the most part and technology has never been better, I do not think as a whole gaming has surpassed the 90's/early 00's in many ways. Story, content, originality and variety in my opinion are all lower then they were. Games cost so much to make now that few devs take the risk on experimental gameplay. practically everything is a play it safe version of popular control mechanics and tropes, mixed in with some trash politics...

875d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

they made her look how a 6 week old hoagie left out in the summer would smell.

879d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

weak unwanted broken men who no woman would want thats who. They simp and cry and shout "slay queen" but they're alone. They will remain alone while they continue to pay for feet pics, bath water and farts in a jar, all while their cat takes a dump on the comic character statue it just knocked over.

879d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Not going to lie this looks awful. This is why a 1 to 1 remake of older titles does not always work. You need proper art direction that captures the original feel but is completely new, like the RE 1 and 2 remakes

879d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I do lament the shift away from larger independent studios producing games based on their creative direction rather then on giant corporate focus groups from platform holders. Still I'd rather see Sony and Microsoft making acquisitions for their respective platforms then watching the PRC in China try to buy up the studios and talent, that is a very real danger to gaming, and its future.

879d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

NFT's are the modern version of gold horse armor DLC. trash for the feeble minded

883d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

you know that Sony is not only a gaming company right.......Id say MS are just as invested in the game industry as Sony.

883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the GPU and CPU in the Series S are current (next) gen. Even though they are nowhere near as powerful as the ones in the Series X/PS5 the design architecture is still next gen. Thats like saying a RTX 3070 is not a current gen graphics card just because the 3090 is vastly more powerful. The PS4 Pro/XB1X are mid gen consoles and they can not run UE5 or support hardware based raytracing or really any of the RDNA2 architecture, the Series S can, just at a lower performance.

883d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Amazon is not a good measurement for stock availability/demand imo given how high volume they are, things tend to sell out faster on there. Though Amazon had the OLED's in stock for about two weeks before and a week after Christmas, readily available no site crashing/click madness required lol. I can say that both my local Target and Best Buy have OLED models in both colors just sitting there as of two days ago, about 6 of each. Prior to that, they would not even have them in the case. Th...

883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think the classic camera would do the amazing models and world design as much justice as the modern camera does. The photo mode alone for this game shows that, but its really cool to see this.

883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats druckman's fault. Hes a no talent hack with a hard left political agenda, until hes gone it wont change. Uncharted was a fantastic franchise, warm, light hearted and well designed. Uncharted 4 was a fantastic game overall but the changes and lack of its usual charm came from druckman ruining it, and pushing Amy Hennig out of the studio.

883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really don't care about review scores. Thinking that most of these game journalists are not bought and paid for is ridiculous, because they are, just look at Geoff, Dorito Pope Keighley. Game journalism has become nothing more then another medium to push flavor of the day politics under the guise games. Just look at the absolute FILTH articles that Kotaku and Polygon write. Near CONSTANT whining about muh racist this and muh representation that, its disgusting and in the long run will r...

883d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes and all the tragic crap that has caused. I love the USA but California is straight up garbage, only thing worse then Cali is China

883d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

For Microsoft the Xbox doing better in Japan, even slightly, is a good thing, which so far it is. The numbers are not great but the PS5 numbers in Japan are not great either. The Switch is shidding all over both of them, now you could say that PS5 has stock issues there too but in reality even with stock more readily available the Switch would still be outselling it by a huge percentage. Sony did not design the PS5 with Japan in mind, if watercooler talk is true, a lot of Sony's decisions...

883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Given that the PSVR 2 is likely to cost $399 I don't think its going to be a big seller at all. I'm not saying it will fail as it will likely do solid numbers but if the price is that high I just don't see more then 15% of the current PS5 install base buying it.

883d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

for the Series S supply has met demand. much like the Switch OLED, both are in stock and were readily available just before Christmas in the US. The Series S is not a bad console for what it is, but the lower specs and lack of a disc drive were always going to make it a lower seller. Microsoft really wanted a low cost option in the market and I can kind of get why but I still think they should have put a disc drive in it. The console has a low cost but unless you subscribe to GamePass with it...

883d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good numbers all around really. Especially given the shipping and chip problems. Sadly you have to wonder out of that 17 mill for PS5 and 11 Mill for XS how many tens of thousands were bought by scalpers. I'd like to hope that 90% of the sell through was to real consumers trying to get one. Also where is MS still selling the XB1? I thought they ended production globally for that console?

883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm thinking $399.99 USD for this, not that I'd buy it as VR has no appeal to me.

885d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Capcom does not understand what fans want from RE. I think too many of the internal staff have left/retired since that golden age of Capcom's 90's classics. How the handled RE3R showed that, they intentionally rushed it with a third party team and cut content expecting a quick cash grab and lower sales, now they just laugh at the game hitting the 4 mil mark since it outsold their expectations while they intentionally undercut it. VIllage was a good game but not what the series needs t...

886d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And with good reason, the netflix abortion that was Cowpie Bebop deserved to not just be canceled but pulled from the service. That show belongs being vaporware

886d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment