CRank: 5Score: 31540

I bought both games and was playing Bulletstorm all of last night. It was fun and a good ole shooter but in bits or should I say segments, I felt like I was constantly being interrupted for some reason or another. I hope it lets you get on more as the game moves on.

It did feel like a Gears of Storm though. All the grrr and argh and mashing things up. Not really a complaint but it made me want to play Gears of War.

I'll get onto Killzone 3 tonight, al...

4848d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Nintendo continued the pocket gamer sized, after their early stint in 'Game and Watch' years ago. They got it right with the DS. The XL was a better version but still, the games are mainstream and appeal to the masses with lovely bright colours and simple things to keep the attention happy.

Sony took the Gamegear route of a proper handheld. That was a nice sized portable Sega system. Shame the battery was very short lived and the screen? Blow on them and the...

4859d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Talking about 360 and Kinect, why didnt Dead Space Extraction come with their DS2?


4869d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Absolute quality! The car blowing up after being shot in the face..the slow mo shoot me easily quote, the ranks ups.

Bulletstorm is looking lots of fun so far, I really do hope this game kicks some major ass. I posted in another thread about this looking like the bastardo child of Painkiller, UT and Serious Sam. Please, no wank ups, special shooter persons...just kill, die, kill, die, blow things up, laugh and have a buzz.

4871d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For those with a taste for Painkiller, Serious Sam and Unreal type gameplay, this looks like it'll hit the spot.

4877d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Go on then, I bet this moaning sod sent him an email and said to him 'you're review sucks, owned lol' (the you're is a joke for those that will say it is your not you're)

Plus what do you mean sucks? Sucks what?

This article is pretty much a 'I don't like IGN' article. There are some points but I took them as excitement. The 'it's so good, it is good' just tells me the guy really enjoyed it and the average age ...

4880d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Plus the PSP would have engraved numbers and block buttons or rounded. The diagonal controls wouldnt be viable.
Whats with the wurlitzer screen too?

Good attempt but putting wood around a gameboy doesnt make it 80's. You wouldnt even get the wood due to costs.

Nic attempts though and yes they would look good released as modded retro covers.

4881d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have Move and I've also had a good play on Kinect over the xmas period at my brothers house.
Move was worth punting some cash at because the risk was lower but there have only been a few games worth getting for it.
Although I remember the vitriol towards the PS3 for having no games in the first months too and look where it is now.

Kinect has potential but it hasnt made me go running out to buy it. Maybe if it was cheaper by about 2/3's I'd go...

4896d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I loved the Pac Man DX game, in fact I've got 100% in it. Very addictive game.
I've played Darkness but got bored, it just wasnt my kind of thing.
Peggle is brilliant but I have it on my ipod and my PC so I don't need it again.
Riddick was a good game, for those that enjoyed it.

4896d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Guys we are talking up to 10 years ago. When a top end card was £500 or a proper cpu was £400.
It didnt take many parts to top 1 grand in the UK over 10 years ago.

4897d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

PSM3 mag say that they have played it and those that are worrying about it being poor due to not being Tricky, neednt worry. Although they then say you get to battle the elements and such...

I don't want to, I want to play a new Tricky game where it was all funky and about tricks. If I wanted real simulation snowboarding I'd either do it or that Shaun whatever his names game.

I get the feeling they'll do a Tricky HD or should I say I bloomin well ...

4898d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I used to be a PC gamer and must have spent up to about £1000 a year on constant hardware upgrades. Yes the games were slightly cheaper but the overall cost was massive, especially if you wanted the next graphical monster of a game to run on your system properly.

It was the continual cost that made me go back to consoles. I do miss PC shooters, they are the best format for FPS's without question. The mouse rules.
PC gaming is always going to be more advanc...

4899d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

What was it that pretty much killed the PSP? Oh thats right...piracy.

No money coming in means no games being developed or should I say why would they even bother making games?

4902d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are some people that play COD. The thing is that is all they play.
I'm amazed they havent got going with a subscription fee yet to maximise sales or even to foot the bill for servers for the year.

COD became the ipod of games. Some play for status others normally just because the game is fun and a good fragfest until we get another Quake 3 Arena or Unreal Tournament.
Now those were the fun days just before RTCW. Ahhhh...

4904d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree, Sony should try scattering the game releases a bit better. I shouldnt complain about having a lot of games to pick from but all at once??

Each console provider sets out their stall for certain times of the year. This is great for bumper sales but they could probably maximise them better by evenly releasing quality games.
If I have 2 or 3 games set at about 20-30hrs play each, am I going to buy anymore?
In the last few years there are games that h...

4904d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree Gears 3 will look good but it will most probably also be short.

4907d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

If I look at what I want in the new year, I'll need to win the lottery.

Mass Effect 2, LBP 2, Dead Space 2, Ghost Recon, Socom 4, Test Drive U2, Last guardian, Killzone 3, Brink, Max Payne 3, Resistance 3, Mortal Kombat, Infamous 2, LA Noire, Crysis 2, Motorstorm Apocolypse, Driver, Deus X 3....

...crikey I'm going to be broke.

4909d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When I realised the online part of Black Ops was poor, I didnt bother anymore. I moved on.
They've had your money and they're probably looking at the next COD with it. I don't think giving it back to you a month later is in the small print.

Go out and enjoy the other games out there. There are many of them and more on the way. January is jammed with quality releases and I've a few games to play before they arrive.

4911d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bayonetta was an art form. It required skill to play it properly.

4918d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Dantes Inferno was ok but I became very bored of it 2/3's in. Now Castlevania was Inferno but far far better.

4918d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment