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Question is...WHY buy TEN!! of the "new" Bundle-packs and open them straight away just to "happen" to find out this? I am sorry but I have a hard time finding truth in this "story" ..It seems every godamn time Microsoft presents some killer-games/new line-up (in this case Microsofts Gamersday with Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Banjo etc etc)it appears sooo much trashtalk/FUD against Microsoft just to swing exicted potential gamers/buyers away from the Xbox360...BUT if...

5863d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

The problem is/was that PS3 60gb is not anymore in Euro and Sony couldn´t fix his machine (don´t ask me why =P) So they would send him as I said a new 40gb instead! But last I heard Sony said that he would recieve 2 free games and a new controller as compensation but still, he wants to play Ps2 games too on his PS3...I feel sorry for him and I think I´m gonna trade my 60gb to his 40gb PS3 just because I am I nice person :D

5865d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

A friend of mine had his PS3 broken 2 weeks after the Euro-release (overheating) And he sent his PS3 to Sony Repair centre or whatever, and it tooked 3 month before he got a new one! A other friend sent in his 60gb PS3 over 4 month ago and after many angry phonecalls to their support they said they couldn´t fix his 60gb so they would send him a brand new 40gb,problm is my friend has a lot of PS2 games he wants to play and Sony f***ed up badly IMO....At M$ it takes between 1-5 weeks to ha...

5865d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

I am not sure if Gears of War 2 will arrive on PC? Didn´t it sell really bad on PC(Gears 1)so I don´t know if Epic wanna bother spending money on a PC version, but I could be wrong of course =)

5868d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, correct..But it will (sadly) always be like this! I am glad I have grown up from that sh1t acting like children arguing about what game/games console is the best! Just play the games and enjoy! I am glad I own both Xbox360 and PS3, that way I don´t miss all the exclusive games on the consoles :D

5868d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This Gears of War 2 video is the most impressive I seen this year! Ultrasmooth gameplay, it looks a bit faster than the original, so many things going on, Brumaks,incredible lightning, great effects! And one can tell it´s a bloody good-looking game too, cuz there is so many jealous Ultra Hardcore pissed-off Sony-fans here giving everyone "disagree" who likes what we have seen here ;D....The game is half a year away so it can only be better and better from here now! Roll on E3, ...

5868d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

But it looks like a dream in motion! The San Fransisco stage has some of the best visuals I have ever seen in a game! Great lighting,camera-effects etc in this one =)

5870d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Ahh, I enjoyed playing it on my Xbox360 this morning! I will download it for my PS3 as well! I thought it was really good and the graphics was VERY solid in the 360 one...!

5870d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

I downloaded it and I am very impressed with it! Gorgeous graphics and the gameplay was spot on!! Miles better than DiRT! Codemasters have done a real good job optimizing their engine! Kudos!

5871d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It looks "good" but not that "OMZFG" as most of the Sony-Fanboys want to belive! As I stated before, CoD4 with ultrasmooth 60fps has "destroyed" my hype for Killzone2! My PS3 wants LPB a hundred times more than this !

But I must say that the explosions looks really great!

5871d ago 3 agree21 disagreeView comment

Yes, but at least Call of Duty 4 runs at a silkysmooth 60fps plus looks really great, Killzone2 at 30fps...

Have you tried the "Crew Expendible" mission lately? Pure eyecandy!

5871d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Am I right that its all ingame graphics? Omg its looking great!!
cheezy voice-acting by Volf though...

5871d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Please don´t let it happen! Save the money instead and bring us Xbox Vista (thats what I call the next xbox,hehe)with kick-ass Dx10 power or something! Let DS and PSP be, theres no room for a third in the handheld market imo!!

5871d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"too bad xbox will never have a game this amazing"

I don´t think they do any more games for Xbox so I think we will never find out...

5872d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Looks good, but then again, its "only" 30fps so of course its looks better than average...Too bad they couldn´t do 60fps..=/

5872d ago 0 agree14 disagreeView comment

Mmm.. I really like the graphics in this one! They look somehow cozy,hehe just look at that little house by the forest :D
Definitely a must buy! Xbox360 got some really impressive sequels this year!! (Fable 2, Ninja Gaiden 2 and Gears of War 2) Good time to be a Xbox360 owner!

5884d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

All this Gears of War 2 hype have made me play Gears 1 again today and damn!! Gears of War still looks really great, and I know Gears of War 2 will be better (hopefully ^^) in every department!! Roll on May 9!!

5886d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You can connect an external HDD and play music, watch photos videos etc but you can´t save game, download things from Marketplace and save it on the external HDD etc, It sucks I know, for that you will have to fork out for an Microsoft HDD ( you should be able to find a used 20gb HDD pretty cheap I think)

5889d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think we have to wait to REALLY see whats Gears2 goes for in terms of graphics! I mean those who have seen Gears2 ingame says it´s absolutely breathtaking! I think we all will have the same reaction when we see the first ingamevideos of this title as we had with Gears of War 1 at the X06 (Thats was when they had optimized Gears1 to really smooth graphics)
....In other words, be prepared to wipe our chins from the floors ;D

5892d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hmm..I don´t know.. I LOOOVE The Gran Turismo series but after playing Forza2 I can´t help feeling that GT5 is a bit of a letdown for me...I bought the Japanese version a while ago and sure it´s a great driving-game but somethings missing imo...I don´t know what...Forza2 has the edge in gameplay I think..But I looove the replays in GT5..looks stunning as always!

5893d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment